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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

1. Does the CFV back have a dark slide slot? I know it doesn't need one per say, but from the point that it would protect the sensor, plus aid in keeping the sensor clean when off the camera, it would certainly be beneficial.
2. Has the prices of the Sony Lithium batteries and charger gone down? And are there other competitive brands available?
3. I thought I saw a CFV retailer online advertise that their CFV package ($8995) included a battery and charger, which from what I understand, is not normally bundled with the back.
Michael H. Cothran

The CFV BACK does not have a "darkslide" for protection , it has a very solid cover , similar to the cover to protect the back of the camera ,
but much more solid .

I use the batteries which came with the CFV BACK , but also have two noname
batteries and their charging units , and they work as well as the ones , which came with the back , but were much cheaper .

For prices and bundles , I can't say anything . The conditions are very different all over the world .

Regards Jürgen
I gather then, from what you're saying, that the CFV bundle DOES include batteries (and a charger?).
I also understand the protective cover instead of a "dark slide." However, in my opinion, a dark slide would have been a much better design. With a cap, you still have to remove the back before you can slip it on - even if it's only a few seconds. With the dark slide, you would insert it before ever removing the back, eliminating even those few seconds of sensor exposure to the atmosphere, and possible contaminants - lint, dust, grit, etc.
Sorry to hear about the lack of a dark slide, but happy to hear about the batteries.

Yes , I admit , a darkslide , like on the film magazines , would have been great . A darkslide + the solid protection cover . That would have been the ideal solution . But they did not do that . That makes the use of the CFV less comfortable .
Therefore I handle the back with extreme care .
