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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

That photo of the palatial palace (complete with DSL) looks like it was done with my 60mm lens when using film. :) Sorry. I couldn't hold back and just had to say that.
Upgrade to 4.7: same as last time, after upgrading have to cut the connection and to remove the battery, but works fine.

Jürgen did the right, nice photo equipment leads to some compromise with the new home, but still nice location.... :))

regards from Shanghai


The "palace" image was taken with the 905SWC BIOGON CF4,5/38mm .
You get the impression shurely because of the crop factor being 1,5 .
I am thinking about a big inauguration , when the curtain for the rear windows are finally mounted .



I hope your move to this new cottage is not due to my bill for the lens repair.
Next time I will not charge you VAT.

If you need help to redecorate you can always give me a call.
I am totally useless with paint but have a well trained wrist.
My strong point is holding a glass with German beer.

Nice shot I liked Nathan Wongs comment.
It clearly shows the quality of the CFV back.

FLexcolour 4.7 The first image, after updating my back, came up with an error message and asked me to turn of my back, did so and all was fine afterwards. Yet when I come to converting images to DNA, the status bar stayed on 0%, so I closed every thing down, as I presumed it had crashed, when reopened half of the files had been converted, to the chosen location, so I did the procedure again, same thing happened, status bar stayed at 0%, but I left it and after a while the process was completed, but the bar stayed at 0% until the end, any body else had this problem?
You mean DNGs Paul.

What status bar?

On my computer (Mac), a dialog window opens and in it are all the files I selected to convert to DNGs with individual status bars for each one. The conversion to DNG is very swift ... a few seconds for each file.
You are of course correct Mark, I meant DNG When I convert the DNGS on my PC they are converted as a group, not individual and I normally have a status bar (or at least I did have on 4.6.7) which shows the progress and normally shows the %, but I just have an empty bar stuck on 0% until they are completed? No big deal, just wondered if any body else has this problem with flexcolour 4.7
Gilbert wrote in response to Jurgen's "palace" photo:


Too right Gilbert; but, Jurgen could be a bit more careful when parking the car!
Jurgen could be a bit more careful when parking the car! :)>


Did you mean land or park?

Thanks for a good laugh!


Thanks Gilbert.

But I see that your words I quoted did not show!

Here they are: "I like the architectural features displayed in your photograph. You are a treasure!"

Your description of Jurgen as a "treasure" is wonderful! I bet it has put a smile on his face!


Thank you! You are as exceptional as Jurgen!

Last night I removed my PM45 after a year or so, took of the heavy glass and installed the WLF and an 80mm lens. What handy package! All I wished for this morning was some good light, perhaps tomorrow.


Thank you all for your friendly comments .
Currently I am fighting hard with colour management . See the other thread .

@ Gilbert . The PM(E)45 weighs 450 gramm and shurely it is a relief when you use the WLF .
The trouble I have with the WLF , I mostly turn the camera in the wrong direction .
I mostly turn the camera in the wrong direction . >


Don't feel like the lone ranger, before I bought the PM45 I practiced using the WLF on my beautiful German Shepard running in my back yard. I became fairly confident following her and focusing. I was absolutely lost the other night when I reinstalled it. My wife realized it and did not miss the opportunity to harass me, she quickly rocked side to side just to frustrate me.

Good luck color managing!


Yes Gilbert

Thats the vicious circle . When you are used to the WLF , then a change to the PM45 is "new" and the same is the other way round .
But I believe , that is one thing in the HASSELBLAD world , we have learned to live with .

I can't see colors any more . Good old and modern B/W photography .

Regards Jürgen
WLFs on TLR drove me to 35mm SLRs in the '60 [1960's not the 1860's]. My father brought a C2 around 1960, then I suggested that he get a porroprism. He has used his work's Graflex over the years before so that was a big step for him to buy the Porroprism. Once he got used to it, he would occasionally use the focusing tower, the the prism was his primary choice with his C330.


I didn't want to start a thread on this question, because it is, after all, just a 'wondering'.

<b>Question:</b?> What is the reason for the Hasselblad marketing strategy which is 'pushing' the 503 as the mated body for the CFV back - 503CWD.

I have a 503 (and an older 500) and love them, but I read in most places that the 203FE is the 'best ever', and with metering built in etc., I admit to wishing that my fairy godmother would deliver a 203, and the CFV.

(I realise that the 203 is 'discontinued'.)

Was it a package-cost reason? (But if you add the PME45, the cost body v. body is close enough.)

Was it a Shutter-in-Lens reason? If so, why so?

Was it a no-battery body? Wouldn't make sense - the CFV needs a battery.

Was it a service/warranty related reason - 500 v 200 reliability.?

It's just that if I was starting over, I'd like a new 203CWD package, rather than a 503CWD/PME45 package.

There must be a simple reason, and I missed it.

Any thoughts, anyone?

Cheers, Colin

Hi Colin , greetings from Bavaria .

The 503CW is the only camera left in the V-SYSTEM production . So the CFV BACK , if you want to sell it as a KIT , can only be sold with a 503CW
or as CFV BACK alone , for all owners of V-SYSTEM cameras dating back to 1957 . (very few smaller exceptions)

The 203FE is out of production since quite some time , I don't know since when , but Q.G. might know and the 905SWC , is out of production as well .

Also , I think it can't be a "shutter in lens reason" . If you have a modified 203FE , you can very well use F and FE lenses which have no shutter . But again , there are no FE lenses built anymore . The ones you can still aquire are used ones , or an orphant at any dealers shelf .

The price for the CFV back has come down dramatically . (25%) Why ? ? ? Let me speculate .
I see a 22MB CFV BACK coming , might be with a 48x48 sensor , having a resolution (9 to 11 microns) , the CARL ZEISS lenses can still work with No need for extra digital lenses .

Also , such a CFV BACK would have a smaller crop factor .

Regards Jürgen
G'Day Jurgen:


Thanks for your comments. Yes, I knew the 203 is off production for some time, but I assume it was still in production when the CFV was planned. Hence my question on the whole strategy.

For you, a hypothetical question ... IF you could only have one Hasselblad body - 203 or 503 - for the CFV, and let's say the correct E lens (even 80 CFE) - what would be your choice? (Price not an issue).

Cheers, Mate!


PS As for the possibility of the CFV 22mb 48x48. It is bound to happen. If not for Hasselblad, then someone else. That would be very nice, although I guess higher intitial price than the original 16mb price. Maybe some more of us could then get the 16mb at a more friendly price.
Hi Jurgen, greetings from Seattle, Washington, USA . I am not surprised that the 503CW is the only camera left in production of the V-SYSTEM.

I am also aware that the 203FE has been, but surprised that the current market price for a mint used 203 is $5,000 (USD) with 80 Lens, and 12 exp back. The 905SWC is also in the range of $5,000 - $6,000 for mint condition. So market demand for both 203FE and 905 SWC has risen along with prices.

I agree with you that a 22MB or better back with a 48 x48 sensor is most likely on the way, thus the CFV back will take a back seat with deep discounts.
