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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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That is great news . I will patiently await your images .

New member jlm (John from NEW YORK) ,
swissblad (Sinhue from Switzerland) have sent images

and new member bensonga (Gary Benson from Alaska) will send images .

So I can say , the calendar will come true .

Possibly with some extra pages (no month names available)

Best regards Jürgen
I am impressed by all these exciting opportunities for second homes.
Interested parties please contact the moderator for more details.

Builders, decorators, plumbers are ready to give their quotations to turn these colorful buildings into comfortable homes.

The forum does not have a financial stake here other than a small fee for advertising.


Here is a nice object for a second home . It is Gerad's contribution for the calendar project .

For selling detail , please contact Gerard Morris . There is a special offer for "buy it now" .

Regards jürgen


  • GERARD.02.jpg
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Thanks Jürgen,

I have been approached by two interested parties for this multi purpose property.

Both were interested to know if there is an airfield in the vicinity of that project.

I suppose it concerns foreigners who intend to have a pied a terre in France.

I am quite happy with my cottage near Nimes. No plans yet to give that up.


I would prefer color images , simply because the calendar will have 4 B/W images and 8 color ones . That makes a nice mixture . And I have already 4 good B/W images here .

Regards Jürgen


I had two color images of the Dawson City house on blocks that I took with my 501CM earlier this summer. I scanned them both this evening and this is the best of the two. I hope it's good enough....wish I could go back there now and shoot it again with my CFV-II. I preferred the angle/perspective of the earlier image I posted (taken with my Canon G2 P&S a few years ago) Oh well. I will try to send you the full resolution image file (360 dpi) using the "sendthisfile" site. Are there any other instructions for how best to get this file to you?

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska


  • Dawson House on Blocks Color 72 dpi.jpg
    Dawson House on Blocks Color 72 dpi.jpg
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  • Dawson House on Blocks Color 72 dpi.jpg
    Dawson House on Blocks Color 72 dpi.jpg
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Nice mobile home . :z04_5769:
Sendthisfile works perfect . Make it 30x30 cm , 360PPI , 16bit color , ADOBE RGB colorspace .

I have reworked the image a bit . It will be Gary's calendar contribution .
I hope you like it .:)


If not , I suggest , we burn the "castle" down .:z04_computer_haukap



  • @.FINAL.01.GARY.BENSON.jpg
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I have reworked the image a bit . It will be Gary's calendar contribution .
I hope you like it .:)
If not , I suggest , we burn the "castle" down .:z04_computer_haukap


It is much improved....thank you! If you wouldn't mind sharing your secrets....I'd love to know what types of adjustments you made so I can learn from this and improve my skills (and images) in the future!

I have reworked the image a bit . It will be Gary's calendar contribution .
I hope you like it .:)

View attachment 290

If not , I suggest , we burn the "castle" down .:z04_computer_haukap


Nice Gary ... love the color trim ... like perfume on a pig : -)

Jurgen ... I'm troubled by the "glow" where the sky meets the roof in your adjusted version ... but please don't burn it down :z04_nein1:

I work with PSCS3 . But I am no expert . Not at all .
All I can do with PS is the result and experience trough learning by doing .
There are shurely some experts here in the forum .

If you want to go more in detail , you should open and open a thread in the forum "DIGITAL ART" under thread PHOTOSHOP . I am shure many questions also come up by other members .

As for your image : Step1 = tilt the image by 2,5 degrees CCW and crop .
Step2 = Resize to 30x30 360DPI using
Step3 = selective color correction as per my personal
preference including saturation brightness
and contrast
Step4 = Unsharp masking 110/ 1,3 + 95/0,8 .

USM is always my last step . Then don't forget to save your result . :)

This is only a rough and simple workflow .

Regards Jürgen
Here an interesting contribution for the Calendar from swissblad (sinhue) .
It is not infrared but shot with a greenfilter .

If you are interested in datails , contact swissblad.

Regards Jürgen


  • @.WORK.SWISSBLAD.01.a.jpg
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Jurgen ... I'm troubled by the "glow" where the sky meets the roof in your adjusted version ... but please don't burn it down :z04_nein1:

My wife noticed that too. It's not present in my original image. The image also appears to be grainier now, but perhaps that's just the web version. If there's anything you can do Jurgen to remove that glow along the roof line, I'd appreciate it! Perhaps I will try tweaking my image a bit more this week along the lines of what you've done and send you another version for consideration.

Thanks again!

Hi Jürgen,

Please be careful with that restoration job.
I have interested buyers here that will be disappointed when they see the real thing after they have looked at these pictures.

The picture Swissblad send is delightfull. Like you my first thought was IF. Never seen this effect with a green filter.


Thanks for pointing out the "glow" . I have not really noticed that up to now .
It has got nothing to do with your image data , but most possibly with USM in PSCS3 .
I will see what I can do . The original is saved , and I can start working from there again . So please be patient .
Could this place be hired for a big forum user party ? ? ?

You spoiled the surprise.
I have chartered a Toepolev to fly this comfortable home to Germany.
It will arrive in time for the Photo Kina.

We have an extra large CI stand to display this house.
The user meeting on Saturday will not be held in this property as we expect more visitors than are possible in this home.


You spoiled the surprise.
I have chartered a Toepolev to fly this comfortable home to Germany.
It will arrive in time for the Photo Kina.

We have an extra large CI stand to display this house.
The user meeting on Saturday will not be held in this property as we expect more visitors than are possible in this home.


Ah, not a Tupolev, you want the Antonov that was stranded for years on
Eindhoven Airport. Anything worth doing is worth doing well..

Tupolev, Antonov,
It will be a Russian freighter that does these kind of transports.

One thing is sure I will not be flying with them.
Flying with Russian planes is not gambling with your life it is certain something will go wrong....
Perhaps I will try tweaking my image a bit more this week along the lines of what you've done and send you another version for consideration.


I am going to send you a new and improved version now (similar to yours). This is a pretty close to the original transparency.

Here's a jpg version......what do folks think?

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska


  • Dawson House on Blocks Color 72dpi v3.jpg
    Dawson House on Blocks Color 72dpi v3.jpg
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  • Dawson House on Blocks Color 72dpi v3.jpg
    Dawson House on Blocks Color 72dpi v3.jpg
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Hi Gary,

I like your version very much.
It also seems to have less noise than the one Jürgen showed.

Of course Jürgen handles the project.
I am interested to read his comment.

Hi everybody,

if you want to use the original font type of the Hasselblad name on the calendar, please make sure, that Hasselblad gives green light for this. The Logo is copyrighted and we are not allowed to use it without a written approval. Just to make sure that nobody sues us for this ;)

Secondly if someone knows a person of the IT-department of Hasselblad: The Link from the official Hasselblad pages to this forum is broken since we switched the software a couple of months ago...

Best wishes
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