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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

Marc and Collin

and all , who love images of such beautiful homes .

BTW , I am not kidding . I have just thought about my idea again , and I would like to produce a calender (one for each of 13 photographers) with such wonderful images . One image per shooter , makes all together 13 images . One for each month and one for the titlepage .
I would name the calender : "Beautyful Homes" by photographers from the community .

Each photographer would be mentioned with a © copyright and all camera data would be required .

Tell me , what you think about this idea .

Regards Jürgen
Hi all,

I guess this image won't qualify since it's taken on boring old film, but here's a shot of my second home in Florida. I think the palm trees are part of the structure of the house so we probably won't cut them down.


203FE with 50/2.8 F

Great idea Jurgen. Sign me up... and I'll buy a 2008 calendar also.

Manu, who cares what media was used? Great shot. Judging by the palm trees, a nice winter vacation retreat perhaps?

Architectural studies using cameras that cost more than the subjects ... LOL : -)
A well used easy chair is a sign of a man with things well under control!
I wonder who picked up the beer cans?

Great shots gentlemen.


"Home sweet home"

Nice piece of real estate.
Have you tried correcting the verticals in Photoshoop? lol
Marc A. Williams (Fotografz) wrote on July 18:

' 2006 - 4:08 am,'


I'm new to this forum and have been following your thread regarding the CFV digital backs and also of the Kodak Proback 645C for the Contax 645. In addition, I read your posting of scanning in your photos till the price of the digital backs fall into an atractive range.

Which digital back could you recommend from which I can have duo usage on my 503CW, 205TCC, and also on my COntax 645 without breaking the bank? Would i have to forego the option of using the Contax 645 if I choose the CFV?

As for scanners, I have been shopping around for an older Leafscan 45 scanner. Other option would be to buy into a recondition Creo Eversmart Pro. Scanning would not be a problem for me till the digital backs come down in price.

Evan Dong

A very nice image . Would be good for November or December .

My idea should be understood as a coop of interested members of this community .
The images should be of the style "home sweet home" as shown in earlier postings .
Also , I do not want to be a jury , all members should coop and then decide .

I will be responsible for the idea , design and production , which will be done on EPSON printers .

To get the calender done in time , I suggest images to be offered not later than mid of September .

Regards Jürgen
Jurgen, if I might suggest:

set the image spec's ( size, ppi, resolution, and color space) and provide us with an e-mail address to use an FTP site like

I nominate your shot for the cover since you came up with the idea.

You need 13 shots ... cover and 12 months worth.

If a member has a fine shot to be included ... and it is on film ... I would be quite willing to fire up the Imacon 949 and scan it ... that way it would be all kept in the Hasselblad family : -)
G'Day Emmanuel:

Great shot.

I'm not sure, but I think there are more "Boring old film" users than MF Digishooters at this place. And I don't know if you mean I am boring or old or both?

I think most of the digital users also shoot film.



(PS I'm not getting a digital back until I've figured out how to get it dry after the fix and final wash.)

There are special
cl&s available to hooooooook up a digital back to dry up . Provided by ILFORD or TETENAL or ask your wife for some cl&s ;-)

But *do* make sure you add some wash-aid to the last batch of water. Otherwise the back's tilt-sensor might get stuck!

Wilko :p
No, no. Not Ilford, or Tetenal.
Victor Hasselblad's very first patented invention.


For your reference, the header of the original document (note the date. A true visionary!)

Colin: I didn't mean to insult anybody with my "boring film" comment (that would mean insulting myself too), but since the subject of this thread is "Hasselblad CFV Digital Back: User report.", I thought I might be kicked off for posting an image taken on film :~)

It might be an idea to change this to a new thread, by the way...

Anyway, I do like the idea of the calendar!

G'Day Manu:

I didn't take offence, and thanks for your note !

You'll get used to the comments here ... I hope. We sometimes take a sweet pinch of humor with the sour grapes of failing tilt sensors and such.

Just be sure to treat Jurgen with great respect. He is a Publisher.

Welcome, by the way.



@ Jurgen. I know you were happy to have the CFV fixed . I hope it was washed for the correct time.

You are talking about 13 members.I don't understand if I could be in the project.

Please explain further.

If allowed to participate, I have a lovely b&w picture of a "beautiful home" taken with a 500cm and film.
So if "boring" film is good for the calendar and I qualify, it would be great!

G'day Gilbert:

Thank you. My pleasure.

Too bad it was so wet that day. Not a day for tripods and contemplative exposure to light of those tiny little silver bits in "my" CFV (Colin's Film Vault). Hit and run with my 'digiroid' only.




Yes , of course , we would need spec's . I did not give any details , as I was not shure if people in the community would like a project like this .

Here some details , which I have put together . If anything is missing or wrong , please correct me .

Invited are all Photographers of the MF community which work with HASSELBLAD cameras , digital or film , and can supply a " home sweet home" image like the ex&les in this thread .

As a calendar can only have 13 images (title plus 12 month images) we should build a community jury , to select the images , if we get more than 13 . Closing date , not later than the middle of September .

The calender will be in the size of A3 (29,7cm x 42,0 cm) . The image size on the pages will be 24cm x 24cm max. or the largest side will be 24cm.
As there might also be B/W images , I thought , I would take four B/W images and eight color images .
For color images : color space ADOBE RGB 1998 , resolution 360 or 300 ppi , 16 bit RGB , TIFF file .
The same could apply for B/W , but 16 bit greyscale . TIFF file .
So the image file will be something around 46 MB to ? 60 MB . No trouble for DSL .

Marc has generously offered , to scan film with his high end scanner , for those who have no digiback .
Thank you very much , Marc .

I have signed up for a free account at and here is my E-MAIL address :

Please do NOT send any images at the current state of the project .

Regards Jürgen