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Latest addition to the arsenal.....

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Still haven't had a chance to get out and use it yet, but here's my newly acquired 180 CFi, mounted on the majestic 553ELX and Berlebach tripod.

That's alot of fine Zeiss glass in the 180 (by weight alone!).

All that white stuff in the background....snow, real snow. None of this fake white background paper for me, no sir!

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
Where it's been snowing since October 5th.


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Hi Gary,

Nothing but the real thing!
We poor souls are struggling with a piece of white cardboard while you have endless heaps of white, as far as the eye can see.

Congratulations! A magnificent lens in the latest updated version.

Hello Gary

The 500EL/M + follow on models were often used for local traffic speed controls .
Modern techniques made them somewhat obsolete , but they are still beauties . Don't listen to those , who say that they are DINO's .

So is this one .




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Hello Jurgen--

Looking at your 70mm back on the ELM makes me long for some 70mm film to use with mine. Does anyone know of a current source of perforated 70mm B&W film since Kodak dropped Tri-X in this size??

i was also wondering about the same: what film is still available for the 70 backs. perhaps it'd be a good idea to start a new topic about this.
Hello Don and Cristif

I just had a call with my professional dealer .
There is no 70mm film from Kodak or Fuji available in Germany anymore .
Might be in the U.S.
Therefore my 70 magazine is a nice piece for the collector only .
It is fully working and very nice to look at . And it does not need to be fed .

Hello Don and Cristif

I just had a call with my professional dealer .
There is no 70mm film from Kodak or Fuji available in Germany anymore .
Might be in the U.S.
Therefore my 70 magazine is a nice piece for the collector only .
It is fully working and very nice to look at . And it does not need to be fed .


The biggest pity is that you cannot get Ektachrome Infrared anymore. That was 70mm-only (or 135 of course).

For those of you in or close to NL: can supply you with a lot of different (roll)films. Up & including Minox size film! I bought the Portra there in the 20 roll boxes that I used over in Utah & Arizona.

Don Neyhard got this answer from his supplier in the US:

I have checked with our Vice President of Purchasing & Product
> Development and he has told me that we are not aware of any manufacturer
> making perforated 70mm film. We do have in stock 100ft. Bulk rolls of
> 70mm non-perforated Efke R100 film. Our item #191170.
> Thank you.
> Marv Keller
> Customer Service & Consumer Direct Sales
> Manager

100 feet rolls are sufficient to load a 500 flim back or 7 times a 70 back


70 film back and 500 film back


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Paul, would it be possible to place an US order through your dealer? Can I send you the money via Paypal perhaps...? I am very interested to be able to use my 70 back for the long mountain trips.

Copy the link at the bottom of the message.
That will show the site of the supplier.

It is not my supplier but the supplier Don Neyhard mentioned to me.
I am sure they will send you anything you order.
Payment might be easiest with credit card but PayPal may be accepted too. Just ask them.

I'm going to say it once more

The V cameras still are the coolest looking photo-taking devices ever produced.

I sold my 2 A70 2 years ago. It was a pleasur to work with them. Now no film anymore, no use so sold.

The shape of the A70 was not so big and allmost elegant. The CFV should have been this shape (between A12 and A70) to absorb the "external" sony battery.
Hard to find a picture of an ElX with the CFV and the battery at work.
Thanks Paul, I will try to order from that dealer.

Can anybody detail the processing of a 70 film? I suppose no tank is available for that size :)
Here in reality, the labs used to cut the long film in 2 parts and processed like 2x 220 films. So I lost one picture.. at least.
The use of 70 mm film without perforation seems to give problems with spacing. The mechanism of the 70 back counts the number of perforations to determin how much film is shifted.
Without perforations correct spacing is not possible.
To use non-perforated film in a A-70, you need to use a "rubber band" to cover the cabestan and help to displace the film. I never tried anyway.
500 frames filmback with 553ELX and Planar MK70

The first picture I took with my new Pentax K200D camera.
It takes a little more practise but this is a better image to start with than any I got from the P&S thingy I used before.



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