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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

Hi Marc,

> I do agree that digital can fail, even more than the times film get > screwed up. The difference is that you know it right away.

Not all the time! What about a card failure AFTER THE FACT and before you had a chance to dump the data? This is an unfortunately VERY common failure, and why there are so many recovery programs out there...they do an OK job, but not %100. At the last wedding I was at, the photographer (not me, but my cousin's) was running the recovery on his card AT the reception. The problem is, though you may know it soon, you can't recreate the walk down the isle etc.



I shoot ALL critical moments with a digital camera ... a 1DsMKII. It simultaneously shoots to two cards at once. One CF and one SD. When shooting critial work with the MF back, I shoot to an ImageBank which partitions the shots. So, unlike CF cards, if one image is currupted the remainder are untouched and can be downloaded.

Also, unlike a film camera, if the digital camera fails, I know it right away.

Importantly, the commercial assignments with models, food stylists and prop-master fees connected to the day's shoot, are shot to a computer screen and approved by the client on the spot. I haven't had one single reshoot since going digital for the commercial studio work ( knock on wood again : -)

Still like shooting film BTW.
Murphy's law if it can fail, it will fail.

New technologies are always suspect and today's computer's certainly deserve that, as I think, they fail far more ofter than automobiles do today.

This reminds me about my Dad's steadfast preference for mechanical cameras rather than battery operated ones. Of course his experience with portable batteries stemmed from their inception and he had extensive experience and knowledge of them. Being scientist he also conducted many experiments with them over many years. Today, I can say that he would be fascinated with the state of the art batteries we use today.

Digital processes are undergoing rapid growing pains, and successes, as an ex&le, the first digital voice systems were almost unrecognizable gibberish a short time ago, now they can guide you through congested traffic. With so many large corporations involved in digital photo products I don't think it will be too much longer before the digital technology will be reliable, easy to use, and eventually universally accepted. Much quicker than battery operated cameras.

As, for film Tony Corbell told me that when he photographed the president and dignitaries at the UN, he used three cameras, and sent the film with three runners to three labs.

So, amounts to how confident you are using a system (and how important the subject is, whether it be an important meeting, wedding, or an eagle swooping in front of you) as to the amount of precautions you want to make, simply because nothing is perfect!


Great news: Hasselblad just started a serious promotion on the 503 CWD. I took your advice, Marc, and worked with Jim Arnosky at City Lights Digital. He was a pleasure to work with--fast and very knowledgeable. I ordered it yesterday and it arrives today. While we were in the process of working through the options, he got an email announcing the new promotion: about $2,000 in instant rebate. Thanks for the advice, Marc. Now I have to learn to drive the thing.

With reference to time lapse on the CFV, some cameras suffer from this, is there any indication that the CFV back has any problem with this and has 'mirror slap', been a problem for anyone? thanks

What is the CFV back like for longer exposures; I've tried my P20 at exposures of several minutes and it is fine.

The idea of no cable is so enticing (as is this current kit deal) but my P20 seems to be better built and have more flexibility in terms of image quality.


" ... but my P20 seems to be better built and have more flexibility in terms of image quality."

Better built based on what comparison? What flexability in terms of image quality?

I went to try out the CFV (no significant test shots) the battery is not integral, there seems to be a fan and therefore in theory the back seems to have more ingress points and as a general feel my P20 seems more solid.

On the other hand the CFV had a much better screen and the wireless feature is appealing, I have a lot of problems in the studio with multiple sync leads.

In terms of image quality, the P20 seems to list a wider range of iso ranges (50 to 800) and works well for longer exposures. I have no idea of what a CFV would be like for longer exposures and higher iso, so it would be interesting to know as I'm sure at the lower iso and exposure times the CFV will be just fine.

"There seems to be a fan."

This is a benefit in MF digital imaging, not a negative.

I also have had endless hard wired sync issues with backs requiring this. It's really irritating when doing a session with a model and you miss that one great expression. Grrrr : -(
Some one was asking about exposure times on the CFV back, which is only 1/8 of a second, real pain at times, I don't know if there have been any software updates recently?
Ok, you may have notice that I said the CFV back does not work pass the 1/8 of a second, well I just tried some test on my 503cw and it seems to work to the time on the lens (i.e 1 second), yet, (I don't know if this is my camera) but if I use a shutter release between 1sec -1/15 of a second I get a purple frame, I also tried it with the mirror up but makes no difference, yet I can fire it of at 1 second with out the cable release and not get the purple frame, why is this?

Before I sent this, I thought I'd better checked my settings on the CVF back and I now see that it gives you a list past the 1/8 and up to 34sec's, (is this a recent update?) my new question is why does it give you a list and not automatically adjust it to the slowest shutter speed, does it affect any other settings?
Before I sent this, I thought I'd better checked my settings on the CVF back and I now see that it gives you a list past the 1/8 and up to 34sec's, (is this a recent update?) my new question is why does it give you a list and not automatically adjust it to the slowest shutter speed, does it affect any other settings?>


The original manual states 1/8 to 32 seconds.

"This setting should be changed for cable-free exposure times longer
than 1/8 second, ensuring that it matches the set shutter speed on the
lens. The settings range from 1/8 second to 32 seconds (1/8 second
is the default setting). The ELD also has a “Bulb†setting."

"7. Use up-down Arrow keys to select SHUTTER DELAY or EXPOSURE
TIME if required."



You can set the longer speeds while tethered also. Click "exposure" under window in flexcolor.

Remember to hold the cable release until the shutter is done when using slower speeds : -)
Thanks Gilbert,

The shutter speed, can that only be adjusted in flexcolour, as its not highlighted on my back when untertherd?

What happens if I leave (or forget more the case) to change the settings back to 1/8th, anything? I did some test, seemed ok.

The shutter speed, can that only be adjusted in flexcolour,>

If I understand your question. Set the shutter speed on the lens, the exposure on the back, or optionally if tethered, with flexcolor.

I believe the default 1/8 exposure limit setting would have to be reset, otherwise if you turned the back off, you would have to reset the exposure time again.

I did some test, seemed ok.>

I am not sure what your mean.

If you do not have a manual, you can download one from Hasselblad.


Sorry Gilbert, I have a bad habit of automatically expecting people to understand what I'm talking about, without explaining myself properly. (Think I get it from my wife)

I meant shutter delay in settings/camera, mines not highlighted so doesn't allow me to change it.

Regarding tests, the exposure settings in camera settings, can that be left at 3 seconds or more; it seems to make no difference when I did some test shooting on higher shutter speeds when I left the exposure settings at 3 seconds, so I can't see a reason to change it back to 1/8; why not leave it on the longest shutter speed, so you don't have to keep changing it for when you want to shoot below 1/8?

Hope that makes more sense
Hi, guys. I just bit the bullet and bought a CFV back (couldn't part with the Zeiss glass I've been using with my 501cm). Your earlier comments are very helpful, and I agree with the quality assessments completely. This thing gives great image quality -- which is the only bottom line that matters.

I'm on the "steep" learning curve for FlexColor, though. It's pretty frustrating to figure out how to make the workflow capabilities work for me instead of against me. I've tried unsuccessfully several times to download a manual from

Can anyone point me to a good source for a current (4.6.7) FlexColor manual?


Frank (Downers Grove, IL)

Go to and register yourself . Then you can download the newest version of FLEXCOLOR , which is 4.6.7 . Put all available flexcolor software from your PC into trash and then install 4.6.7 . When you then teather your CFV back it will automatically install the current FIRMWARE , which is R196 .
Good luck
Do NOT trash the older versions of Flexcolor. Place them on a separate hard drive so you can revert to them if needed.

Version 4.6.7 still needs some work. A new version is coming.

I already have the latest FlexColor software; I just want to find a MANUAL so I can use it efficiently.
