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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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Thanks for the information. Regarding the compression: there is a TIFF compressed format, which I was thinking of using as Photoshop can deal with it and probably most recent software. Let me know if that works for you.

I originally wanted to submit an image which ended up in my 2008 calendar that some of you received, so I am thinking of selecting another image instead. In my quest, I found an image that I like but I am not totally sure it fits the theme. Should I send you or the group a small version to let you decide? I am not sure what the exact theme is anyway, other than "Home Sweet Home"...



Hello Manu,

This thing started after Jürgen showed us his "new" home.
He had to move because he had spend too much on his digital adventure.

This picture inspired other readers to send pictures from other derelict buildings to be found all over the world.
So the theme is funny looking neglected buildings that may have been a house and a home long time before.

I am sure Jürgen does not mind I helped a bit to explain what is the idea behind "home sweet home".

Hey Paul,

Yep, I've been following the discussion since day 1 and I sent a picture myself, but I wasn't sure what the exact theme was. "funny looking neglected buildings that may have been a house and a home long time before" sounds good, and rules out the image I wanted to send, so I'll think about it some more or go out to shoot!


There is some time left although I expect that Jürgen will not work on the project after Christmas Eve.
Marc also recommended to give a final date for participants to submit their images.
I have the idea Germans are so overorganised they forget that photographers tend to be a little late.
That habit can be found all over the world.
I know Jürgen is a hard worker and expects everybody to be the same.

Any how I am glad you jumped on the wagon and I am sure you will find some nice places in Beverly Hills or Carmel that will suit the purpose well.

Here is an image of my new studios . It is the "jotloob studios" .

The image shows the type of image , which is wanted for the calendar .

Best regards Jürgen


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Hello Jürgen,

I am a bit dissapointed this place looks much too tidy.
That little house on the large pole is that a new digital look out post?

To me with a little extra effort this place could well be a nice pied a terre for me in the south of Germany.
It saves me from an extra hotel night on my trips to France.
Next weekend I will be at a camera fair near Avignon.
I hope to find some dark slides and a shade for the 40 mm C lens.

If ever you decide to put this property on the market let me know.
Nice quiet surroundings, not too much trouble from neighbours, it is exactly what I like.

Thanks Jürgen for posting your example.

Paul: Beverly Hills is a bit far from San Francisco, but Carmel is a good idea.

Ok, I'll have to ask for your advice. Here are 4 images. The first one would work well, but I put it in this year's calendar, so it would be nice to have something else instead. The last one (I call it 'landing') is my favorite, but it might not be exactly what you're looking for. Please let me know what you think.

The other two are some possibilities, but I should also dig back in my slides and B&W that I haven't scanned yet, or go out shooting. I'm in Houston this week, I should be able to find some ideas here.




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I like these images very much because of the contrast in lighting.
The house with the flying saucer is quite attractive but maybe a
bit too tidy for the calendar project.
I am sure Jürgen will be very pleased with these images.
Do not be shy and post some more if you find suitable objects.

Cheers ,

Hi All,

Excellent both Manu & Jurgen, now I feel a bit silly with what I've been preparing for weeks!

I have to agree with Paul that some of these images look too tidy, so here's one of sleping beauty's cottage, I'd have gone in to see if a kiss would wake her but there seems to be a mantrap outside the door.

Whilst there is no Birdhouse, believe me there are plenty of nests in the nooks in the walls!

Regards to all,



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Although your image (top left) has been in your 2008 calendar , I still would like to have it for December . I think it is absolutely brilliant for that month .
So , if you don't mind , send me the data .


I like your posted image very much , although I would prefer images which show a bit more HSH (Home Sweet Home) , a bit more of a dilapidated house . But on the other side , I find the atmosphere of the image very mysterious and could also imagine this image for April .
If you don‘t mind , send me the image data . I do testprints with all images anyway , and can then easily see , how it turns out .

For all who want to paricipate , I would like to point out , that it would be of great help , to know the number (and names) of the participants very soon .

The upload of a new pdf failed . I will try again later .

For all participants : please read (and print) the following 2 PDFs .

If you have any questions , don't hesitate and contact me via PM or my E-Mail address (given in the PDF)

Good luck for your shooting .



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Hi Jurgen,

I was taking up Pauls point on the orderly nature of some of the other shots and have what I hope are better shots in developement at the moment.

I can't scan my 120 negs (yet) so these are scanned by our local developement shop which can mean some surprises in saturation.
That usually gives me files of 2900*2900 pixels, which weigh in at about 3 or 4MB.

These shots were taken in south Brittany, where brambles grow like wildfire.
They were taken handheld (and in a rush) with a 500C and a 50mm f4 Distagon, in very high wind, on a day when I couldn't wait for better light.
The wind was so strong that I had to lock the camera between my knees.

Unfortunately it had to be the day when the light seal on my 16 shot magazine developed a leak so those shots are spoiled.

They were taken at f8 1/125"

The houses are in the middle of a village near the Nantes - Brest Canal.




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Anybody interested in a nice second home that needs some attention please send me a pm.
So far there are offers in France, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, California, Mexico and Australia
All details of property shown here are available at the moderator so contact me as soon as possible.
I have absolutely no interest in these real estate opportunities other than that I charge a small percentage on behalf of the forum.

Everyone seems to have such nice weather to shoot in. Where I'm at, no such luck.

Here's the neighbors house that I envy. It's so much more spacious than my "home sweet home" ... and has a better paint job than mine.


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That looks great . Thanks for posting .


You should not hide your light under a bushel . You have posted two very good images of the HSH type . Your last posted "castle" (my home is my castle) is very nice and for a calender , I could think of 4 images for "winter pages".

I can see some life coming into this project . I am very pleased .

Regards Jürgen
Hi again, Just a tongue in cheek HSH, this guy has found a great place to hide, perhaps he knows that he might get served up with garlic butter here!
Regards, Gérard


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Marc has sent the image data from the image of his posting #95 .
The file transfer worked fine and the specs . are as wanted and described in the pdf .

Marc , thank you very much . I will do a testprint later this day .
Can you please supply the shooting data for the image like :
camera , lens , what film or digiback ? ? ? That would be fine . Thank you .

The same applies for Wilko Bulte .
Wilko , I have your image , but not the shooting data .

Regards Jürgen .
All the info is in the exif data Jurgen.

Hand held Hasselblad H3D II-39 @ 180th shutter, HC-35/3.5 @ f/7.1, Processed in Flexcolor version 4.8.4, then converted to Tiff and worked on in PSCS3. This image is cropped to a square to fit the assignment specifications.
Yes , Marc , I have found the data . Never used the exif data before .
Thanks for the hint .
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