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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

Steve Hendrix, why are your recent posts so full of extra characters? Are you entering directly into this post system or using a word processor first?

Just curious...

victor schreiber (Victor) wrote on March 01:

' 2007 - 4:05 pm,'

"Steve Hendrix, why are your recent posts so full of extra characters? Are you entering directly into this post system or using a word processor first?"

Hmm. Thanks for alerting me to this Victor. I have no idea, but I'm sure I am doing something wrong. The past few posts from me have come via email replies where I was following the instructionss for reply by email, apparently not correctly.

Well, until I figure out what I'm doing wrong, I'll post on the forum itself.

The instructions for email response state to relace the "Delete this line...", which is all I did.

Anyway, sorry for the gibberish.
Here's my last post without gibberish. Since I was giving Keith a little ribbing, I wanted to make sure nothing was misconstrued as offensive or insulting. Aaah, web-based communication. Gotta love it.


Hmm. Well, that's true. You're such a square! :)

Although you could stitch two 22MP files to achieve quite an impressive square. Oh well, looks like 36.9mm is it for now. While there have been some (very) light rumors about full frame 2-1/4 chips down the line, I'm dubious over that prospect. The stronger rumor is full size 645 - maybe late this year or early next. Time will tell.

Steve Hendrix
PPR Digital

I am glad you changed your system to post on the forum.
I just skipped your old posts because they were to difficult to read for me.

Thanks Victor for drawing Steves attention to this.

I found this site and this terrific thread today. I am not a pro but would like to upgrade my 503CW to digital and have it spend less time in the closet. Would anyone care to compare the CFV and the Phase One P20? Both are in my price range. From my reading today, the CFV is it, but other thoughts would be welcome.

I've been looking at the Phaseone site to find out more. The current P20 has ISO from 50-800, and exposure time of approx. 1/10,000 to 32 sec.

The new soon to be here P20+ will increase the exposure time to 1 hour! That should be great for multi-pop studio work. Also adds new display. May also include a scalable focus window, and live preview.

CFV longest shutter speed is 32 sec. ISO 50-400.

P20 and P20+ do require a cable.
CFV does not require a cable. Although have heard that there are camera models in poor condition where the actuating pin does not register properly making the back seem dysfunctional.

The P20 & P20+ sound much better, at least on paper.
The CFV looks cool.

Calumet has P20's going for US $7990 but don't show one for the V series (strange).

CFV's are US $9,995

Don't know what the P20+ will go for.

I would be quite certain there are other differences as well...

Thanks Victor..I ordered a CFV today..I persuaded by looks cool and no cable..How is that logic for spending $10k? I probably couldn't go wrong with either choice but with Marc's evaluation, the CFV is probably the safer choice for my 503cw. From looking at the online sites, they appear to be selling well if long ship dates and out of stock are any indication.

If it works now, satisfying your photographic needs to such a degree that you would want to part with multi K$, why would it not do so in a few years? Even if 'better' ones (what is the measure for that?) are then available?

Besides, when then to buy? In 2009?
I'm sure someone will then say you'll have to get a better one in 2011.
And in 2011... Etcetera, ad infinitum. When will you start taking photographs...?
Hi Marc,

Congratulations on your being featured in the February edition of the UK Hasselblad News with your terrific motor bike shot and complimentary comments about the CVF digital back made in the forum.

Hey John, thanks. I haven't seen it. Can you give me the link? I can't seem to find it via Google.

I agree with Q.G., if the solution works for you now why not later?

However, in this case we're talking evolution verses cost. If Hasselblad offered a CFV back like the current one, only it had a larger square sensor closer to full frame with 9 micron pixels @ 30+ meg and boosted the ISO to 800 or 1600 plus extended the slowest shooting time past 32 seconds ... I'd definately want to upgrade to that one. That would put more 16 meg CFVs on the used market at a decent price.
Hi Marc,
I cannot find a link to the newsletter so I have scanned the article and will try and post it to you. I think I will have to do it off forum as I don't think it will be legible here.
I have sent it to your email address at
> I know " roughly" that there are some upgrades for the original H1 > to make it more like an H2, etc. Does anyone know specifically what > is available?
Got it John, thank you so much.

Robert, Sorry I can't answer your question since I entered into the system with a H2D/22. I think it has a lot to do with digital integration, where Hasselblad began the concept of a dedicated MF DSLR ... so for ex&le, the Battery Grip power source was redone to provide enough juice to run the self-contained CF backs without an aux. battery/Image Bank.
> Found out some stuff direct from Hasselblad USA on this as well. > $500 USD will upgrade the H1 to an H2. Might be worth looking at, > purely from an investment angle if nothing else. Here in the US, > the H2 still sells for $8000 at stores like B&H.

Should I have to part with it anytime in the near future, having the upgrade 'completed' would be a very good selling point.
We just received our CFV on Friday, it has given a new lease of life. It is so good to be using this camera again instead of the 35mm format in digital.(Nikon). It is intended to progress a new portfolio from this and we will not have to worry about film being damaged in the processing or costing a portfolio apart from the prints, which has happended in the past.

On general inspection of the image quality shows no comparrison with the smaller format and as our background is in computing, we will be experimenting with image quality settings adjustments in Photoshop. Straight away the unsharp masks benefit the images.

Although digital images suffer fools gladly by allowing adjustments after the shots are taken, it also allows for the precise calculation of exposure and this makes it more fun, similar to shooting transparencies. Had forgotten how heavy this kit is compared to carrying around a smaller format and over night I feel as if I am back in the 'game', it is a wonderful feeling!

all the best, Carl

Not having needed to use much wide angle the 1.5 crop is not much of a problem, will resort to smaller digital format if client wants wide angle shots or shoot trans.
Hi Carl,

> ...we will not have to worry about film being damaged in the > processing...

How often has that happened to you? Change your lab if more than once!

Of thousands of rolls of film, I have yet to have this happen. I have had far more digital camera failures. So, I think reliability isn't a well founded reason to go digital.


Thanks Austin, this happened twice as a progressing photographer in London, clients are hard to come by and it took months to find these. Two new clients were lost due to this. Despite the lab paying compensation it did not win back the clients. Which digital cameras failed? Going digital is part of the overall set up, at least there are film backs availalbe if the shoot has problems with digital. cheers, Carl
"How often has that happened to you? Change your lab if more than once!"

First time the lab cross processed the neg film, an entire day of commercial shooting lost.

Changed labs.

Next time the "Machine" ate the film. Of course it had to be the 220 roll of Dad walking his daughter down the asile. I asked for the damaged negs, carefully flattened them over a few days, then scanned a key frame and spent an entire day in PhotoShop reconstructing the image.

Changed labs.

Next time is wasn't a crisis, they just lost a personal roll of 35mm.

Changed labs again .... but with some labs closing, I'm running out of places I can change to.

I now think I have one that seems okay ... knock on wood.

I do agree that digital can fail, even more than the times film get screwed up. The difference is that you know it right away.