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V Series Lens Hoods

Funny the way some things digress...

I need to learn German--or Dutch--or whatever y'all are speaking!

Ok Ok ! White Flag waving here.

I'm just an uneducated Aussie from the 'bush' and it's been 32 years since I lived in Germany!! I can hardly say 'Mercedes' and 'BMW' anymore.

But I do love the light-hearted banter. A nice change!



Nothing wrong with the Aussies, really love their sense of humor. Always good fun to meet my colleagues/friends from 'down Under' :)


Nothing wrong with "Aussies" ( i have friends there) .
But BMW is so easy to pronounce . Just as HASSELBLAD , the best you can buy .

Today is full off-topic chit-chat anyway: in the US they call them Beemers, not BMWs :) No idea what they call Audi (which happens to be my favorite means of transportation).

Wilko (I'm now gonna shutup, no worries)
Who said something's wrong with Aussies?
Methinks one protests too much...

And what do you mean, Wilko, "today"?
It started a week ago already with Rob.
(Since when, by the way, is "ikke" slang?)
In absolute terms 'today' saw a lot of off-topic posts (this is another one). That holds true, regardless of when the thread started.

'Ikke' is not really proper Dutch, I am sure they taught you in school it should be 'ik'. :p

cheers, Wilko
"Beemers" (or "Bimmers") in the US, really applies to cars.
BMW motorcycles are referred to as "BMW's"

I hate to get involved in this but, many Americans use BMW, as the term for the automobiles and motorcycles. Not everyone here participates in media terms, Hollywood slang, advertisement lingo, or fads.



You never noticed how there often is quite a difference between 'official' spelling of words, and various, common forms of pronunciation?
That difference does not make it "slang".

Anyway, the 'original topic' of this thread was (and i am sure Rob will agree) quite nonsensical. As you put it: "chit chat".
I haven't seen that change.

And now i'm off, doing
Gidday to Colin from another Aussie. As a country bloke I'm sure you'll agree that we would never use slang would we - we just speak "Strine"!

I've gotta agree with Jurgen too - there is nothing wrong with Aussies; and he certainly does have good friends here!

Stone the bloody crows, mate. Didn't want to let the cat out of the bag and get a fly in the ointment. Seems to me you're a bit of a dag, and getting all those pressies from these other blokes for nix proves to me the blarney in you would talk the legs off a kitchen table. Jeez, by the way, that piccie of the white gums up around Singleton or wherever, is like mother's milk to a boy from the bush. Hope you got a chateau collapsible or two when you were in the plonk country up there.

See ya, orright? Gotta put on some fancy duds, grab me sheila and hit the bright lights for a little while.


Yeah, I reckon Jurgen is probably fair dinkum. That Marc fella, though ... dunno about him. Never offered me nuffin. Sounds a bit toffie, I reckon. You'd think he give away some of that old kit to his Aussie mates, wouldn't ya? (Sounds like he's got more bikkies that the Packer crowd.
Traurig, Jurgen, denke ich, daß Sie ' strine ' erlernen sollten.

Sorry Jurgen, I think you should learn 'Strine'. :)

Geez, blud oath Col mate! No wuzz she'll be right.

Singleton was all class and didn't take no crap from no one. Plenty of nelly bligh and dead horse for a bloke there - real fair dinkum country that - only out done by Whitecliffs!

I think , i have to buy a new dictionary . But which one ? ? ? Can you please help me ? ? ?
Simon and Colin

I can assure you , when you blokes come to germany , i will talk in the deepest bavarian slang to you and you will understand no nothing , but kangaroo .
Jurgen, me ole' mate!

Get the brattwurst mit pomme fritte und der grosse bier ready for me and me mate Galbo!

Galbo, we've been invited to a booze up ....
