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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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I have been playing around a bit with one of your images . It is turned anticlockwise by 0,6 degrees . And I have done a bit of modulation changes .
I hope you like it . Jürgen .


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Hello Jürgen,

I like what you have done.
The window from this house looks about 100 years older.
It suits the subject better: old derelict buildings and houses.

Cristif may not have been informed as well as others that the plan is to
make a calendar with images from these buildings.
The old and neglected part is essential.
He has only recently joined the forum that is why.

I know Simon was offered the position of staff photographer after he made a few shots of large estates in Australia.
Thew owner of the agency who was looking for buyers had one of his images printed so big it filled the windows of his agency.
I am afraid with your kind of postproduction there is no carreer in real estate photography for you Jürgen.
Of course you are quite happy with the things you do now.

As a moderator I am supposed to set a good example.
The thing is I suffer from multiple personality syndrom since I took it upon me to keep everybody happy here.
So this is pure off topic:

I have had good news from Colin (Agripix) he was flooded by all sorts of German messages which he considered spam.
Of course he deleted all that junk. So he threw away the fast training course to learn German that was developed by a German teacher.
Dirk paid a fortune for that. Never mind I am happy to hear from him. He is doing fine.
The thing that went wrong was the switch for him to the new forum.
It is all taken care of so with a bit of luck Colin will be posting his much appreciated messages again.

Here is an other (habitable) cosy home but the house has not been lived in since a couple of years . If the price is decent , I will buy it .
The image was taken with HASSELBLAD 501CM + CARL ZEISS CF DISTAGON 3,5/60 + CFV BACK set to ISO 100 .

O.K. Joking apart . I would very much like to know , who wants to participate in this project .

Regards Jürgen


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  • A-0211.HSH.02.jpg
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I am surprised you did not even try to see if I was home.
You should have noticed my doorbell, it is made up from a pair of darkslides.
Next time you are here look behind the house as well; I have to work hard to
keep the fireplace filled with logs. I can not always hear the doorbell.

It is not very cold but I still use a lot of wood to keep the place warm.
Next spring I will get a test to see how good the insulation is.

How many participants do you have for the calendar at the moment?
In other words how many are you short?

I am very sorry , Paul

I thought you were away and I wanted to post a "surprise" image , before you return .

In fact , the response to the project is very low , at the moment .
The participants at the moment are :
Myself , Wilko , Simon , Colin (has promised) Mark A. Williams (hopefully) .
Eduardo , Emmanuel and Andy are candidates , which I would like to have in the boat . Might be Cristif , but I have not heard from him any more .

But all other forum users are invited to participate as well .
Keith_Laban might also be able to show a HSH image .


Best regards Jürgen

Apologies accepted but next time please look behind the house.
If you find an old Tiger Moth and a modern Mercedes that is the one from the
seventies there I am home for sure.

Your project is not doing badly you have about 2/3 of the co workers you need.
I think any new members here can be good candidates to participate.
I would gladly help out but I do not have a back loaded with film at the moment.
Clumsy me, after all these years I still rely on a good Photoshop to load a film.

Keep me posted.

No worries Juergen, the pictures will come. Probably on Christmas Eve and no sooner, but come they will.

That's a wonderful image Jurgen! :)

I'm in. Marc should get my pack for scanning in a week or 2.

Hi Guys,

I also would like to submit for contribution, I've a project in hand and will submit it in the next ten days.

Since I'm very much an amateur, I will not be ofended by a rejection slip, but I will have tried!


Hi Austin,

You are most welcome to take part in this calendar project.
If you find any problem please contact Jürgen he will gladly assist you to upload a picture
and inform you about ways to send him images.


Hello everybody and sorry for my late answer (i was away from the computer and it was impossible to access the forum using the phone :) ).
As Jurgen said, i would gladly take part to the calendar project. I already uploaded some pictures, but, as Paul pointed out, they don't fit the topic 100%. The good news is that, during this last mountain trip, i found some nice old houses that would be perfect to cover the winter months :) - will upload some samples in a week, as soon as my films are processed.
So, please count me in.

All the best from Romania.
Gerard , Matt and Cristif

I am very pleased you want to participate .
Please read the two PDF's I have posted in post #32 in this thread .
I will post an other PDF with more info soon .

Regards Jürgen
Comon guys,

Do not be shy, everybody is welcome here.
You do not need to show your Magnum membershipscard here.

Contact Jürgen and he will explain everything should you like to
hear it from the master of the project himself.

There is also a lot of information in this thread.

We need some more participants.

Hi all, I'm in Hollywood for the next week or more shooting a TV commercial.

When I return I will look for the packs of film to scan.

Back home I have located a true wreck of a house that desperately needs to
be photographed ... it is on my next door neighbors' property, and they may think I am documenting their neglected structure to complain to the authorities ... maybe they will shoot me and bury my body in my own backyard.
Jurgen, I just noticed your nice thumbnail and the colours are superb - what was it taken from? :)

Marc, when you snoop about your neighbour's property, look for recently turned soil - you never know what you might stumble upon! :)

And thanks for the reminder to get the film to you!!
I looked at the specs for the images to send to Jurgen and have a few questions:
- what is SCAN Q-FACTOR?
- my image was scanned in 8bit. Can I send it like that, which makes it 33MB instead of 66MB? It won't help at this point to switch it to 16bit. I guess I could send the film to Marc for scanning, but I don't want to give him additional work...
- how about compressed TIFF? That would also help with the size.




I use the SILVERFAST AI software with my scanner , and I can find an option , which is called Q-Factor . Q-Factor is quality factor and when set to 1,5 , I receive exactly the same resolution , which is delivered by HASSELBLAD FLEXCOLOR , after converting the 3FR files (the 3FR format is HASSELBLADS RAW format) to a TIFF file .
As far as I understand 8-bit and 16-bit files , there is more color information in the image data with the 16-bit data . I might be wrong . Please correct me if I am wrong . If I transfer my 3FR to DNG , its just 8-bit . If transferred to a TIFF file , it stays 16-bit .

So Manu , don't worry about 8 or 16 bit .
If you use STUFFIT to compress either to SITX or ZIP format , the files come down to about half the size . Don't transfer by E-Mail . It will fail .
Using sendthisfile is fine . When the datafile is compressed it does not take that long for the upload . I have STUFFIT 12 , the newest version , so decompressing should not be a problem .

So compressed TIFF (with STUFFIT) is fine .

I am very much looking forward to receive your image(s)

Best regards Jürgen
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