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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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Hello dear forum members .

Two more photographers to participate in the Calendar project would be very nice .
Therefore I will prolong the closing date for images to arrive at my place to the 14th of September .

Best regards Jürgen

Jurgen, I know a couple of guys with CFVs and I'll tell them about this ... maybe they can get something to you in time ...
Thanks Marc

That would be great .

I am also looking forward to hear from Michael Cothran and Swissblad ,
who intended to send an image .

I do not like the idea with the logos too much .
But , please have a look to the current title page .
The top line reads : Fourteen HASSELBLAD photographers . . . . .

Of course , the number fourteen depends on how many photographers will participate . But I could imagine to replace the name HASSELBLAD by the original HASSELBLAD fonts in the same size as the writing is . That would require , that I get the fonts , at least for the letters H A S S E L B L A D .

I think , that Christian Poulsen would not be very interested in such a calendar project anyway . Such a project is not representitive enough for HASSELBLAD . Christian Poulsen only thinks in H-SYSTEM dimensions (the V-SYSTEM is dead for production ) and I will not be able to achieve a design and print quality like the VICTORBYHASSELBLAD magazine presents . But this is and never was the aim of the project . My imagination was and still is , to bring photographers , amateurs and profs , from all over the world , together . The community .

Get in touch with the Planet V people at Hasselblad Jurgen. They know this web site very well. All the people in that division are V oriented.

SIMON ... I recognize that cover shot ... I scanned it for you I think. Looks delicious. And done on film ... Wahooo!

You are most welcome here. Thanks for joining us.
Nice to know you will give the calendar project your support.
I have had a chance to peek into Jürgens kitchen.
He has a surprise for us.

Forum Moderator
first attempt to post a few jpegs; all taken with 205tcc/CFV back, 40mm CFE


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Yes jlm

Absolutely great . That is what I still need for the calendar .
You are a great candidate . I do hope , you don't just show images , but you will participate .
In the following , you will find the technical details for transferring your image data .

I am looking forward to receive your contribution .
Please have a look to the pdfs .

Best regards Jürgen


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This sunday evening turns shurely into a sleepless night for me .

Yes jlm , a very warm welcome to the forum and to the calendar project .

Exciting times are ahead of me . Great .

Regards Jürgen
Our new member jlm (John) has sent me six exciting images .
Thank you very much for that .

At this point , which turned up absolutely unexpected , I have the idea , that the calendar could have two images for some month . That means , might be eighteen images for one year . (or even two images per month)

There is great excitement on my site .
The sudden change with images for this project , should encourage others , to send images as well .

Jurgen, I know a couple of guys with CFVs and I'll tell them about this ... maybe they can get something to you in time ...

Like Jim, I'm here following Marc's invite. Just joined the forum, although I've been here a few times before. Bought my 503CWD-II about a month ago. I also use a 501CM and 553ELX. I wandered around Eagle River and Chugiak today looking for some suitable old, run down (but photogenic) houses....couldn't find any! I do have some photos of very old houses and buildings that I took with my 501CM this summer over in Dawson City, Yukon territory. I'll have a look at those tonight, scan any that seem promising and post them here. If there's still a need for another contributor to the calendar, I'd like to help out and participate.

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

Here's a sample of the old buildings I've enjoyed photographing in Dawson City in years past.


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Hi Gary,

Welcome at the forum.
You must have had foresight about the calendar project.
This picture will certainly qualify if I know Jürgen.
Thanks for participating and joining us.


Welcome to the forum and thank you for showing us the newest prototype of a comfortable mobilhome. Great .
You are invited to participate in the calendar project , and I am looking forward to receive an image from you .

jlm (John from NY) has sent me 6 images . Thank you very much . I am delighted .
Up to now , I only picked one image , as I would like at least 13 images (title plus 12 month images) from 13 different photgraphers .

Here is jlm's contribution .

Unfortunately , there will be only two real winter images . It is the one from Manu for December and the one from Marc for either January of February . So , I am sorry to say , we will have green gras and leaves also for month's where this is not true in nature .



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Unfortunately , there will be only two real winter images . It is the one from Manu for December and the one from Marc for either January of February . So , I am sorry to say , we will have green grass and leaves also for month's where this is not true in nature .


Oh Jurgen, please make mine February ... it's my birthday month : -)

Bummer on the other Winter month ... maybe one from Australia since it's not Winter there in January ...!

Come on Gary ... you're in Alaska ... no winter shots of a dilapidated Igloo or something? Isn't it winter there 12 months out of the year? LOL.
thanks, Jurgen, I am pleased to be included

my shots were taken on the last day of August. Here in NY, that can look like full summer.

No problem at all . Your image will be the one for February .

So , might be that we have a "green" January image , but that is high summer in kangoo land anyway .

Welcome to the forum and thank you for showing us the newest prototype of a comfortable mobilhome. Great .
You are invited to participate in the calendar project , and I am looking forward to receive an image from you .
Thank you Jurgen. Any preference for color vs B&W images? I have both of this building and others from Dawson City. I haven't scanned any of these yet, so I was hoping to make the best use of my time by scanning/preparing images of the type you would like to use. I do mostly BW printing myself.

Unfortunately , there will be only two real winter images . It is the one from Manu for December and the one from Marc for either January of February . So , I am sorry to say , we will have green gras and leaves also for month's where this is not true in nature .
I have some good images of older buildings in the winter that would be great to use.....but they were mostly taken with my Pentax 67 or Mamiya TLR before I acquired my Hasselblad cameras....darn!

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

I would prefer color images , simply because the calendar will have 4 B/W images and 8 color ones . That makes a nice mixture . And I have already 4 good B/W images here .


Here is Don Neyhards contribution . I think it would be nice for April or November .

Regards Jürgen


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Here is Don Neyhards contribution . I think it would be nice for April or November .

Regards Jürgen

That's a wonderful image. It "feels" like a November scene to me. A November day as I remember them from growing up in Minnesota. If it were a November image from here in Alaska...there would almost certainly be snow on the ground.

I'll work on scanning and preparing a few color images from Dawson City and submit them for your consideration in the next couple of days Jurgen.


Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
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