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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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Your participation is most welcome if not desperately needed.
Marc has generously offered to scan negatives or trannies for this project.
Everybody has a chance to participate that way.

Just a quick note:

Thanks for the PDFs Jurgen.

I'm pleased to see Marc back warming up his scanner - I know first hand what amazing quality scans that produces!

Re XPan images - while an XPan fan, I agree with Jurgen that the calendar format really would not work with XPan images included.

I've been out of action so will catch up my reading soon.
I like your windmill picture a lot.
Have you noticed the windmill tower looks like an egiptian profile? Ho, ho!

Gentlemen, I thought I'd share some "mint-condition" broken down homes which I have shown Jurgen earlier.

The shots are of 2 houses in the New South Wales Hunter Valley - one a very early farmer's cottage (early for us and very recent for the Europeans here) - it is the house with 2 chimneys side by side. It was build by settlers who made their way up the Hunter River looking for pasture land to begin raising cattle.

Maybe there will be a prize for guessing why such very very modest cottages has 2 chimneys!!

The second house is a much less modest brick home built a little later and would have housed an "up and coming" farmer and his family.

Comments are welcome and might help Jurgen in his selection.

On that note I hope others who wanted to participate can post some s&les too.

I have kept the image size / resolution small to make it easier on your Internet link.

First house:




Second house:




Thank you very much for posting these lovely HOME SWEET HOME images .
My favorites are image 1.3 and 2.1 .
I am very much looking forward to receive the final datasets from you .

BTW , are these homes for sale ? ? ? If so , I would be interested .

Regards Jürgen

I do not understand you.
After long time searching you finally found a beautifull country house with modern IT facilities.
I counted 2 pairs of fibreglass cables for high speed internet hanging in the air.
Ok it needs a little attentention but the garden is well kept.

What is? Is it the chimneys? You can have four of those with your country house, one at every corner.
Maybe it is the wheather. You do not like cold winters I think.

Please explain.


Thanks for your attention .
Its not the chimneys . I do love them . The house I wanted to move in , has been broken down last year .
That happened during my absence , and my complaints got no attention at all .
The other reason is this years winter . I can not stand that winter anymore . Never had that feeling before . So , I concentrated on calendar productions . My first design for a 2016 calendar is finished , and I am working on the 2017 prints .
When Simon takes care of the required IT facilities , I will become an Aussie .
Not because of the chimneys , but because of the friendly people in Australia , especially in Melbourne .

Regards Jürgen

Now I understand.
I think you are right. That is a very good reason.

I do like Australia but there are a few things that you need to know.
Traffic is quite dangerous over there.
They drive on the wrong side of the road.
Luckily for the Aussies they all do that.

I heard a strong rumour they are convinced continental traffic is safer.
So in 2011 they will change over to continental traffic.
The United Kingdom will do the same in 2011.
They start with buses and lorries.
Passenger cars are to follow the next year.

To night I set my house on fire. Nothing to worry about.
The fire started in the living room. It has a great fireplace.
Never knew Germans are that good in building fireplaces.
There is even a remote controlled blower.
It helps circulate warm air so only 84 % of the energy goes up the chimney.
Without this blowersystem it would be 86%.
The agent explained these nice gadgets and convinced me to buy the place.

Only thing he did not tell me the house is in an area with a modest IT system.
When I applied for internet the friendly lady in the office of Deutsche Telekom offered me a choice of internet capacity: 6000 kB, 12000 kB, 18000 kB and even 24000 kB.
I chose 24000 kB of course. I got a confirmation of my application where I found out they also offer 2000 kB.
That is what I got: 1760 kB download with a staggering 240 kB upload capacity.
Any picture I upload means I can walk the dog for 20 minutes.
That is howlong it takes.


Jurgen, you will be pleased to know that I have seen the agent for your much desired farm house in the Hunter Valley.

You can start packing your bags - they have accepted your generous offer to buy the much desired home. I have paid the deposit for you.

I suggest you fly to Sydney rather than take a German steamship!

Now Paul, while Jurgen has a heads-up on the chimney question, you must wait in some suspense before I reveal the answer!

Now I am hoping to see more broken down houses soon here.
Gentlemen, Just thought I'd share some "move-in condition" rental homes in my part of the world. Both shots taken in rural Saskatchewan, Canada. It was -20C that day.

Only 16Km from town. Includes large(720acres) un-fenced yard suitable for Garden.
Juergen informed me that by submitting my picture to him last night I was the first to actually give him a file to work on.

So... what is the rest of you waiting for?


I am still working hard for a new layout design and appreciate your remarks . I will keep you informed .

Yes , friends , Wilko was the first to send me an image file and therefore he is the winner of a free calendar (including free postage)
But there is no need for a hurry . The year has just started and there is still plenty of time to shoot HSH images . HSH = Home Sweet Home .
The closing date can be found in one of the two PDFs I posted .

Thanks for posting your images . The "unique fixer-upper" image is lovely and is predestined for one of the winter pages .
But Franc , I will not rent that little house . Far tooooooo cold for me .

Regards Jürgen

this is an excellent idea. Is there any way I can help technically in this project?

Regarding the costs of the print: I do think we all should somehow share the costs via paypal or so. I would not find it fair, if one person pays the bill for all.

I am sure, the demand will be high for this calender. So those, who want one shall also bear the costs for printing & shipping their calendar...

What do you think?

P.S.: If you need more participants for submitting photos, I can make an announceent in the forum...

Thank you very much for offering your help . My intention is , that this project shall be limited to the HASSELBLAD MF-FORUM users only .

As the project is still at a very early stage , I would like to let it develop a bit more and see how we are getting on .

Costs: The problem is not the actual printing and ink consumption . If I do printing and binding here , or the receiver would do the printing and binding himself , it would come out to almost the same costs . It is the postage . PayPal is in my mind and I have an account there . I think , as the project goes on , we will find a good solution .

Thanks again and I will come back to your offer .

Regards Jürgen
My intention is , that this project shall be limited to the HASSELBLAD MF-FORUM users only .

No problem, I am fine with this. But my guess is, that 2/3 of the registered users here are Hassy users :) You would become a post-office employee with all those packages to send ;)

It is your project, so you decide the guidelines and the procedure. I just wanted to make sure that you do not have only the costs & work and all others (no matter how many) enjoy the fun part...

Just keep me updated, if you need help...

Maybe start early with a list for those interested in a copy.
Do not forget to put Dirk on the list! :)


Costs: The problem is not the actual printing and ink consumption . If I do printing and binding here , or the receiver would do the printing and binding himself , it would come out to almost the same costs . It is the postage . PayPal is in my mind and I have an account there . I think , as the project goes on , we will find a good solution .

Juergen, for everyone in the EURO countries, you are better off using a standard banktransfer. Due to EU directive this does not add cost to sender or receiver. Paypal charges you, the receiver, a percentage of the money transfered. eBay (which owns Paypal) makes enough money. Which we can better use for other things.. :z04_bier01:

Wilko, congratulations on being the first to submit his "broken down house" to Jurgen for the calendar! :)

So, now I must get off my backside!

Marc, I will express post my films direct to you per your earlier instructions - you'll have the "dubious" honour of bringing my magical images to life!!! :) :) :)

And Marc, please remind me; do you prefer single frames or sleeves of 3 or 4 frames? I will probably send 2 to 4 images based on Jurgen's initial preference so that he can make his final choice later on. I'll plan to get them off to you in the next week or 2.

Just a thought for us all who are participating in Jurgen's 2009 calendar project. I think it makes a lot of sense to get images to Jurgen soon while the topic is fresh because we are obviously all quite busy people and these things can escape us. ALSO, it would obviously be more helpful to Marc if he has a longer time-frame in which to do any scans needed, rather than impose upon him close to the deadline during his hectic work and photography schedules.

Franc, I really liked your "winter accommodation" shots!
after reading Jurgen's pdfs and enjoying the other posts on this topic, i will upload some shots that might fit better the calendar's topic [my previous entry wasn't the most inspired one :) ]



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