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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

Jurgen, what a great idea!

I'm in, and put me down for 3 or 4 calendars to buy when they are ready for sale.

Now I must search the local environs for an Aussie "home sweet home" image.

QG, that patent is a wonderful find!

Patents are lovely things, showing what people were thinking about.
Even if the ideas were later abandoned, and we never got to see the patented thingies.
I mean, isn't it just wonderful indeed how Victor preempted Colin's problem, and thought of a solution, almost 3/4 of a century ago?
Pitty he couldn't put the thing in production. No market for it yet, you see. Not until some 60 years later.
Ah well... well tried anyway, don't you think?

My picture (to change the subject) clearly does not fit the "My luxury home in the country" theme, and is not in competition. Wouldn't get cross the finish line anyway (there's no comfy chair in sight - nor inside).
It's more at home in the "What we do to our environment - I give up" category and subcategory.
Or is that the calendar's theme too?

Your image would perfectly fit into JANUARY . At least for European weather conditions .
In down under , it would be summer time and the kangoos would laugh about the
"frozen hut" .
I wonder if it could be possible to split this thread in varios pages, like they do in some other sites. It got too long.



I know just the place! This one even has the dishes still in the sink and the washing hanging when it was abandoned. And some cash too, but that is now gone to a good home.

The prettier old Aussie folding stuff, not the new plastic notes (that can't be folded, but can be washed!).

Need to get the photo, but put me on a provisional list.


Once again, Hasselblad shows how advanced they were...imagine designing a digital back washing clip decades before digital backs. Although it wasn't Victor this time, was it??

Any luck chasing down the tilt-sensor patent for Jürgen...possibly mid 1920's?


Yes, it was Victor.

No luck (uhm... haven't tried yet) finding how long ago the tilt sensor was invented by Victor. But it must have been around that time, yes.
@ All

Just to make one thing very shure , and when I say so , I really mean it .
My idea was , to set up a project , to show , that this is a real community , that we can put up a coop , although we are spread all over the
world , even down under .

I do NOT want to earn any money with such a kind of project . I would be very pleased , if we could realize such a kind of project . It could also be an ex&le for other projects , initiated by anyone else of this community in the future .

I ashure , that any image sent to me , will only be used for the calender , and never ever for anything else . Each photographers image will be signed with a copyright notice .

Best regards Jurgen

Alternatively you could transfer any money the project makes to a good cause, say to Unicef for ex&le.

Just a thought, Wilko
Yes Wilko

That idea is welcome in my mind .
And where is your cozy little home sweet home image ? ? ?
Hi Juergen,

I've been thinking about a house in my archives. But sofar the only thing I thought of is the Kanzleramt in Berlin ;-)

Actually it is not made of adobe. it's made with wood sticks (visible) and various materials. Usually "houses" like this are built with all kind of materials, whatever is at reach. This family inhabitated home is located in a very poor part of the town where I grew up. Its is Villahermosa in the southern mexican state of Tabasco. Tabasco is very hot and humid, hence no adobe like in central or north parts of Mexico. This picture is part of a small collection of photos titled "Eclectic Architecture". I shot it in the middle of the oil boom in the mid 80's so I did a little social denouncement titling this picture "Unfinished stairway to heaven". Something very typical of development countries like mine where poverty strikes all the time in the middle of unbelievable wealth.
Shot with a 500CM but can't remember the lens, either a 80 or 150. Kodak Verichrome Pan, developed in Agfa Rodinal. I just scanned it with an Epson 4870 flatbed. It's never been published, Just twice exhibited with the rest of the series.
Sorry, not my native language.
I just consulted my english dictionary and learned a new english verb: to abide. Thank you.

G'Day Y'all:

Of course, you can always abide a while in an abode made in the adobe fashion. (That is, if you are bidden so to do...)

Ya gotta luv the English language ...


Colin. (Who once had his laundry done by a dhobi man.)

Col - masterful use of the English language. Nice to see your time in the US has kept you from leaning American!

Ooops, now I've done it - I'll be in big trouble now!

Jurgen, I had no doubt that your wonderful project idea was not intending to be a profit making venture. But I am sure all of us want to contribute by buying copies of the calendar to help ensure it is not a loss making venture!

What a shame i did not take a Hasselblad on a trip to Silverton in the NSW outback - where Mad Max was filmed. I have some classic shots of wreck buildings / huts and one is of a classic Aussie "dunny" sitting on a sunburnt hill. But alas it is in 35mm.
Gilbert: Everythings cool. I got it right.

To abide: to inhabit
Abode: past tense and pasive participle of verb to abide
Abode: Habitat

I guess I didn't pay attention enough watching Wheel of Fortune while living in Dallas

