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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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I have had the chance to take a peek at the final result of the calendar but I do not feel free to comment without Jürgens permission.

An old trick often used in journalism is to comment on what I wrote to Jürgen.
It was a very positive email not only about the calendar but also about another project Jürgen is working on. :z02_respekt:

I sent the first printed version of the calendar to Paul .
It is still not the final version , but there will only be very minor changes .
The image for December is still open , and I am waiting for the rescanned data of that wonderful image . And there will be some little changes for the trailer page .

I appreciate Pauls feedback and it was also a good test , to see if the packing is sufficient enough , that the calendar will have survived , when the parcel has arrived in Alaska or in down under or in Mexico .

Paul gave me good feedback and the shipping of the calendar is getting near .

I would very much like to say thank you to all participants , but also very special thanks to Marc , who scanned the images for Simon and Emanuel and for his great revival of the forum , which engaged two more new members as participants in the project .
These are John Milich from New York and Gary Benson from Alaska , both with great images .
We have thirteen participants with fifteen images .
The months July and August will have two images .
I hope to be able to ship the calender not later than the end of October .
The far away (from Germany) living members , will get the parcel shipped first . And I will ship my own sample just after x-mas .:)

Regards Jürgen
Thanks Jürgen for the invitation to say a few words about this initiative that was the result of the spontaneus reaction on the new "house"
you were moving to after being nearly bankrupted by going digital.

The calendar in all its glory speaks for itself.
Those who are lucky to receive one in a little while will be amazed by the sheer quality of the images, they are all beyond critisism.
The way some participants have filled in the subject "Home sweet Home" is another surprise.
This calendar is a worthy tribute to Hasselblad cameras and a token of respect for the man who gave us Hasselblad cameras,
Victor Hasselblad.

All those who participated by sending their images deserve my well meant thanks for their work.
One of these must be mentioned explicitely. Marc Williams not only provided beautiful scans from film send to him by several photographers.
He also boosted the project when it was about to come to standstill.
That boost gave the forum two new users for which I am grateful too.
Once again welcome to Gary Benson from Alaska and John Milich from New York.

No more words. Just wait till the postman delivers the calendar!




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Oh, I just cannot wait. It's one thing to see things on the web but quite another to see them printed.

I am a little worried that I did not get that last minute re-scan in the mail yet.
I will turn it quickly when the film arrives and FTP it directly to Jurgen.

Oh, I just cannot wait. It's one thing to see things on the web but quite another to see them printed.

I am a little worried that I did not get that last minute re-scan in the mail yet.
I will turn it quickly when the film arrives and FTP it directly to Jurgen.


HA! it arrived in the mail today.

Jurgen, did you send your e-mail address to me so I can send a FTP alert?

Just PM it to me please.

Well we are now at the most exciting stage of this wonderful idea that Jurgen developed. It is so terrific to have images from so many parts of the globe.

Of course I for one would like additional copies, so when Jurgen has time I'd like to know the calendar cost and international postage cost to add so that I can forward my payment.

For all we know, this calendar may become a clasic like those beautiful Art Deco travel posters!

I join Jurgen and Paul in thanks to our great friends here for their help, partcipation and enthusiasm - all of which were essential to the poster's safe completion.

Most of all our thanks must go to Jurgen for his idea; his persistance and meticulous attention to detail as well as his tireless persuit to make it all happen.

Regards to all.
I have successfully received the data for Emanuels image .
Marc scanned the image and sent the data via SendThisFile .

Thank you very much , Marc . The stripes I could see in the first scan from Manu have now gone . A great scan of 275 MB size . I will work on the image during the day .

If all runs fine , the calendar could be finished by the end of the week and be shipped at the beginning of October .

Many thanks to all who have contributed images for this calendar and especially to Jurgen for starting this project and much work putting it together and to Paul and Marc and others who have invited and welcomed us new folks to this forum.

As I have learned from the 5+ years I've participated in a monthly global print exchange, it's really rewarding to shares thoughts, information and images from around the world with others who have a common passion and interest.

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
Now that the last corrected 275 Mb file with the image for December has reached Jürgen he is up to his ears in printing.
All those pages are in fact high quality photo prints 12x17 inches large.
Every calendar has 16 pages, a couple of months offer a choice of B+W or colour pages.

Jürgen has offered to do all the work and pay for paper and printing.
A very generous offer for which he deserves our well meant thanks.

To keep the church in the middle of the village he would like some help with shipping costs.
PayPal or a bank transfer whatever is more convenient.
Please contact him for more details.

Any request for extra copies will be dealt with after the free calendars have been sent.
I am sure some participants would like to order some more after seeing the calendar.
The total run is 30 calendars. That makes this a unique item.

I will be glad to answer any questions for more copies.
Jürgen will be available for all other information.

Here is a good news .

All calendars to all destinations will be shipped on Thuesday the 7th of October 2008 .

Please expect 10-14 days for Alaska , Australia , Romania and Mexico .
7-10 days for U.S.A and 3-5 days within the EU .

I am very happy , that I could bring this project to a good end . Shipping problems are out of my responseability . I packed the calendars as good as I could .
Thank you all , who participated and I do hope you like what I created with your help .

Best regards Jürgen
Here is a good news .

All calendars to all destinations will be shipped on Thuesday the 7th of October 2008 .

Please expect 10-14 days for Alaska , Australia , Romania and Mexico .
7-10 days for U.S.A and 3-5 days within the EU .

I am very happy , that I could bring this project to a good end . Shipping problems are out of my responseability . I packed the calendars as good as I could .
Thank you all , who participated and I do hope you like what I created with your help .

Best regards Jürgen


You are the best Jurgen.

OKAY ... so what's the theme for the 2010 calendar? LOL!

Like my Grand Pappy always told me ... " The sooner you get to it, the sooner you're done."
Well , Marc

I have always a lot ideas in my head . I could think of a project in pano size A2 . But I would like to have more people engaged to it .
And not for 2010 but 2011 . Any ideas out there .

Here is an example of my 2003 calendar .


Taken with HASSELBLAD 201F + DISTAGON CF 3,5/60 .
PSCS , image tilted by 90 degrees , the one half is mirrored and put together pixel by pixel .

I call it my quarry cathedral .


  • 12.PIC.DINA3+.jpg
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Perhaps you like this better .




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Well done - a dream come true!

Of course all contributors should be thanked for their part in this collective effort.

BUT, I am 110% sure that everyone here congratulates you and thanks you for your creativity; your determination and above all - YOUR WONDERFUL SKILLS! :z04_yes:

We all know that you have done this to the highest possible standards of quality, taking many hours/days to complete :z04_nic_0075: - preparing the images; design of the calendar itself; selection of the ideal paper; many many hours of careful printing and even clever design of the packaging to withstand the rigours of torturous handling by postal workers! :z04_breakdance.gif:

Again, thanks and congratulations - I cannot wait to receive my package!

Oh, and Jurgen I LOVE the B&W images from other calendars!

Where did you shoot them? Great work!
I am very happy , that I could bring this project to a good end . Shipping problems are out of my responseability . I packed the calendars as good as I could .
Thank you all , who participated and I do hope you like what I created with your help .

Best regards Jürgen

Just a word about Jürgens packing talents for those who have not seen a sample of that art.
Jürgen has a realistic view about the way all those shipping companies handle his beloved gift.
This means the packing can withstand mag 9 and a decent little nuclear bomb.

Opening the parcel may give a little problem but what do you expect.
Even his packing needs to be tested that is why he send me a pre series print just to check safe transport.

I wish all participants a lot of pleasure with this unique gift.
Some of you will have a hard time waiting for the next month to see the next image.

Please expect 10-14 days for Alaska , Australia , Romania and Mexico .
7-10 days for U.S.A and 3-5 days within the EU .

A very late thank you to Jurgen and everybody else involved in this wonderful project. Can't wait to get the calendar.


ps. Romania is part of EU, so my calendar copy should arrive faster ;) :p
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