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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

G'Day Eduardo:

""I didn't pay attention enough watching Wheel of Fortune""

That's funny ! LOL

Don't stress out about all this. If I tried even one short sentence in your native language, there's a fair chance you'd think it was written in swahili.

Of course, Jurgen the Publisher would just say 'Ninatokea Ujerumani. Nimekuja kujifunza Kiswahili', which of course we all know means "I'm from Germany and I've come to learn Swahili'. *



*(if you believe Wikipedia)

@ Colin

Yes ist's true , I am trying to learn Swahili in an adult education center.
I would like to be able to translate the CFV USERS Guide into Swahili .

Colin , would you be willing to send me the data of your lovely cozy home , you posted earlier ? ? ? According to the given specs ? ? ? Which camera and lens did you use ? ? ?

@ Marc

Your wonderful image of the Home Sweet Home type would very much fit into July or August .
Would you mind sending me the data ? ? ? According to the given specs ? ? ?

I would like to do some further print testing .

Regards Jurgen
CFV error

I recently did a shoot and I had an error pop up saying 9006, (I think, ,I had written error down on hand but had rub of by the end of shoot) it then told be to turn of back, which I could not do with out removing battery, this happened twice?

same error I think I had when I updated back with recent 4.7 software

FLEXCOLOR 4.7.1 can now be downloaded . It fixes a 9005 FW issue among other issues and upgrades firmware to R211 .
I will install 4.7.1 today and report results .

FLEXCOLOR 4.7.1 installation with CFV back .

I moved 4.7 into a seperate folder on an external disk , then installed 4.7.1 on my computer .
Then power off . I connected FW cable to the CFV and computer . Then powered on computer (do not power on CFV back , it will be powered on from your CPU) and started FLEXCOLOR and followed the given instruction . At the end , when I was instructed to remove the FW cable , the CFV Back does not power off .
Pressing power off at the BACK does not help either .
Again as with 4.7 , I had to remove and reinstall the battery . Settings now show R211 firmware .

Just wanted to say thanks and sorry for the late reply.

I haven't got around to updating the back yet, with the new 4.7.1, as it is a longer procedure for me to do so, as I have to down load it onto 2 computers, p.c and mac, as my p.c does not allow me to use its power source

But am keeping your instructions for when I do

Thanks Paul
Other than the Flexcolor manual posted on the Hasselblad website, any suggestions on tutorials or books on the topic?
Thank you very much.
Ted Treves
I have been out for a shooting this weekend and took about 125 images , on 2 CF cards , with a 501CM + DISTAGON CF 3,5/60 + CFV BACK .
I use a FW Card reader to offload the images from the CF card . I can import all images with FLEXCOLOR and can see them all in the import control panel .
Now , LOADING the images , should result in 3fff files in the scratchpad , where you then could see small images in 3fff . When I LOAD an image it results in an 3fff "image" which has either a big black part on the left and the rest is pinkish or it is pinkish all over . The image information is not there .
The same happens , when not "LOADING" but using the DNG option . The "DNG Image" looks the same as with the LOAD function .

The very first image of the first card , can successfully be offloaded , either to TIFF format or
to DNG , the rest of the images fails.
All images from the second card can not . But images I took today onto the second CF card , which is not full yet , can again successfully be processed to TIFF or DNG .

Obviously the failing 3FR files are missing some control information .

Has anyone , using a CFV back , experienced this problem . Is there any recovery tool for 3FR or 3fff datasets ? ? ?
Both CF cards have been formatted prior to using and when replacing the CF card or the battery I powered down the CFV back .
I can not see , that I have done anything wrong here .
Sorry some information is missing
I am using FLEXCOLOR 4.7.1 and the back is at R211 .

Regards Jürgen
I am sorry that you may have lost your pictures and again have trouble with your CFV.

I am beginning to understand why they sell these CFV backs for less than 6000 Euros now (if you trade in an old-even dead- MF digital back).


Thanks for your sympathy .
But at the moment , I do not know if I have done something wrong or not , or if this issues is up since FLEXCOLOR 4.7.1 or R211 . So currently I am not blaming anyone . I am very patient and do hope , that the files can be recovered . I can see them all , but not make them available for PHOTOSHOP .
But , true enough , I might have lost a lot of images .
My CFV has been without trouble with two software upgrades but not yet 4.7.1 and R211. Never had a problem exporting DNG to LR. Is there anyway to go back to a previous firmware for the back?

Tomorrow my 205FCC body arrives back to Bangkok from Sweden after having had its "CFV modification" operation.

I am looking forward, with some excitement and eager anticipation, to getting the CFV into action. I have been quite frustrated, having the CFV here for the last few weeks with no camera to run it on. All I could do was play with the menus...

I'll post a quick update on my initial experiences.


I am looking forward to hear of your first experience with the CFV BACK .
Good luck .


Two readers (USB and FW) show the same results . Test shots from yesterday and today are perfect . I am in contact with HASSELBLAD and hope that at least some of the images can be recovered in Copenhagen .

Regards Jürgen
Jurgen, the only time I've ever experienced anything close to that was from a low powered battery, and never with the CFV.
Marc and Q.G.

In the moment I do not blame any component at all , because TEST shots yesterday and today (and also before the shooting) were and are absolutely perfect and could be transferred as DNG and/or TIFF and can be used by PS as it should be . So there is currently no trouble .
The results , whatever caused them , are strange . I can see all images in the IMPORT PANEL .

I do hope a recovery will be successful .
Before the shooting the CF cards were formatted , batteries were fully loaded . So I try to reconstruct the shooting and what might have been wrong .

Regards Jürgen
What you are seeing in the import panel are the small embedded jpg previews not the files.

It sounds like the actual files were somehow currupted, either in the buffer transfer, or due to the CF card itself. Sometimes a currupt file can take everything that follows it down with it ... or even make the entire card unreadable.

There is a recovery technique I read about on the Hasselblad Pros site I belong to. Normal recovery programs don't work from what I read. It requires some special steps which unfortunately I don't know.

What CF card were you using?