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Early Alert: New CFV-II

Same price. Which in the US is a good thing since the dollar exchange is driving up prices on all imported items ... even Canon just increased prices.

Many people still think Canon is a manufacturer of photographic equipment.
They are not. Canon is a bank hence the increase in USD prices.
Quite understandable for a financial enterprise.

That depends on the current stock of the CFV back.
I presume there are not many CFV backs left so the new back should be available in a couple of weeks.

If existing stock does not move fast enough a special offer may be presented.
Phasing out of older models is always done in secrecy by Hasselblad.
Information about stock situation is a well guarded secret in Sweden and Denmark.

So special interesting prize for old CFV and then the new one at full prize.

If this one is 16Mpix too and differs only from screen and other minor details, it will be hard to be sure that the great deal is to buy the "old one" or beeing the first one to buy the new one.

I did not say a special price is certain. I just mentioned the possibility.
Whether the changes are important enough to decide for the mark II back
is up to the buyer.

I think I will watch the official site everyday till then.

I just put today the new TMY 400 on my 202FA to test.

Lot of hope in new technology these days !

So special interesting prize for old CFV and then the new one at full prize.

If this one is 16Mpix too and differs only from screen and other minor details, it will be hard to be sure that the great deal is to buy the "old one" or beeing the first one to buy the new one.

I agree with you 100%. If it's sold at $6000 or so I might take one of them off their hands and buy a 40mm with the "savings."
I agree with you 100%. If it's sold at $6000 or so I might take one of them off their hands and buy a 40mm with the "savings."

Ahhh ... news stirs the pot ... and the forum springs to life ... LOL.

As far as I can determine, all of the 500 production run of the 503CWD kits are all gone. I have no idea how many new CFV backs are left, if any. Some may be sold as demo units ... but I'd be surprised if they were priced at $6,000. given Hasselblad's pricing history in the past. If they were, that would be a really nice deal for an excellent digital back.

According to one dealer in the US, the CFV-II is available immediately... which is usually the case when Hasselblad announces something new.

I doubt the CFV-II is intended to trigger a rush to trade up from the previous model. IMO, it's simply a matter of economics of scale. All the CF backs have received the new 2.5" LCD, and all of the current CF and H3D backs got the new filter. The filter is not a more aggressive AA, but instead an IR filter with a superior anti-reflection ability to better handle direct points of light. My H3D-II/39 has this new filter.

Here's what could be a controversal opinion: I sold my CFV to a forum member (how's it working for you my friend?) ... since then it has been sorely missed. IMO, it is one of the best MF digital backs out there ... for some odd reason that defies logic and physics, it produced a level of IQ difficult to match by other more expensive choices. While somewhat hampered by the 1.5X lens factor for W/A work compared to a 645 sensor, it compensates its owner with stunning clarity and absolutely beautiful tonal renditions and color right out of the camera.
In a similar fashion, my pal Irakly recently secured a 22 meg Phase One P25 back for his Contax 645 sporting proven Zeiss optics ... and has struggled to produce images to equal his old 16 meg Kodak 645C digital back. It's weird.

RE Canon: No complaint about them from me. Perhaps slow to react to issues ... like the running battle that went on between Canon and one prominent US photographer over the 1DMKIII AI Servo AF issue in some very specific conditions ... but once they acted it was swift and involved little effort on the part of the customer. My 1DMKIII was updated to the so called "Blue Dot" version in 3 days with free overnight door-to-door pick-up and delivery... and they just fixed what remaining issue there may have been with the latest firmware update. There are some advantages to dealing with a rich bank : -)

In contrast to that, my Leica M8 gear had a luxury spa vacation in Solms Germany for most of 5 months : -(


Leica service is legendary for both cost and slow turnover.
Canon knows its business. You are right it has its advantages to deal with a powerfull company.
Compared to what Leica offers we must be glad with Hasselblad service.

"According to one dealer in the US, the CFV-II is available immediately... which is usually the case when Hasselblad announces something new"

? Where ? At what prize ?
Nothing at
Any idea about the max iso setting ?

400 asa for the CFV I and ... for the CFV II

Usable 1600 asa should kill hesitations !
B&H in New York still has at least one 503CWD kit for sale and the price dropped by $2,000 this week to $10,995 USD. CFV is listed for $8,995 USD ($1,000 price drop).
Having been a CFV owner now for almost 3 months, I am also not surprised, with my luck, that an upgraded product will rear itself once I buy the current model . However, with no difference in MP's or sensor size, I'm content to use what I have until the cows come home. My LCD screen does have some "dead" pixels on it, forming strange spikes, but it doesn't get in my way.
I turn on the histogram, and keep my eye on it as I shoot. That's all I really need. I can see it ok.
Another user that does not get overexcited about a "new" CFV back.
Many years ago a manufacrurer probably would not even mention these changes.
He would continue to sell the product under the same name.

Nowadays there is a legal obligation to change the model name with any changes in product.
Gentlemen a totally unrelated question for Marc.

Marc, when you took the shots of H cameras earlier here, were they positioned on a light panel? They look great.
Another user that does not get overexcited about a "new" CFV back.
Many years ago a manufacrurer probably would not even mention these changes.
He would continue to sell the product under the same name.

Nowadays there is a legal obligation to change the model name with any changes in product.

Do you mean "subject to change without notice?" You're right. I don't know if this counts, but remember when Whitney Houston came out with her first album? There was one song on the CD that was really popular. My CD was defective so I returned it. The CD I ended up with had the same song, but it was different in some ways. They had switched the song to make it more musical or something. Of course there wasn't anything on the packaging to state that.
Arghhhh...another price drop by B&H on the CFV to $8495. I am itching to buy, but am reluctant to buy now for fear it will drop another $500-1000 next month.

Any opinions as to the projected price point of the CFV II?

"Subject to change without notice" is just a legal phrase to avoid claims from parties that have used the specification sheet to make the product part of a system they offer.

If a product is changed and this phrase was not added to the specifications
users may claim damages.

Any industrial product is offered under international legislation.
All products in the EU need to comply with the CE standard.
This does not only concern the product but also supply of spares and services for a minimum period of at least eight years.


There will always be a time , where it is wise to wait for a pricefall , because there is a new model in the pipe .
But honestly , has anyone any more news about a CFV-II ? ? ?
Nothing but speculations up to now . No pricefall here in Germany for the CFV DIGITAL BACK .

Ordered one ... new CFV-II is about 2 weeks to delivery.

Pricing is the same as the original CFV.

Personally I think the B&H $8495. price is a very good discount for the original. That's $1,550. less than the new MKII one. I doubt Hasselblad is making the original any longer, and supplies of the original CFV are limited to dealer stock.

Simon, those H camera shots were done on a semi-transparent plex product table that uses a 4' X 8' piece of plex that's curved in a cove shape so there is no horizon line in the background. It can be lit from the back, or from under, or both. I used a Profoto Ring light on the floor under it ... adding extra diffusion as needed.