QUOTE: I'll post a quick update on my initial experiences. UNQUOTE
Well, my 205FCC body arrived back from Sweden this morning, modified for the CFV.
How was the initial experience?
Unfortunately, today, Bangkok was suffering under a "monsoon sky" day; grey, overcast and threatening rain all day. So my planned photo excursion did not happen. Instead, I spent the day at home familiarising myself with the 205FCC/CFV combination and running various test shots.
Initial feedback: Great!
Everything works as advertised. I was able to capture some very sharp, well-exposed test images on to CF card (firmware 211), import them into FlexColor (4.7.1), then pass them through to PhotoShop CS3 for final adjustment.
I ran various tests at different exposure times. On the 205FCC the CFV seems to work well at almost any shutter speed (tested from 1/500 up to 8 seconds) without changing any settings in the back.
I tried some flash sync shots using a Metz 40 MZ-3i with everything set to manual and shutter speed at 1/90s. It seems to work fine.
I captured a shot or two with each of my 5 SanDisk CF cards to make sure they all work OK.
I can see that it'll take some time to get used to the cropped capture area. My CFE 50mm is now essentially a standard lens and my favorite CFE 110mm is now a long lens. I will need to do some more experiments and some real life images to be comfortable with the choice of lens.
I have never been a photographer with a lot of lenses, preferring to know one or two very well. I used to keep the 110 on the camera all the time and keep the 50 in the bag for occasional use. I may need to reverse that with the CFV, with the 50 becoming my main lens. Or maybe I need to buy a CFE 80 for regular use. Not sure yet.
I have attached one image that I took of my 5 year-old daughter, Angie, in her toy car in our garden.
Any downside or problem to date: Not really. Although my camera is now quite a bit heavier. Oh, and I have to remember to switch on the CFV when I get the camera out of the bag --- Doh!
I look forward to getting to know this 205FCC/CFV better over the next few weeks and months.