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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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Hi Simon,

In a way I am disappointed.
I was under the impression I was the only lucky owner of a Jürgen masterpiece calendar. :( :(

Now I know ther is at least one other example for 2008 in existence. :uhoh:

It does not bother me. As long as the other one is about 20.000 km away from mine I still have the feeling this is a unique calendar.

Hi Jurgen:
Thanks for getting my attention.
Like I said before, I'll be honored to share this calendar with these other fine photographers. An international calendar with photogs working with the V camera deserves an offset glossy printing. However your offer, is as generous as it can be, plus the prints will be top class.

I was looking at the pdf's. Can I send you a grayscale 8bit file? It would be a lot lighter. I have already the file scanned and post-processed for ink-jet printing up to 24" square. Rezzed-up with GF.

One thing: The term "delapidated house" doesn't do it for my pic. Actually, there were people living in the home showing in my picture. It happens it's just a home for some very poor folks living in the tropics very near the beach. But I guess, it is of no importance.

Please let us know how we can help.

Ever since the project is taking off for the final run everybody is talking about pictures but not showing any.
I guess I will have to wait till this calender falls on my doormat to see what it is all about.


You shurely mean the first image shown below .

Yes go ahead and send the image . The specs I have given in the PDF are the minimum specs. If your size and resolution is higher , no trouble at all .
I am looking forward to receive the image and I am happy to have contact to you again.

There are other images , I like very much .
The second one is from Colin (agripix) and i have not given up hope , that Colin will participate .
The third image is from andy (frozen_time) . One of his first CFV images
and the fourth image , absolutely great , is from Marc Williams (fotografz) .

I am also thinking of Gerard from France and Christif from Romania .
Both have shown images , but the contact is lost . Hopefully , this will change .

Regards Jürgen


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An international calendar with photogs working with the V camera deserves an offset glossy printing.


Yes , I would like that too . I often use the TETENAL PREMIUM FINE ART GLOSSY PAPER . It is a 290g paper and it base is extremely white .

But it is also a question of money . The TETENAL paper is double in price , than the EPSON ARCHIVAL MATTE .

I will do some testprints , using both papers , before I do the final print work . I will then give feedback .


I can't see anything in the tunnel of love .
Please point me to what you mean .


Tunnel of love? Now you lost me. :uhoh:

The website has all sorts of photographs of abandoned buildings, I found some of them quite interesting. Admittedly, most people don't think of mental hospitals etc as homes :)

O.K. Wilko

I will try again . Thanks .


What about this one ? ? ?

Regards Jürgen


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Andy (frozen_time)

has sent an image , which I have received and stored .
Thank you very much Andy .

Slowly the images roll in . That is great news .


By now you must have enough houses to start working on the 2010 edition of the calendar!

Good to see the project is taking off.

Do not forget to contact the Swiss guy who offered his cooperation.
Maybe he can also supply a 6x6 neg/scan instead of the Xpan if that is a better format.

I like both of course. Which one do you like better? The one in infrared film in the coconut grove or the one with reg b&w film with the stairway on the side?

Have you thought about a low volume printing like AzukaBook?


O.K. Wilko

I will try again . Thanks .


What about this one ? ? ?

Regards Jürgen

If you don't mind , you can send me both images . I select all images , after I have made testprints . Additional , it gives me the freedom to create absolutely unique calendars .
Simon has sent eleven images and I have picked two of them .

BTW , I have done testprints with the same images on the TETENAL FINE ART GLOSSY paper and the ARCHIVAL MATTE paper .
I am very much surprised , but the images turn out better on ARCHIVAL MATTE . The glossy paper just shows a very "hard" character and our Home Sweet Home images need a softer character .

I have printed a little book with my junkyard images . Very nice .
But 12 or 13 images are just not enough for a little book .

And up to now , just 8 images have arrived .:(

Regards Jürgen
Jurgen, it is great news to see that you are now receiving images and from a variety of countries too.

And a reminder to others of Marc's scan offer. He is a master of the 6x6 scan!! :) Those he did for me are SUPERB.
The way this calendar project goes it may well end in a HQ 4 colour deep print edition.
Besides the photographers that supply those images there are some more people interested in a copy.
Another project that would not be possible without the internet facility.
This is the new moderators office .
Rain and storm will not do any harm to the house .:z04_aetsch:

This image is NOT taken with a HASSELBLAD , but it is to remember those members , who want to participate in the calendar project .
Time is getting shorter now . Please remember , your images should arrive at my place , not later than at the end of August .

Regards Jürgen


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The recent images posted are great - Jurgen's calendar should be a hit! What was the shot above taken with Jurgen?

For anyone interested my post here is done with a colleague's Apple iPod Touch - what a neat gadget it is!

I took a RICOH GR DIGITAL . That is my little surprise camera .
It looks like a very small 35mm RF with an extra viewfinder , which I think is great . I love that little "digibeast" . The image quality is very satisfying up to a print of DINA4 . But I use her as a kind of "pola" , to see , if I should go to that location again .
Eduardo (uaiomex) has sent two B/W images using sendthisfile .
Thank you very much .

There are still 4 weeks time to go and shoot . :z04_photos: or send already existing files .

dneyhard has sent two B/W images .

I am delighted .
Thank you very much Don . Great .

Regards Jürgen
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