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Early Alert: New CFV-II

IMO, wait and look at the Nikon high meg DSLR due soon before deciding on the 1DsMKIII. Presume the 40mm has gone ?

The 1DsMKIII is a camera I currently have and it is terrific up to a point ... but has been overshadowed by the Hasselblad H3D-II/31 I bought when Hasselblad reduced the price to $17,995. USD ... a camera which has proven to operationally take the Canon's place while providing higher IQ ... and uses all my CFi and CFE Zeiss lenses when I want.

My Canon 1DsMKIII and all my Canon lenses are going on the auction block soon. Want it Gary ? LOL!

Oh yeah ... I'll come and collect it, not.

When I said "seriously considered" it was only to try and find the piece of gear that will do everything. The range of kit I've accumulated over the last 20 years is quite impressive, but I still want a pocket camera that will shoot 5x4 landscape quality.

The Hasselblad rep just offered me £10,000 part exchange value for my CFV + 203FE body, if I buy an H39 ... something. However, he wanted £10,000 cash as well. So it would cost me say US30,000, which once again is not the same pricing at all. Then I'd need lenses. So that's going nowhere fast; not that I had interest in the first place as I really like using the CFV.

I'm twiddling thumbs awaiting the Leica M9 at Photokina, following which i'll get out of DSLR's for good and my perfect kit will be M9x2 plus CFV.

Love the country store image Marc.

Hi Gary

the third Nikon fullframe body (I expect announcement in September 08) will have approx. 24MP, will costs around 6.000-7.000 USD and shall have an excellent image quality.

I guess high iso quality will not be as noise free as the Nikon D3, but still worth of waiting for the first tests ;)

I can not comment on the Leica M9...

Best wishes
"Personally, I'd clarify Keith's statement " ... of all the MFD files I've now seen not one of them had a quality anything like film," ... I take that as meaning: digital doesn't have the "Qualities" of film. Both deliver image "Quality", but their "Qualities" differ"

Marc, yes, exactly what I meant, the results of the two capture methods have different qualities but there is no doubt that both can deliver in terms of image quality.

"In fact, similar to Keith's evaluation, I've yet to produce any digital image with any piece of gear that aesthetically pleases my eye as much as a well scanned film image"

I love film, love looking at it on the lightbox and love the prints that I produce from it. Having said that I'd love the confirmation of composition and exposure, the hassle free trips through x-ray scanners and the flexibility and workflow of RAW files rather than scanned film.

"IMO, wait and look at the Nikon high meg DSLR due soon before deciding on the 1DsMKIII"

Marc, the 1DsMK111 was never really an option, if I were to buy a DSLR it would be the 24MP Nikon, but the fact is I dislike all of the 35mm based DSLRs.
"I also believe that your vision changes depending upon what gear you have available..... How many photographers use a long lens on a 5x4, or a Leica M. I suggest that your creativity will flow and take advantage of what kit you have to hand and perfect pictures will follow"

Gary, agreed, but for certain subjects and in particular architecture there are serious constraints that dictate the use of given focal lengths.

"Obviously, no idea what you're now looking at, but I've seriously considered the 1Ds Mk III as it would expand on existing kit I own, but shooting 3x2 for square images doesn't come easily for me. And ... it's much more expensive. A used CFV can be had for around £3.5k and the depreciation on that will be minimal. However, you write as though there's nothing suitable available for you. I hope that changes"

As I said to Marc, shooting in one format and cropping to another is not an option I relish but is probably something I'll have to get used to. I'd love to use the CFV but what I'm looking for is a complete solution rather than a partial fix. There will almost certainly have to be a compromise somewhere, no doubt it will be in my wallet!
Hi Gary

the third Nikon fullframe body (I expect announcement in September 08) will have approx. 24MP, will costs around 6.000-7.000 USD and shall have an excellent image quality.

I guess high iso quality will not be as noise free as the Nikon D3, but still worth of waiting for the first tests ;)

I can not comment on the Leica M9...

Best wishes

Hi Dirk !!! Long time no hear.

For a DSLR, I'm pretty impressed with the D3 ... and have ordered a full frame D700 to back it up at weddings. I like the ergonomics and high ISO performance compared to anything else. I doubt I will get the high meg Nikon because some of the MF digital cameras are advancing by leaps and bounds ... but that will be determined by how good my H3D-II/31 is when ISO 1600 is implimented with Phocus. 1600 is about the limit for me when shooting a wedding ... but I've expermentally gone all the way to ISO 10,000 with the D3 with decent results ... however that's not something I'd do for 95% of the wedding images I must get.

Leica needs to get the high ISO performance of the M8 (or M9) at least to a useable ISO 1,600 in less than ideal light, without finicky processing needed ... and a small tilt/swivel head version of the SF24 would be really nice. I don't care if the next M digital is full frame or not.
Leica needs to get the high ISO performance of the M8 (or M9) at least to a useable ISO 1,600 in less than ideal light, without finicky processing needed ... and a small tilt/swivel head version of the SF24 would be really nice. I don't care if the next M digital is full frame or not.
Thanks for all these pictures. Funny to see that one use the SF24D I have also.
This flash is not powerfull but is interesting for "strobist use" with full clever manual possibility. I use the Metz 54 Z3 to get more power and tilt/swivel head.
With digital and 1.4 lenses, a 20meter power flash is usable.
I would like to dream a mix between the D-40 Hasselblad flash and SF 24D.
Perhaps one day a flat and wide flash will emerge in the cobra land :)
The 1250 asa mode for M8 is almost usable, in reality it save only.
At Photokina Hasselblad is proud to show a 4.5x6 digital back. Perhaps for V too ? The famous 28mm /4 full frame will become a "asp" lens like Canon has ?
If the 6x4.5mm sensor is like the Kodak it may be a 75Mpix one.
At Photokina Hasselblad is proud to show a 4.5x6 digital back. Perhaps for V too ? The famous 28mm /4 full frame will become a "asp" lens like Canon has ?
If the 6x4.5mm sensor is like the Kodak it may be a 75Mpix one.

Where did you get this information? Is it just speculative, or do you have inside information that a true 645 back is coming?

If true it could eventually be offered as a CF back also ... which could be used on a V camera.
I recieve mails from Hasselblad since I try to win a free H3D for the 100 years of Hasselblad. years ago.
This week the mail annonce the 50mpix sensor and in the text was:

"(...) Hasselblad is also proud to announce the upcoming launch of a new 645 sensor. Full details on the 645 sensor can be had at Hasselblad's Future Technology seminar at Photokina 2008 in Cologne."

Because I really wanted to winn I gave 4 email adresses so I got 4 times the same content. ! Other mail-lister should have recieved the same info.

These years Hasselblad launch a lot of very interesting products as Hasselblad-Zeiss did in 2001.
Hasselblad announces a full frame 48 mm sensor.
What frame they are referring to is not known.

It can not be a 645 frame because that is 56x41 mm.
Maybe the Hasselblad sales department is just a little overoptimistic.
I understood that the full frame is 36x48mm for hasselblad H.
See the 28mm FF and I understood that the H3 viewfinders show only 36x48mm.
So the 31Mpix is not a FF.

On other hand a new 41x56mm digital back should be anouced at Photokina this year.

The pixels war move in MF area in 2009 !

Perhaps a new thread is needed for "Early Alert: New 4.5x6 digital" !
Well, the CFV-II & 40/4 CFE IF Promo Bundle arrived on Friday. Quite exciting!

The old War Horse V system just keeps on goin'.

The 40/4 IF is ... well ... BIG! Bigger than my 40/4CFE. Sharp. Before selling the 40/4 CFE, I hope to test them against each other in some real world applications.

I would very much like to understand , why so many photographers are so keen on the CZ DISTAGON CFE 4/40 IF .

This lens is 1130 gramms . A 503CW body is 610 gramms . A CFV BACK is 510 gramms . All together this is 2250 gramms .

A 905SWC inclusive the fantastic BIOGON CFi 4,5/38 is just 940 gramms . The CFV BACK is just 510 gramms . All together it is 1450 gramms .

800 gramms difference ! ! !

Is the DISTAGON 800 gramms better than the BIOGON ? ? ?:confused:
Is it because the 905SWC is not available any more , or does the DISTAGON just look more impressive ? ? ?
BTW , sorry , I forgot .

Marc , your image of the old country store is great . I do like it very much .
One can feel that the time runs slower there , than in big cities .

Is the DISTAGON 800 gramms better than the BIOGON ? ? ?:confused:
Is it because the 905SWC is not available any more , or does the DISTAGON just look more impressive ? ? ?

I could be way off base here, but it might be because it's convenient. People might find it easier to carry an extra lens than to carry an extra body. Plus you can focus the lens instead of guesstimating.
The new Distagon is better in quality. Focussing right with digital is an obligation now.

I liked to use Biogon 20 years ago.
I would very much like to understand , why so many photographers are so keen on the CZ DISTAGON CFE 4/40 IF .

Simple to answer for me: I want a real viewfinder. In other words an SLR.

And I want my CF50 to be with me all the time, so I need an SLR V-body anyway.

Please define "better".

Focusing always has been an obligation, film or digiback.

Watch there:

20years ago with C lens I use the moving lignes of the lens to estimate what will be sharp or not.
With digital you can't count on DOF to get good results. I'm surprised how much important it is to spend the time it need to adjust foccus with my Biogon 21mm 4.5 on my M8 (leica).