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The classic mechanical digital Hasselblad 503CWD


Active Member
If you recall a thread I wrote about how sad it is Hasselblad has not in any real way continued some of the classic body design/finish themes many of us still admire, you'll see why I've been smiling so much lately - the limited edition 503CWD.

Yep, Hasselblad designers must be listening
Their web site announced the release of 500 special fully digital 503CWD cameras with a WLF (with the ground glass having crop markings) and CFE 80mm Planar lens.

Based on the 503CW it boasts a 16MP digital back with all the very latest software/firmware capabilities of the latest backs recently launched. And even the winder crank arm is new - an all chrome device.

It all looks a treat, so go have a look.

It is specifically released to commemorate VH's 100th anniversary this year. The back has the chrome and partial leatherette treatment too - with VH's signature engraved.

I'm sure the back's 16MP limitation (x1.5 factor) reflects their expectation of "enthusiast" buyers rather than a dedicated professional in the field unit (although why not anyway!).

So, maybe we will soon see some more ex&les of "retro" design themes coming out of Sweden

Well done Hasselblad.
I knew , you would like the "classic" design of that new back . So do I . Now , a Hasselblad with that CFV attached , looks like a Hasselblad . My dealer told me , that this back is produced by Hasselblad in Sweden and the first backs will be on the market not before the end of march . The price will be around 10.000$ in the states and about 10.000€ here in Europe .(price for the CFV back)
We will have to wait and see .
Thanks Jurgen - good guess!

I'm actually glad the price is that high and that far out of my reach - kills the temptation

Yes, like you I'll "stay tuned"!

You know I just thought that those of us who like this initiative should (since we may not actually buy one) email a positive comment to Hassy. Well, we email grumbles, don't we; so I'll email a compliment

I too liked it when I saw it a few days ago as it looks like it belongs on a Hasselblad. If film dies I would not mind something like it. Perhaps in a few years it will evolve into something very capable and at a favorable price.

It ain't over yet!


> Hi friends, do you think that this new digital back will be compatible with 200 series cameras and precisely with my 203FE. When i ask about compatibility i mean also with FE lenses! Thank you for the answer. Regards,

I am more than seriously considering this item Simon. My Sun Yellow Hasselblad needs some company : -)

The question is, do I buy just the back for my current 503CW, or do I buy the whole kit? The Back is $10,000. The kit which includes a Special Edition 503CW, 80/2.8CFE and the CFV back is $13,000.

Like any loyal Imacon/Hasselblad client, I receive a 10% discount.

I need to see if the specially engraved Focusing Screen comes with the CFV Back alone. I also need to see if it allows you to use the Imacon Image Bank as well as the CF cards. The Image Bank holds 1,100 images and is a really handy option for extended shooting. I need to ask if this back would use the current Image Bank or the new one being developed.

I assume this back will fit the SWC, but I need to check on this also.

The only other option I am considering is a CF39 for the Hasselblad V cameras. The question is whether they make a plate that allows you to turn the back from Landscape to Portrait orientation. If not, the smaller Square sensor back is the only option. This back is 2.5X the price of the 16 meg one ... : -(

If I get either of these items I may be selling a mint Imacon Express 96C just in case anyone's interested.

Lot's of functional options from Hasselblad. This gear will live on and on.

Now what we really need from Sweden and Denmark is a 6X6, 54 meg back. Take my word for it, THAT would stun the whole industry. I'd sell everything in my arsenal including the H2D and lenses as well as the entire Mamiya RZ kit and anything else that's been hanging around.

A Leica M, a Canon DSLR kit (for weddings) and that V system with a killer digital back. Done.
Hasselblad CFV digital back Retail at $9,999

Hasselblad CFV digital back is custom built to match the design and functionality of the Hasselblad V System cameras, thus turning the V System camera into a new digital workhorse. Digital capture is extended with tools for powerful digital workflow control with the Hasselblad Instant Approval Architecture. The Hasselblad CFV also fits view cameras using the V System interface plate for mechanical attachment and flash sync connection to trig¬ger the digital capture. Hasselblad CFV thereby brings an ultra high level of integration and flexibility to the profes¬sional photographer who needs the best for both mobile and studio shooting.

• Finest digital integration for the classic Hasselblad V System cameras and lenses
• Hasselblad Natural Color Solution
• Cable free operation with all V System cameras including 202FA / 203FE / 205FCC cameras

Hasselblad Natural Color Solution

Color management solutions have in the past imposed limitations on professional digital photographers, because of the forced choice of a specific color profile to suit the job: capturing various skin tones, metals, fabrics, flowers etc. To combat this, Hasselblad has developed a new, powerful color profile to be used with its FlexColor imag¬ing software. Working with the new Hasselblad RGB color profile enables you to produce outstanding, reliable out-of-the-box colors, with skin tones, special product gradations, and other difficult colors reproduced effectively.

To implement our new unique colors we have developed a new Hasselblad raw file format called 3F RAW (3FR). The new 3F RAW file format is designed to ensure that images captured on Hasselblad digital products are quickly, effectively and safely stored on the available media (CF card, Imagebank, etc). The file format includes lossless image compression saving 33% of storage space. Combined with the architecture of the Hasselblad back, this allows for capturing up to 35 shots per minute.
It's not clear to me whether this new camera will accept film back or the CW winder. Can someone clear this up please?
Since the new CFV back can be purchased separately, I would think it safe to assume the special edition camera would take film backs also. I doubt they added data bus contacts between the camera body and the back ... not at that price anyway.

The current 96C allows use of the 503CW winder. Different cords are used to connect the back to the lens sync.

Just a note: this back requires a Sony Lith-Ion digi-cam battery for power. It clips on the bottom and may interfere with some Tri-pod actions.

This is not (!) a new camera.
It's a rebadged 503 CW, with chrome crank and marked focussing screen.
So yes, it will accept all backs (and other accessories, like the Winder) that fit the 503 CW.
Hi Marc, yes I agree with everything you said - look out Marc Williams' family, if youre not bolted down you may end up part of a trade-in!

That pricing of the 503CWD looks good as a bundle - just $3k more for the camera and lens - especially when factoring in the client discount. Mmmmm, I'm becoming tempted myself.

I remember that you spoke so highly of your original Kodak 16MP back - that made me think this version with all the latest software features etc should be very good.

PS: I always refer to your yellow 501 as "fly" yellow as it looks like a sensational colour that Porsche resurrected from the 1960s for the 993 in the 1990s - "fly yellow"
Hi Mark You wrote: " I also need to see if it allows you to use the Imacon Image Bank as well as the CF cards. The Image Bank holds 1,100 images and is a really handy option for extended shooting. I need to ask if this back would use the current Image Bank or the new one being developed."

You will not be able to use your old Image bank with the new backs, you will need the new one

"The only other option I am considering is a CF39 for the Hasselblad V cameras. The question is whether they make a plate that allows you to turn the back from Landscape to Portrait orientation. If not, the smaller Square sensor back is the only option. "

Yes there is such a plate item number: 75020333 Nick-T

with my 203FE. When i ask about compatibility i mean also with FE lenses>

According to what I read Yes, with a camera modification.


Now what we really need from Sweden and Denmark is a 6X6, 54 meg back. Take my word for it, THAT would stun the whole industry.>

...And the bank account of some small country!

Time for some fun:


Gilbert and Marc I share your views about a 54MP full frame 6x6 back - but everything the Hassy CEO says indicates never to be. But, that could just be clever speak to ensure pros buying the new 22 and 39MP items don't hold back "just in case".

Although there is no hope that I could afford one, it would just be great to know it's there and that Hassy trumps the entire industry - returning to its legacy.

Wow, and imagine if the 54MP had the retro-503CWD outer casing design
.... you'll hear me way over there from Australia!
Lovely dreams and speculations about a 54MP CFV stiled back ! ! !
Who would really ever need it ? ? ? Who could really pay for it ? ?
But , now , assume there would be a full frame CFV stiled back , I can see , that all the money I invested in my V-SYSTEM gear is not lost and many guys will regret , that they sold their wonderful V-SYSTEM gear . The ones joy might be the others pain .
I agree with Jurgen, who would ever need a 54 Mp back? Who could pay for it? Ideally a full frame digital chip is a dream, thus I believe that Hasselbald would be working toward that end as we speak. Now is the ideal time to invest in V system gear as others sell 'V' gear to change their image format. I like film.

Camera Technology has been on the upsweep with the advancement of Digital. For my daily work (professional Architect) of taking jobsite photographs, I use a Nikon D70s, which is sufficient. For my professional photos I use three Hasselbald bodies 203, 205, and 905 (wide), with various lenses. I don’t know what a digital back will do for me now, but it is desirable.

Having seen the spec on the new CFV back and its price of $9,999, it is just out of reach, unless there is a client of mine who will give me a large long term contract where capital investment will warrant such a purchase.

The idea of having a complete photo without film processing is the main advantage of Digital, where digital processing is by software. The largest consideration for me is file size and how large a print is practical, before pixelization occurs.

I used to make initial film proof prints of 5”x 5” then chose which ones for 16” x 16”. After a few years of making 16x16, I decided to make prints 12” x 12”. When Framed they are just as impressive as 16x16.

So for me if the digital image can make good prints at 12x12, it would be acceptable to me. BUT the cost factor of $9,999 still is an obstacle. I just cannot rationalize the expenditure at this time. I don’t know what digital image sizes will produce acceptable finished print image sizes as size moves up the chain.

Another factor is that Digital is an emerging technology, where it will be in 2, 5, or 10 years will certainly see improvements in chips, software, and price. There is a lot of V system Hasselblads in the hands of Consumers, and thus a demand for a good digital back at a reasonable price.

I desired a Hasselblad from the early70s on, but it was price prohibitive considering camera and lenses at the time. My first Hasselblad purchase was a 203 with 80 and 110 lenses in 1999, then gradually accumulate my other gear. I have no intention of selling any V system gear, and believe eventually a reasonably priced digital back will be marketed by Hasselblad.

Does Hasselbald read posts on this forum? They ought to.

If digital photography follows the model that personal computer processors have shown, it won't be many years before today's most impressive CCDs will seem very primitive. So, the full frame 54MP back may come to seem rather unambitious. (I can remember when a 5MB hard drive was for so-called "power users" only).