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New CFV 39 MPix back also for 20x cameras

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On Hasselblad website today is the new CFV 39 MPix digital back which now is also for 202,203 and 205 cameras. I think this is great news for all V system users. There seems also to be lens corrections like there is for H system. Square files can also be gotten from the back directly.
A few highlights below and a link for additional information.

Square and rectangular image format:
The CFV-39 offers the choice of shooting to the classic and loved square format giving 29 megapixel images and the full rectangular format giving 39 megapixel images.

Digital lens correction supports the following lenses:
Supported lenses are:CF/CFE 40 FLE, CFE 40 IF, CFi 50 FLE, CFi/CFE 80, CFi/CFE120, CFi 150, CFE/CFE 180, CFi 250, CFE 250 Sa and CFE 350 Sa.

The DAC correction will be included in a new Phocus software to be released shortly.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
Paul, I wish you wouldn't keep posting like this - it's getting increasingly difficult to resist a digital back for my 'V' series.....:z04_hinterherjagen:

Thanks for the info anyway.....!
Hello Terry,

Digital lens correction means known faults in the optical system are corrected in the digital domain.
In other words corrections are carried out in the files before they are transformed.

This is similar to corrections in audio equipment.
This method has many advantages over correction of analogue content.

I have it on good authority that one of our club members has ordered a CFV-39 digital back.
For the kind of money involved I better write CFV-39 without abbreviations.

How to rotate format?

How do I go from horizontal to vertical with this bacK?
The most exciting news in photography since FF digital 35mm
This is an unbelivable good news !
This time I wil try not making the last mistake:
Not buying as soon as possible. Almost 3 years for the old cfv; I expected that I shoud be good for only one year, replaced by a new one. In one year it's hard to justify the cost, in 3 it's OKfor me.

BTW, what's the price and when in the shop ?
It's a shame I just got a Kodak Pro back one month ago !
How do I go from horizontal to vertical with this bacK?


The sensor will be in landscape (horizontal) position and you will need to rotate the camera to capture a vertical image if using the full 39mp sensor.
If the square mask has been selected in the digital magazine menu then rotation is not necessary.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
[/QUOTE]..what is digital lens correction?[/QUOTE]


Digital lens correction means that when an image is captured with any of the following lenses

CF/CFE 40 FLE, CFE 40 IF, CFi 50 FLE, CFi/CFE 80, CFi/CFE120, CFi 150, CFE/CFE 180, CFi 250, CFE 250 Sa and CFE 350 Sa

We can correction for:
Chromatic aberration
Lens distortion

This can be done in Hasselblad Phocus 1.2.x
You will need to input the focal lenght, aperture and distance to subject in order for corrections to be visible in Phocus.

Note: The V lenses are mechanical and there is no way for lens data to be transfered at point of capture as there is in the H system.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
These are amazing news!

Is the CFV-II discontinued now? cannot find it on the hasselblad

I hope we will see some 'clearance' offer price on the CFVI and II

Despite of the fact , that something is mixed up with the languages in this forum , I will try to put up my questions , which go to PAUL CLEASSON HUSA .

I have just ordered a HASSELBLAD CFII-39 and I will try to stop that order .

What are the differences between the CFII-39 and the CFV-39 ? ? ?

I would very much prefer the V-SYSTEM design , but that is only the outside of the box .

As far as I could see up to now , the difference is ISO800 instead of ISO400
and a longer exposure time . 64 sec instead of 32 .

My understanding of the lens correction , it is done in PHOCUS .

Can you please give more details ? ? ?

Regards Jürgen

So, this is a waist level finder camera that needs an eye level prism as a 645 camera to shoot a vertical? Back to 1:5 crop? Hasselblad got to be kidding!! again.
What was suppossed to be the best MF news in years, is in reality an insult to the intelligence of thousand of photographers around the world.
No, thank you. I'll keep saving my money for a P1.


The sensor will be in landscape (horizontal) position and you will need to rotate the camera to capture a vertical image if using the full 39mp sensor.
If the square mask has been selected in the digital magazine menu then rotation is not necessary.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
This is really cool news. I have a real love of the V system gear and its lack of automation. I've been musing over other systems, including H series, for a while now but this may be a better option for my type of working methods. I'll be interested to see what price bracket it's introduced at.

Only thing that would annoy me is having to use a prism finder and flip the camera to shoot verticals. I would put my hand up for a rotating sensor like some other systems.
What is worse is that vertical format is 1.7 or 1.8 crop! Price? Most likely over $20K. For a 1.8 crop sensor? Hasselbladd is s******g me! . Again.

Not really, vertical format if the camera is turned is only 1.1 crop. I'm the first to admit turning the camera is a pain but, still, it's no different to having to flip the H series really is it?

It depends on price. If someone has a whole V series kit, all the lenses they need and want the option of digital, then this is a good option to save themselves buying into a whole new system. Or am I wrong?
You're right

Unless you think the H system is an aberration like me and a lot of photographers around the world think.
For a 645 eye-level photography there are some other systems that might do better. The real plus and magic of the V system is that it is a true WLF camera and that my friend is another dimenssion in photography for composing and rapport with your subjects.
I wish so much the Hy6 survives! Photography is 80% art and 20% tools. Sooner or later, the truth will prevail. I promise you.

Not really, vertical format if the camera is turned is only 1.1 crop. I'm the first to admit turning the camera is a pain but, still, it's no different to having to flip the H series really is it?

It depends on price. If someone has a whole V series kit, all the lenses they need and want the option of digital, then this is a good option to save themselves buying into a whole new system. Or am I wrong?
For me the new CFV-39 is a real 29Mpix as I consider scare format. Anyway it's about twice the old 16Mpix one.
To my logical point of view, the price should be the price of the CVF16 3 years ago. I imagine that the H3D-31 will soon disapears and the H3D-39's price will be the H3D-31's one.

The 1.1 crop factor is considered as you use 4.5x6 camera, but the A-16 was not the standard use for Hasselblad.
Ok the problem is still the wide angle, as the 40mm is only a standard street-pictures lens. This lens is particulary heavy.
Why not product a real 500CD witch could transmit coded lens informations as the Leica M8 does ?..or H3D does with CFE lenses ?
Missing a CFE 60mm 2.0 IF !
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