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Latest addition to the arsenal.....

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I did some research. According to the price list from GLS they do not charge by weight but by the size of the parcel. So that may be the reason für Jürgen's tight fitting shoe box.

BTW, my vintage 4/250 mm lens arrived today. Wrapped in bubble material and placed inside a cylindrical cardbox Whisky-container. Much more stylish than a shoe box and sturdy as well. The lens looks good.

Have a happy Christmas time


Hello Ulrik,

Better watch out for that rare 250/4 lens. It may have an alcohol problem.
There happens to be a good clinic here to cure that kind of addiction.
Just send me the lens and I will see what I can do......


Hello Jürgen,

Thanks for your reminder that the days of Christmas trees and presents are coming nearer.
Santa has promised me some nice surprises.
I wish you and your wife many happy hours these days.
May 2009 be the year of good filled shoeboxes!

Wilko will find an excellent 1000F camera with original Hasselblad box under the tree.
That makes him the last new member of the FUC in 2008.
Congratulations on this membership and the camera of course.

Hello Paul,
nobody here has an alcohol problem. Good Scottish Whisky is in good supply here. Several brands of Single Malt to celebrate.

Hartelijke Groeten en een fijne Keerst
Hello Urlik,

That is a well known symptom:
No problems with alcohol addicted as long as there is enough to drink.
Thanks for the good wishes. Of course I wish and your family a Merry Christmas too.

There are some Christmas presents here under my tree marked Ulrik.
I think it is best to wait a few days to send them to you.
German Post will be quite busy delivering all that extra mail now.
Santa has left me a letter for you stating all these items are ready for another photographic life.

Hello Paul,
this must be a colourful toy collection under your tree. Thanks a lot.

I am happy and surprised to welcome Wilko as a new FUC member. This club is growing relatively fast, given it's exclusiveness.

Hello Paul,
nobody here has an alcohol problem. Good Scottish Whisky is in good supply here. Several brands of Single Malt to celebrate.

Hartelijke Groeten en een fijne Keerst

Ahhh!!!! Another malt Liebhaber! My stock is running out :-( But I have my homebrew beer to compensate :)

I am happy and surprised to welcome Wilko as a new FUC member. This club is growing relatively fast, given it's exclusiveness.


Wilko found a good looking 1000F with original box for a modest price.
1000F cameras are being offered for very friendly prices.
No wonder the FUC is growing steadily.

What you loose on a decent digithing in the first week of ownership is enough to secure a clean 1000F camera.
Given those options it is a good decision to go for a 1000F or even better a 1600F camera.
The package is definately far too small.
It is 9,5 cm wide but the SWA measures 10,5 cm .
The camera was packed in blister material .

Here two images of the damaged SWA .
View attachment 609

View attachment 610

As you all can imagine , I am very happy with that situation .
It's a real nice X-MAS present .:z04_9856:


The seller has refunded my money and I will have to send the camera back .
I am even more happy now .:z04_carrot:
Damaged SWA

I did not read a more positive post about a damaged SWA yet.
Congratulations that the seller finally saw the light although it was necessary to ask a lawyer to convince him.

The only thing that needs to be done now is find you a good SWA camera :z04_schlaumeier:
The only thing that needs to be done now is find you a good SWA camera :z04_schlaumeier:

The damaged SWA has been sent back today .

Still looking for an SWA now , only top condition ! ! !
That would be the missing link for my little collection .
The only thing that needs to be done now is find you a good SWA camera :z04_schlaumeier:

Yes Paul , that is true .
I will do my very best and I am shure , that you will assist me as good as you have already done in the past . Thank you . :z04_photos:
"Either you do or you don't, there is no try" (quote from Yoda, the Jedi master). Should read "Either you do or you don't, no try there is."

I am no master of the dialect Yoda speaks, but my otherwise faulty memory has an extremely solid spot for this quote: "Do, or do not. There is no try."
Terrific news from the PMA 2009 .

Here the newest model from HASELNUT , the H3L .
According to a service represenative , the camera will be available early in July this year . All currently available DIGITAL backs , no matter which brand , can be attached by using the handmade HASELNUT adapters .
A 48x48mm sensor back will follow till the end of the year .

The H3L stands for : H for high and 3L for three legs .

She is a beauty .


  • HASELNUT_H3L.jpg
    376.4 KB · Views: 12
Hi Gary,

You have just signed for a 100Mp digital back. :z02_deal:

The first twenty will be absolute collectors items, they will have a wooden casing.
I do not have to explain the value a "woody" has to you do I?

Rest assured shipping will be done in an extra strong shoebox.
Being in Alaska, considering the distance Hasselblad offers double boxing as standard at no extra charge.

WHERE is there ANY information on a 48X48 square digital back that's coming the end of this year?

Is it a Hasselblad CFV type, or is it a tethered scanning type back?

Is this a joke, or is it a real piece of information?

Please, my heart is in my mouth with anticipation.

A 48X48 back would CHANGE EVERYTHING, and my loving care of all my V gear and holding on to it even when money was scarce these many years would be justified.
WHERE is there ANY information on a 48X48 square digital back that's coming the end of this year?

Is it a Hasselblad CFV type, or is it a tethered scanning type back?

Is this a joke, or is it a real piece of information?

Please, my heart is in my mouth with anticipation.

A 48X48 back would CHANGE EVERYTHING, and my loving care of all my V gear and holding on to it even when money was scarce these many years would be justified.

It is no joke, but neither is it reality. We have all hoped for such a back for years, but the new Hasselblad is too busy burying the square. :(
WHERE is there ANY information on a 48X48 square digital back that's coming the end of this year?
Is it a Hasselblad CFV type, or is it a tethered scanning type back?
Is this a joke, or is it a real piece of information?
Please, my heart is in my mouth with anticipation.
A 48X48 back would CHANGE EVERYTHING, and my loving care of all my V gear and holding on to it even when money was scarce these many years would be justified.

Sorry Marc

It is not my intention to mess around with anybody .

I made a joke , just to express my deep desire and hope for a 48x48 sensor back .
You can recognize , that I used the name HASELNUT instead of HASSELBLAD . Just by luck , I found the image of that beautiful camera . BTW , that camera is for sale for 999 € from a german secondhand dealer .
If I would have enough room , I would get that camera . Just as a nice piece of display . My wife refused my idea to remove the TV and STEREO system .:)
Regards Jürgen
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