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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

Hey Jurgen, I wonder if you can insert the CF into the camera and hook up the camera via firewire tether and see if you can get them to download that way?

I know San Disk offers recovery on their disks. I don't know if their recovery encompasses the "special steps" Marc mentioned. I would expect the other companies to offer similar services and programs.


Gilbert, it has something to do with not recognizing the proprietary RAW file format. I think people go in and add a different file format extension and then the recovery program works. But I don't know the details and can't locate the thread on that subject as of yet.

Thanks, I surmised that. Aren't San Disks provided with H system cameras, if so I am reasonable sure they know the file format. Now, weather or not they are able to retrieve corrupted files from that format or willing to try, I don't know, but, I don't think it would hurt to contact them a find out. I think it would be nice to know anyway!


Marc and Gilbert

Thank you very much for advices and hints .
So I will give some more information and a new result .

I used SAN DISK EXTREME III and IV CF cards , which were already used often before and they were reformatted before usage .

Last Sunday evening , the day after my shooting , I tried to recover with SAN DISK RESCUE .
SAN DISK RESCUE "recovers" , namely the data which this rescue program finds .
These recovered data can not be used by FLEXCOLOR in any way .
They can beopened by PS but will only show the little JPEG image , Marc was talking about .
That means for me , the data are not corrupted , but there is some control information missing . For FLEXCOLOR the 3FR files are "corrupted" .

On each of my used 2 CF cards I have one image which is good and which can be "loaded" into scratchpad and then appears as A0000xxx.3fff accompanied by its little image . I can then save this 3fff file as TIFF for PSCS usage . This is , how it should work and does for these 2 mentioned images .

All other 3FR files can be loaded and appear "corrupted" in the scratchpad .

Today I followed Marc's advice and tried to offload directly from the CFV BACK using the FW cable .
All runs fine and as expected for the 2 good images .
But now , here is the surprise , which brings me one step further .

When loading a known "corrupted" image I get an error message which says :

NO VALID CALIBRATION DATA FOUND . And the operation is cancelled .

I do not know what that means, but I could imagine , that WHITE BALANCE is a calibration parameter . I tried to reconstruct the shooting , and I can remember , that I had trouble with setting the white balance . (manual) . I do not say , that is the cause for my trouble , it is an assumption , that it could be like that .

So I have some hope now , that this missing calibration data could be identified and the images could be recovered .

If my assumption turns out to be true , then I made a lousy user error .
As Marc said , the learning curve is steep .

BTW , is there any list with CF(V) BACK error codes , where you could look up , what that error code means and what to do to correct the situation ? ? ?
But if the user can do a handling error , that causes a failure type , like


then he should get a warning .

All captures i did , looked "normal" . Image on LCD display , histogram and other data were all there , as usual . No indication of a malfunction .
QUOTE: I'll post a quick update on my initial experiences. UNQUOTE

Well, my 205FCC body arrived back from Sweden this morning, modified for the CFV.

How was the initial experience?

Unfortunately, today, Bangkok was suffering under a "monsoon sky" day; grey, overcast and threatening rain all day. So my planned photo excursion did not happen. Instead, I spent the day at home familiarising myself with the 205FCC/CFV combination and running various test shots.

Initial feedback: Great!

Everything works as advertised. I was able to capture some very sharp, well-exposed test images on to CF card (firmware 211), import them into FlexColor (4.7.1), then pass them through to PhotoShop CS3 for final adjustment.

I ran various tests at different exposure times. On the 205FCC the CFV seems to work well at almost any shutter speed (tested from 1/500 up to 8 seconds) without changing any settings in the back.

I tried some flash sync shots using a Metz 40 MZ-3i with everything set to manual and shutter speed at 1/90s. It seems to work fine.

I captured a shot or two with each of my 5 SanDisk CF cards to make sure they all work OK.

I can see that it'll take some time to get used to the cropped capture area. My CFE 50mm is now essentially a standard lens and my favorite CFE 110mm is now a long lens. I will need to do some more experiments and some real life images to be comfortable with the choice of lens.

I have never been a photographer with a lot of lenses, preferring to know one or two very well. I used to keep the 110 on the camera all the time and keep the 50 in the bag for occasional use. I may need to reverse that with the CFV, with the 50 becoming my main lens. Or maybe I need to buy a CFE 80 for regular use. Not sure yet.

I have attached one image that I took of my 5 year-old daughter, Angie, in her toy car in our garden.


Any downside or problem to date: Not really. Although my camera is now quite a bit heavier. Oh, and I have to remember to switch on the CFV when I get the camera out of the bag --- Doh!

I look forward to getting to know this 205FCC/CFV better over the next few weeks and months.

The above described issue

The transfer from 3FR format >>> 3fff format now fails permanent with


is NOT a user error . It is permanent now . The problem is addressed to HASSELBLAD and I am requested to send the CF cards .

So I am back to film again and will repeat my shooting tomorrow .
I recently got a CFV back and took it around Israel. Was very happy with it overall although there were a couple of card reading failures that made me nervous. The monitor resolution could be a lot better as you have no real idea about how sharp an image is until you have fully opened it up.

Here is a picture of Jerusalem in the early morning, cropped from the square. All feedback welcome.

This is NO whining .

Here a short status report about the CFV issues I currently experience . The calibration datasets are stored on an EPROM in the CFV BACK .
These datasets are lost and have to be restored . This can only be done at HASSELBLAD in Copenhagen .

If my images can be restored is unknown yet .

Sounds like a justified complaint indeed.

No good to you if it does, i know, but let's hope the next version CFV back has none of these problems.
"... but let's hope the next version CFV back has none of these problems."

We other CFV owners owe "Tilt Sensor Jurgen" a debt of gratitude for being the lightening rod for the rest of us with no issues or problems :)

Everything made on planet Earth has it's lemons, and Jurgen seems to have one made by Hasselblad.

So far, (knock on wood), this is the most bullet proof digital back I've yet used. Thousands and thousands of images and not a hiccup ... and apparently we have Jurgen to thank for it.

Thank you Jurgen, thank you. Let's hope someone "validates your calibration" soon.
Everything made on planet Earth has it's lemons, and Jurgen seems to have one made by Hasselblad.>

Yes, lucky for you Marc, had you received one of Jurgen's CFV's perhaps you would have lost your Harley shot!


In a German Forum, problems with the internal battery (out of reach for mere users) are reported. And this time, it has not affected Jürgen's s&le (yet?), i believe.
Maybe there's the odd lemon in a bunch of oranges. But maybe too there is the odd orange in between the lemons?

Jürgen, if i were you, i would ask Hasselblad to replace your back. Too many problems with this single one. There's only so much they can expect you to put up with. So unless they believe this is normal, to be expected, they ought to acknowledge that they made a bad one when they made yours, and trash it.

Might be that I live in a lemontree forest ? ? ? ? Anyway , vitamin C is good for you .

Q.G. The CFV back I have , is already a replaced one .

Today , I see the issue not so serious as at the first time . I still have many films stored in the fridge and I never give up .

My main concern is , I wish HASSELBLAD could recover my images .


BTW , I have not given up the calender project yet . I will come back to that later .
Have a successful day and thanks for your kind words .

Yes, what is most worrying about Jurgen's experiences with the CFV back is that 2 out of 2 backs have had serious problems!

Now Jurgen, that makes me worry that the back you received as a replacement for the first might have been a "repaired" problem back - is that possible?

While I really hate to add to your grief right now, I thought I should ask. All the same, and like QG suggested, maybe you should demand ANOTHER replacement back. Maybe it is worth making noise: "this is the second back I have used and it seems that Hasselblad cannot supply me with such an expensive product of MERCHANTABLE QUALITY and fit for its purpose - so refund me or replace the back with a guaranteed NEW back fully tested before it is shipped to me (and with a copy of the technician's test report)".

Gee, this is an horrible story and would have me bald right now from pulling my hair out! As they say in the movies: "no more Mr. nice guy!".
I doubt my back is an Orange amongst Lemons, as much as some apparently would like it to be.

I personally correspond with a number of CFV owners and none suffer any issues save those caused by user error... ( not saying or implying any issue Jurgen has experienced is due to user error). My dealer has sold a fair number of them, and none has come back. No one has reported any issues on the Hasselblad digital forum I participate in. Sorry, I don't speak or read German so I wouldn't know about that reported internal battery issue.

Are there problems? I'm sure there are. But not in my experience nor the experience of all those I discuss this back with ... except Jurgen. Jurgen's trials and tribulations are unfortunate, especially considering this is his second back.

Equally unfortunate is that the mob mentality goes to work overtime expanding on his misfortune to implicate the whole lot. I detect a seething under-current of hatred for anything digital just waiting to leap forth and fan the flames.

I say "unfortunate" because I truly think this product is tentative, and IF it becomes tainted by the experiences of the vocal few and the nay sayers ... it simply could disappear as an option. The only option that is an integrated digital solution for the V series cameras ... and specifically the only option at all for the 200 series cameras (the Kapture Group solution isn't one IMHO).

I certainly don't think anyone should put up with persistent issues. But issues exist for all of these backs, not just this one. They are more akin to computers than cameras as we have known them for most of our lives. The combination of human error and computer error makes them more vulnerable than the pure mechanical machines we all understand and can often trouble shoot ourselves.

As much as some would like to tag me as being a "Pollyanna", I recognize that all these backs are a new learning experience and require a whole new set of skills. Just as we had to learn the proper procedure for simple things such as how to use extension rings with a V lens, these instruments have their own set of idiosyncratic steps required to avoid problems ... many of which we frustratingly cannot fix ourselves when they happen.

People with problems are by nature vocal, where those without them tend to be out shooting. That I choose to report trouble free success is perhaps not aligned with the agenda of nay sayers here, and I should just keep my thoughts to myself and let nature take it's course.