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whats a good flash right now for h3d2 50

Metz is an excellent choice and has been that for the last half of a century for Hasselblad cameras.

For 6x6 the Hasselblad D 40 is a good choice provided it is used with a TTL/OTF type body.
seriously, there is no dedicated flash for the h3d2 39 , 50, or the comming 60..

if you look at the mets site...hassy in not even on the compatibility list..i just got the 50....maybe will upgrade later to the sixty depending on the reviews...but there is not a good flash out there...for it...i mean that the camera will control the flash unit..

the guy in the store suggested to use my 580 ex...

Flash for H cameras including the latest ones:

Lots of mis-information going on here.

The H system has one of the best, and most accurate TTL flash systems in MF photography. My friend you need a better dealer : -)

I also wish folks that do not know the facts would stop posting incorrect answers ... please.

Metz module SCA-3902 is what you need. It's even listed on the Hasselblad web site which means you could even order it from a Hassey dealer as well as any Metz dealer like B&H in NYC ... scroll down to the bottom of the H system accessories page:

I use a Metz 54MZ-3 on camera, and a Metz 70MZ-5 potato masher type flash with my H3Ds all the time. Full control of the flash functions are assumed by the camera. With a bit of practice, adjustments for compensation can be made without removing your eye from the viewfinder.

I also use the Metz off-camera system to shoot hand held directional light TTL with the H cameras. Metz SCA 3008 Am unit is what you need for that:

When I want to shoot TTL with my 203FE, I just change modules and use the same flashes. Same for my Nikons and Sony A900.
Sample of Metz and Hasselblad H: a marriage made in heavenn

With the H camera's 1/800th high sync speed, Metz TTL fill flash can be used in some very harsh lighting conditions to balance out the values and fill the shadows for some delicious detail ... like this severly back-lit candid wedding shot:


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Thanks Marc for a well motivated answer and for your support regarding Metz flash equipment which is second to none for any camera.

D flash will also work with non TTL/OTF cameras as long as you are prepared to accept uncontrolled full output.

Output can de decreased by a soft box of course.
This will cost a lot of battery power so the use of an external generator is recommended.

I admit it is not an elegant solution but for a number of applications where full output is necessary the D 40 will do just fine.

i wonder whats a good flash..that would work with the hassy ttl...Metz?

even the store cant tell me..


Fotografz is correct.

The SCA-3902 is the adapter needed.

I suggest Metz 54MZ-4 shoe mount or 76MZ-5 handle mount flash with all H cameras.

Metz SCA 3008A is the off-camera system to shoot hand held and I have have used this in numerous occassions with great success.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
that the point ..there is no ttl fully controlable by the h3 body. there is flash yet.. the metz .. is only in auto mode..but not ttl...

we are running into this problem...3 of us in the local area..have not really found a flash solution for the h3d2..even with the cr3902 adapter its not full compatible..
we are running into this problem...3 of us in the local area..have not really found a flash solution for the h3d2..even with the cr3902 adapter its not full compatible..

The SCA 3902 when connected to the flashes indicated above offer TTL, Auto or Manual mode. I personally use the 54MZ-4 with SCA 3902 with an H3DII.
You have to set the Menu on the Metz for TTL.

paul that really funny, cause i just checked their web site...and lieca is on the list but not hassy..

btw Paul...the new charger for hassy batteries sucks ass...! it doesn't even drain the battery fully before it charges the battery again...your reps solution was " get two nails and a resistor in the middle.." i expect.more from a company that i just plunked over 40k for a system...


At least for cameras as old as Methusalem we had a decent plug to connect the bulb to drain the battery before charging.....

ELM bulb.jpg


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