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MF 2009 Calendar Project

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IT ARRIVED !!!!! youppiee :) looks fabulous !!! thank you Jurgen and to everybody else who participated.... can't wait to hang it at work ! and, of course, can't wait for the month of April.


This is great news!!

Well done Jurgen - what a great effort. :z04_computer_haukap

Here, down under I am waiting with great anticipation. Here's hoping Aussie post manages to read the address correctly! :z04_smileys70:
I had the pleasure to hand deliver a few copies of the calendar.
Without exception all those who have seen the calendar were very positive about the images and the way the calendar was made.
Amongst those who have seen this joint venture were a couple of well known photographers.
Nothing but praise for the idea and the excellent way this idea was executed.

I happen to know Jürgen had to buy an extra large supply of the spiral binders.
That means after 8-10 months to regain his normal healthy condition Jürgen will be ready for the 2010 edition...... :z04_head_wall:

Hi Jürgen,

my calender arrived today - it looks fantastic!!!! I am very happy to have it in my hands - i am going to place it in my office, thats the place i spent most of my time. :)
Many thanks for your great work! :) :)
Hi Everyone!

Our copy has also arrived, it is simply tremendrous! Jurgen has produced a genuine work of art here. We're scared to hang it in case sunlight should damage it but it really has to go on show!

A huge thank you to Jurgen and everyone else who contributed!

Gérard & Virginie
Hi Juergen,

Paul has just delivered the calendar to my home. Thanks a lot for all the hard work you put into it! I am personally particularly fond of the B&W photographs, they really come out beautifully!

thanks again,
I am personally particularly fond of the B&W photographs, they really come out beautifully.

Ohh.....I wanted to do B&W, B&W is my favorite, but Jurgen needed another color photo, so mine is color.....which I'm sure, in hindsight, was the right choice (it's those lavender window frames that really make all the difference in Dawson).

But in my life (and photography), B&W (and all shades of gray) rules!

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
where it is already winter and shades of gray and white
Ohh.....I wanted to do B&W, B&W is my favorite, but Jurgen needed another color photo, so mine is color.....which I'm sure, in hindsight, was the right choice (it's those lavender window frames that really make all the difference in Dawson).

But in my life (and photography), B&W (and all shades of gray) rules!


I have worked out B/W images in my own darkroom for more than 30 years . Mostly landscape from MF and LF negatives .
I love B/W too , but found , that not all images turn out well in B/W .
You will find five very good B/W images in the calendar , which you hopefully will receive soon .

Looking at the calendar the B/W images are most impressive.
B/W is a very strong means to express the beauty of scenery.
It also enjoys a revival in wedding photography.
It shows how strong impressions are that B/W images have on us.

Oh my God! I've just been handed my package from Jurgen. How exciting! Even through the clouds of my heavy nightly morphine, I could only feel excited as I got my first glimpse of what was in this superb packaging! :)

But, first I have to say that Jurgen's meticulous attention to detail in the packaging as well as the calendar is nothing short of STELLAR! Jurgen is the personification of Germany's wonderful legacy as a country of great engineering skills.

From the moment I began carefully unpacking the calendar I was blown away by how brilliantly he ensured NO POSSIBLE damage could occur - my copy could have been dropped to earth from outer-space and still be in 100% perfect condition!

So, my most sincere thanks to Jurgen for going to such enormous effort to ensure that we contributors would be thrilled enough to smile for the next 10 years! And of course, that effort of packaging, postage and most importantly, the calendars have all been done at obviously huge cost to him.


EVERY image is wonderful - I am sure when 2009 is over I will frame each image - such a collection of simply beautiful images - colour and B/W. What a great testament to Hasselblad / Zeiss these images are - so, so, so sharp; all with so much detail; a life-like natural and 3D look. WHAT A GREAT REMINDER OF WHY WE SHOOT HASSELBLAD! :)

Congratulations to each and every contributor - what beautiful images you created and what a wide range of creative interpretations of Jurgen's "broken down” Home Sweet Home theme make up the calendar! I could rave on about every image; but, I hope that by saying I'd love to frame each and hang them in my home, everyone understands my highest praise of their work. It is also great to have some B/W and CFV digital images among them.

It is wonderful that this calendar project brought us all together and gave us such a thrill. It's great that it is also a truly multi-cultural effort too - from one end of the planet to the other.

And then, last BUT BY NO MEANS LEAST (and I know everyone here feels the same), there is Jurgen's brilliant concept, generosity, effort, creativity, skills and commitment right to the very end. Yes, Jurgen, what you have done is a lasting thrill for us all; we have a wonderful piece of art to hang with pride that has many stories behind its completion. :) :)

Jurgen's superb calendar layout and design; his perfect selection of images and involvement of us all; his masterful printing skills; the very skillful scanning he did for some of the images; his design detail; his relentless attention to timing and every other detail; his generous use of first class materials and then his binding and safe shipment is nothing short of OUTSTANDING.

So, Jurgen you have my fondest thanks for allowing me to see my images among such excellent images of skilled photographers. And I was delighted to see Jurgen give credit to Marc and Paul for mustering up a push for more contributors as the closing date approached. Well done Marc and Paul. For me too, I thank Marc for his generous offer to all of us to have our film scanned to the highest possible standards. Personally I am grateful to Marc who got the best out of my films and did so quickly to hep Jurgen's deadlines. Many here know how kind Marc was 2 Christmases ago when he invited me to send some favourite slides to him for him to scan on his new Hasselblad/Imacon scanner, which was done to an amazing standard.

So for me the biggest thrill was to see my images among so many great images taken by lovely people here and that ultimately Jurgen saw to it that the final product is to the highest possible standards. Well done and many thanks to you all - and Jurgen in particular. :) :) :)
Hello Simon,

You are absolutely right about Jürgens metaculous way of packing things he has to hand over to shippers.
It is not so much distrust as a realistic view of the way precious items risk to be handled in transport.

I think mentioning the quality of the calender job is well deserved.
It will make those unlucky readers only greener with envy they do not have the chance to get one.
Everybody had the chance while there was time to send in pictures on the subject.

The good news is Jürgen bought a lifetime supply of those elegant white spiral binders.
That means of course new projects will follow.......

The good news is Jürgen bought a lifetime supply of those elegant white spiral binders.
That means of course new projects will follow.......

The question here is not : WHAT IS NEXT ? ? ?

The questions here is : WHO IS NEXT ? ? ?

I will be happy to pass on the spiral binders for 1 cent per piece . Hahahahaha :z04_photos:
And please take care , that last taken image will be passed on to the CIA .
They will decide , who is next :z04_kaputtlachen: . CIA .
Good Morning Jurgen

What a wonderful Thursday evening this is here in Texas. I just returned from an out of town trip and what a thrill it was to find your Masterpiece waiting for me to fondle and admire (My wife accuses me quite often of fondling my Hasselblads).

I must say that you certainly did a grand job of printing and assembling such a remarkable calendar. I am sure that all of the fine photographers do appreciate the many hours that you devoted to this production. It certainly is a very unique piece and one that we all can be proud of for many years to come. We all must feel honored to have been selected to participate in this venture.

Now I must go and study these images once again before bedtime.

I know that I am speaking for all of us when I say Thank You for a job well done.

Don Neyhard
Mine also arrived Jurgen!

I have not opened it.

I am up to my eyeballs in Alligators and refuse to "guzzle" the fine wine.

I will open it this weekend in a relaxed mode and savor each and every image.
Jürgen and all,

I received my copy of the calendar yesterday and I'll have to concur with the comments I've read:
- amazing packing job
- superb printing and binding quality
- great images from everybody

Thanks so much Jürgen for taking on this effort and the amazing results. And to everyone for participating. It will be a pleasure enjoying the calendar for a whole year.

Thanks also to Marc for scanning my image: great job!



The calendar(s) have arrived in Alaska today and I must say....they are spectacular! Like the others who have written to you, I'm amazed at the fantastic packaging you designed and prepared....the calendars arrived in perfect condition. The printing and photos are top notch! My thanks again to you and all who contributed to this very special project. I have shown the calendars to many of my co-workers here at BP and they all remarked on what a beautiful job you had done with the printing....and of course, they all wanted one of these unique calendars for themselves (sorry, limited edition originals, enjoy it while you can!).

I finally had to promise my co-workers that I would put one of the two calendars I received from you in our office here in the Tax Department at BP Alaska....for all to enjoy!

So all can know....many folks here in BP Alaska (formerly British Petroleum, now "Beyond Petroleum" <bg!>) will enjoy your photos and Jurgen's wonderful prints.

Once more.....thank you Jurgen!

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

I finally had some time to myself to leasurely open Jurgen's professionally packaged calendar. I've had it a week but didn't want to rush it.

I did it slowly, little by little ...

there is was.

So delicious. So gratifying to see these images in all their glory instead of little web uploads. The real thing.

Jurgen, you are a master. A treasure.

I was so happy to help a few others with their scans ... and if we do this again the invitation stands to all participants for Imacon 949 scans of film works.
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