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V Series Lens Hoods

Clarkie and Galbo (Colin and Simon)

Come along , i invite you for a booze up you will not forget . I will take you to the most beautiful BIERGARTEN i know . Would a 100 Liter cask of bavarian beer be enough ? ? ?
Viele Bratwürste , Schweinshaxen und bayerischer Radi und dazu a gscheite Brezn .
Is des kloar ? ? ?

Ya, alles klar and kloar!! Is that 100 liter each, or do we share.

PS I think we are definitely "off topic", but you are definitely happier now than a few days ago. Wink.

aufwiedersehen, au revoir, sayonara, adios, see ya in Bavaria.

(I will bring my Holga with the new Holga CFV 3.75MP Back, ja?)


Jurgen: Try to get hold of a copy of "Let Stalk Strine" by Afferbeck Lauder, and perhaps also his "Nose Tone Unturned". Very worthwhile and educative.
Don't worry Jurgen, when you get out here you will be given complimentary on-site training!

Gee Col, I doubt that my pancreas could handle a Bavarian booze up these days!

If I were with you and 100 Liter cask of bavarian beer I am sure there would be a point when I would not care what you were trying to say.
As if I could.


My son returned to Germany during the World Cup last year, yet he has about zero interest in soccer, he enjoys your countrymen's spirit for a good time, the wonderful BIERGARTENS:

Simon, Colin:

During the 1980 LB Gran Prix, the person in the group I had great time with was an Aussie named Jim. We put away more that a few and laughed the whole weekend.

This one's for you:

Great stuff Gilbert. I think I might know Jim. Col, have you met Jim?

You got lucky Rob! Anyway a bit of banter among blokes is all good fun.
Oh, and Col maaaaaate, I didn't see you post any info on classic Aussie terms of endearment, like:
"s..t for brains"; "f..k nuckle"; " head";

These can be mistaken as terms of abuse by visitors, but a few hours in a bar straightens out such misunderstandings! It's probably the only country where best mates smile while such expressions are thrown around among them.

And then there are nice salutations, like:
"how the f..k are you"; "what's your problem d..k head".

These are learnt quickly by enthusiastic tourists especially when they get into the bush. If not, it is a long thirsty walk across the Nullabor!

Jurgen, some great cultural treats await you!
> Galbo and Clarkie

Strewth! Poor Jurgs won't know if your fair dinks or coming the raw prawn. Maybe you orta knock the scab off a longneck, boil the billy or get some red ned from Chateau Cardboard - whatever yer poison is - and lie flat out like a lizard drinking for a while.

Otherwise, all those OS coots might intimate youse two bastards are drongos and galahs if you keep it up for yonks.

Next you will be intimating why red heads are given the name 'Blue'.


PS Juergen, You need the 'Australian National Dictionary'. It is a big book. Sadly, decreasingly of use as Australian English is errr, 'globalised'. Or should that be 'globalized'?

Is there an adapter to attach my CFV (when back) to your beautiful HOLGA . If so , i think i will buy a second CFV and a HOLGA . By the way do you know , how the flipping keys and toggle switches on the back of any DIGIBACK are called here in Germany ? ? ? . . . . . .
Mouse piano .


No one is left alone in this forum and i appreciate the help and the contributions in this forum very much . But , honestly , sometimes we also need some fun and entertainment .
These are helpful contributions as well .

So that's where I went wrong ... Here I was in Garmisch thinking I was looking for a "Kippschalter für digitale Rückseite" and all the time I should have been looking for a "Mäuseklavier". (I used to play the Klavier when I was a young 'un). But when I come to think of it, all those little keys look like a mouse piano!

Incidentally, it may be that the mouse is on the INSIDE of your wonderful CFV, not the outside. :cool:

About the Holga adapter ... umm ! You may have to ask Simon; I believe he has a small business making Lens Hoods and Back Adapters for Holga (or it could be Helga??)


Wislo, "strewth" a term I have not heard for years - gave me a laugh!
We'll get Jurgen here yet (that is if he's not scared now that he may be entering a country dominated by yobbos!)!

Colin, I will have to defer to Jurgen for that expertise!
He's a great technician and machinist (if that's what we call a bloke who can use machines to make things).

Yes, Jurgen the banter here has actually added some colour to this forum even if it is OT. And what's great is that we actually get to know a bit about each other which in my view is very nice. Oh, and it's better than some banter that was going on in another thread lately! And Rob's question even got answered!

So it seems there are 3 Aussies here - Coiln, Nick and me. Guys it is great to meet you. We might even make Jurgen an Honourary Aussie. Maybe when he makes that promised trip down under we can have a ceremony - a prawn on the barbie!
Simon, or Galbo (which is probably what you got at school):

I endorse all your comments. I think the Forum is excellent, and in my view it is much friendlier when we have a laugh at ourselves from time to time, rather than pouting or sitting in corners sucking our collective thumbs. The best teachers I have had used a touch of comic relief to get the subject into my thick skull. A little bit of sugar .... !

And G'Day Nick!

Simon - about Jurgen and the Honourary (Honorary) Aussie bit. Be very careful. He is from Bavaria. He may even wear 'lederhosen'. He may even want to get you out of your Kilt and into Lederhosen. And he may not know that Ned Kelly was our first State Treasurer. Just a thought. ;-)



You are dead right . I wear my "Lederhosen" all day long , even at night . Thats the standard here . And i wear that type with the big square front pocket , which you can unbotton . It's similar to a kangaroos pouch .
And guess what carry in there ? . Right , my new CFV digiback .

Your description is so "kloar", I do NOT want a photograph of it. :-?

(Very funny reply, by the way.)

Touche Colin and Jurgen!

Colin, you were pretty close - Gal. I see you respect American's right to mess up the English language - you must fit in well! From what I hear, Bavarians can hold their drink, so Jurgen will feel right at home here.

Jurgen, I'll be careful to look the other way whenever you open your "pouch"! I'm just hoping that CFV gets back quickly to avoid you mistakenly opening that pouch only to find ......!

Take care guys.
Hi Guys,

On the subject of Lederhosen, as a child I lived in Germany for a few years, and my parents thought it was appropriate for me to wear these dreaded leather breeches!

This left me with a complex, and a limp.

BTW these things have a design failure since the pockets wear out long before the trousers, and since small boys have only small coins, they get poor quickly!

Regards to All,


Strictly speaking, the construction of Lederhosen pockets is "slightly" off topic.

However, I am overjoyed to know the real reason for my limp.

Also, when I was living in Westphalia in the 70s, I noticed that Lederhosen attracted mosquitos or gnats, too. The men spent most of their time jumping around and slapping at their legs.

Auf Wiedersehen ..?
