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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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Hi Marc,

Thanks for the generous offer for the Imacon 949 scans.
There is a strong rumour coming from the south of Germany that the new project will have something to do with panos.
I guess that great steam train shot from Don Neyhard triggered a plan that was already in the making.

Dirk said a calendar like this is easily worth 175 USD.
So that problem solved itself....

Jürgen had a generous moment and shipped one to Dirk.
I am sure he is delighted with his present but a little reluctant to mention it here.

Why would Dirk be reluctant? It's his site.

Panos are exciting!!!! I'm doing many now commercially.

How do film folks participate in that?

Scanning that many frames to perfectly match would be a nightmare.
I guess Dirk does not want to upset all those who did not get a calendar.

This is how film folks do panos:


Photo: Don Neyhard Texas, Xpan camera.

I know your scanning offer should be reserved for those who cannot get a decent scan job in their area.
Imacon scanners are top of the line.

Nikon 9000 series are good value for money but can not reach the Hasselblad/Imacon quality level
Jurgen, you are a master. A treasure.

So nicely put Marc.

There was never any question about the fact that Jurgen's purpose was a very kind gesture for us all collectively - such a binding influence.

The outcome, in addition to the beautiful calendar, is that we have a wonderfully bound group of friendly acquaintances with a common passion. Also Jurgen's great generosity of time, skills and materials made it a reality.

The immediate willingness of all involved to help in some way says a lot - your kind willingess to do the scanning is a fine example.

What a lovely thought it is that despite the tyrany of distance and simply through the Internet, Jurgen's generous initiative is such a great success. :)
Thank you Jurgen

Better late than never. After several weeks without being able to post here (something wrong with my account) I moved to another ISP and got a new account and it seems I'm able again.

"The Loob Calendar". What can I say after everything is being said for the past weeks about Jurgen amazing prowess. All the good that is being said and much more. A truly unique object of art.

Recently I won a first prize in photography sponsored by the Yucatan Cultural Institute. The press interviewed me for this award. I'm so proud of the calendar that it was next to me during my picture taking and I talked about the whole project and how Jurgen made it a reality.

Congratulations everyone. It's nice to have an original from all you.

I want to extend an invitation to everyone in the calendar. If you ever make it to Yucatan, Mexico, please allow me to ride you around.


Hello Eduardo,

"I want to extend an invitation to everyone in the calendar. If you ever make it to Yucatan, Mexico, please allow me to ride you around."


Ride as on a monkey or motorcycle? :)
Thanks for the invitation I will be quite happy to take you up on that!

Only few of us have any idea how much work and effort Jürgen has put in the calendar project.
I followed it a little closer and know this was not only a generous gift to all lucky ones who got one.
It took a lot of time to reach the level of perfection people in Germany are well known for.
Jürgen is no exception in that field. I am proud to be one of the lucky owners of this unique calendar.

Very funny Paul.:z04_kommmalherfreun
(LOL) My invitation is real. The Yucatan state is full of insignificant (almost white, not bumpy) roads where you can find great photographic oportunities, that no commercial tour will take you.
I love "driving" around sometimes in a total relaxed and contemplative MMT.
Sometimes these roads reminds of the Beatles song Magical mistery tour. I usually do it without a map, so I often end up in a town I never heard of. Getting back to a known road is only a matter of minutes.
Best all

Hello Eduardo,

"I want to extend an invitation to everyone in the calendar. If you ever make it to Yucatan, Mexico, please allow me to ride you around."


Ride as on a monkey or motorcycle? :)
Thanks for the invitation I will be quite happy to take you up on that!

Only few of us have any idea how much work and effort Jürgen has put in the calendar project.
I followed it a little closer and know this was not only a generous gift to all lucky ones who got one.
It took a lot of time to reach the level of perfection people in Germany are well known for.
Jürgen is no exception in that field. I am proud to be one of the lucky owners of this unique calendar.

I did not mean any harm Eduardo.
Those who know me well are certain of that. It is just my habit to tease a little.
That habit gets a bit out fo control every now and then, sorry :(

I know Paul. I was just following your tease.
Absolutely nothing to be sorry of.
By the way, where is Jurgen?
I emailed him directly, but got no answer yet.
Maybe he is exhausted after all the printing and packing he went through.:z04_123:

I did not mean any harm Eduardo.
Those who know me well are certain of that. It is just my habit to tease a little.
That habit gets a bit out fo control every now and then, sorry :(

Hello Eduardo,

Nice of you to notice Jürgens absence for a few weeks.
Jürgen had to take it easy for a while because he had worked too hard on things like the calendar. He is doing fine now and will certainly post again.

He enjoys all Hasselblad cameras but he has an extra weak spot for the older pre '57 models.

I had the pleasure to meet Jürgen after a camera fair in Strassburg where
many enthusiasts met and traded cameras and other equipment.

His collection of older Hasselblads is of amazing quality.
Germans say "Nur vom Feinsten" meaning: only the best will do.

My 1600F camera and a few lenses came back from service yesterday.
Another sample of equipment from the early days of Victors camera factory.


Hasselblad 1600F with Ektar 80 mm Carl Zeiss Distagon 60 mm and 135 mm Ektar


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Merry Christmas "Calendarers"

Jürgen, Andy, Mark, Don, Cristian, Wilko, Gerard, Sinhue, Gary, John, Simon and Emmanuel

I wish all the best holidays ever and a prosperous year.
Let's keep the faith!

For Jürgen, I hope you are completely healthy by now.
Thanks so much again

To Paul, thank you too for moderating this forum and helping with the calendar.

Eduardo Cervantes

Hello Eduardo,

Thank you for mentioning all those who made this wonderful forum project possible.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those guys that participated.
Special thanks to Jürgen for his hard work and intention to make a perfect calendar.
Special thanks too for Marc Williams he spent a lot of time scanning images at the highest possible quality with his Imacon scanner.

In another week we will be looking at this calendar more often as the new year will begin.

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