I do not like the idea with the logos too much .
But , please have a look to the current title page .
The top line reads : Fourteen HASSELBLAD photographers . . . . .
Of course , the number fourteen depends on how many photographers will participate . But I could imagine to replace the name HASSELBLAD by the original HASSELBLAD fonts in the same size as the writing is . That would require , that I get the fonts , at least for the letters H A S S E L B L A D .
I think , that Christian Poulsen would not be very interested in such a calendar project anyway . Such a project is not representitive enough for HASSELBLAD . Christian Poulsen only thinks in H-SYSTEM dimensions (the V-SYSTEM is dead for production ) and I will not be able to achieve a design and print quality like the VICTORBYHASSELBLAD magazine presents . But this is and never was the aim of the project . My imagination was and still is , to bring photographers , amateurs and profs , from all over the world , together . The
www.hasselbladinfo.com community .