IMO, wait and look at the Nikon high meg DSLR due soon before deciding on the 1DsMKIII. Presume the 40mm has gone ?
The 1DsMKIII is a camera I currently have and it is terrific up to a point ... but has been overshadowed by the Hasselblad H3D-II/31 I bought when Hasselblad reduced the price to $17,995. USD ... a camera which has proven to operationally take the Canon's place while providing higher IQ ... and uses all my CFi and CFE Zeiss lenses when I want.
My Canon 1DsMKIII and all my Canon lenses are going on the auction block soon. Want it Gary ? LOL!
Oh yeah ... I'll come and collect it, not.
When I said "seriously considered" it was only to try and find the piece of gear that will do everything. The range of kit I've accumulated over the last 20 years is quite impressive, but I still want a pocket camera that will shoot 5x4 landscape quality.
The Hasselblad rep just offered me £10,000 part exchange value for my CFV + 203FE body, if I buy an H39 ... something. However, he wanted £10,000 cash as well. So it would cost me say US30,000, which once again is not the same pricing at all. Then I'd need lenses. So that's going nowhere fast; not that I had interest in the first place as I really like using the CFV.
I'm twiddling thumbs awaiting the Leica M9 at Photokina, following which i'll get out of DSLR's for good and my perfect kit will be M9x2 plus CFV.
Love the country store image Marc.