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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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@ Gary

I will post a PDF as soon as the E-MAIL notification works again .
There you will find further details .
As a short information here : I will modify my calendar layout , so that all images in a final size of 24x24cm or 18x24cm can be presented .
That means , the base format is 6x6 or 4,5x6 for film and 37x37 or 36x48 mm for digital capture .
Slight differences can be corrected .
I hope this helps .


How do you like this one ? ? ?


Regards Jürgen

First of all , have a happy new year . I am glad to hear from you .
What a great image . I love it . It also shows , that B/W is a wonderful medium .
I am very excited with the project and do hope , it will work .
More details soon .

Thanks and regards Jürgen
Hi Eduardo,
Just out of interest, how did you scan that? did you use a filter to lighten the leaves?
Happy new year Jurgen and everybody


The film is Konica 750. A near-infrared film that was wonderful, sadly out of production I believe. It was called 750 because 750 nanometers was its sensitivity peak, where the infrared spectrum begins.
The best thing about this film was that you could load it in plain daylight.
I used to develope it in Agfa's Rodinal. Miss it more than any other film.
Scanned in an Epson 4870

hello everybody...a contribution from a very silent member of this community. if the image fits the calendar requirements, i would be happy to be part of this project. if not, will enjoy the other very good pictures around here.


You are most welcome here and thank you for posting.
If this project encourages you and others to post here that is an extra bonus for all of us.


Can you please send me the mailing address , for those , who would need your generous scan service .

I will then insert it into a new created PDF

thanks and regards Jürgen
OKAY Jurgen, here you go:

If sent by carrier like DSL, FedEx or UPS where someone has to sign for it:

Marc Williams
C/O Stone & Simons Advertising
24245 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield MI 48075
Phone 1 (248) 358-4800

If by snail mail:

Marc Williams
25350 Dennison
Franklin, MI 48025

For those that wish their films returned (duh), include a proper self-addressed envelope with proper US snail mail postage attached, or an addressed FedEx label with pre-paid number on a FedEx document envelope.

I will also need a real name, and current working e-mail address included to send the scan file via a FTP site. email is used to alert you the file can be downloaded by clicking on the provided link. I will scan on an Imacon 949 at full resolution, 16 bit RGB color space. This will be FTPed to you and you can do what you want prior to forwarding onto Jurgen.

I believe it should be limited to the assigned subject matter: the ironic depiction of "Home-Sweet-Home". I also believe it can be any Hasselblad camera ... keeping in mind Jurgen's square format layout. Correct me if I am wrong on this.

B&W, color, negs, transparency films all welcome. X-Pan, 645, 6X6 ... am able to scan all.
If in a strip, limit it to three 6X6,

Excessively filthy or heavily damaged films will be laughed at, and a heafty retouching bill will be e-mailed to the sender ... LOL.

Not responsible for any shipping mishaps.

I do not want to reject HASSELBLAD X-PAN IMAGES , but you must admit , it makes it rather difficult for the lay out .
Dont forget , my maximum size is DIN A3 .
Already noted in my post Jurgen ...

" ... keeping in mind Jurgen's square format layout."

I can easily scan a square crop of an XPan shot ... or someone may get creative and do 3 or 4 shots and montage them together into a square : -)

I noticed you like IR film too. Which made me dig in my archives.

The one below is made on Maco 820c using a 29B filter.


Only loosely connected to the current subject, sorry..

Home sweet home could of course be this windmill & watermill for any native of the Netherlands.

Also shot on Maco820c (the scan is not nice, dust and all that, did not feel like digging up the negative and rescan)



Having just read your scan-spec PDF, dare I suggest the following change:

I would like it better if the technical details of each image were relocated to the very last page of the calendar. I guess that will probably be some higher-weight carton?

Something like:
- January: shot on Kodak blabla, using a 500C/M with CB160, by <photographer>
- February: ...

And maybe (?? I am really not sure) add where it was shot?

Why do I like this better?: it is about the pictures, not the means used. Having the tech details available for the curious (I am curious, don't misunderstand) while putting them in a place where they are not distracting would overall result in a 'cleaner' calendar to me.

Small nitpick in line with the above: I would use a really small font for the (c) <photographer-name> and put it vertically to the right of the picture instead of under the picture.


Your words are welcome , and I am open for good ideas .
I will point out the datails on the last page anyway . So there is no trouble having them not below the image . Thanks for the hint .
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