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Incompatible focusing screens


You are absolutely right . But look , it happens from time to time , that a thread runs out of topic , and the thread opener just has no influence on that any more . Best ex&le HDRI .
Take care and regards from
. You know , who this is .
I do have to agree with Q.G.

Like many, I have a host of camera related aches and pains which are part of life these days. It fits my theory of modern life in all areas of endeavor: "Other people screw up, and it becomes your problem". For ex&le, I just bought two black C stands and the seller sent me two chrome Turtle Bases and two Black 40" Risers. Guess who has to get the chrome bases back to them, and reorder black ones?

Unfortunate, but I doubt the forum would like to hear each of my laundry list of camera related mishaps in excruciating detail accompanied by an endless wailing and bleating ... deteriorating into character assassination of the offending party.

I beginning to wonder if having a whiny, victimized personality is a prerequisite for Hasselblad ownership? : -}
BTW, the "Tilt Sensor" joke is beyond stale.

Is anyone actually taking any photos? Or are all the Hasselblads in the entire world in a state of disrepair, and being undermined by a conspiracy of poor service?

Also, while the focusing screen mishap is a true tragedy worthy of a novel, soon to be a movie, what news of Simon?

I do hope , you read my last update on this thread . If not, please do .
My understanding of this forum is , that people can report their "photographic" problems , and can share it with others and learn from others , but also give their own experience to others .
If this understanding is wrong , please let me know . If this understanding is wrong , then i am wrong here too .

I think we all have to get used to different standards of service i.e.
less service from suppliers.
This does not only concern Hasselblad but als applies to others.

When you share the pain you have got half the pain.
It may also help others not to fall in the same trap.

And yes with modern technology it helps to be a little masochist to survive.
Sorry to have annoyed you, I'll quit whining right away.

And yes, I do take photos, all the time, basically. That's why I wanted to have it back in a week (as promised) and with a brighter screen. Didn't happen - fine, nothing to do about that, I'll move on and take my money elsewhere next time. I just needed to vent, and it was good to be able to hear a second opinion. Many second opinions, actually.
Thanks for that.


Don't be stupid .
You have not annoyed anyone and please don't quit .
This forum lives by contributions like your thread and many others . If we would only have sunshine in this forum , we would not need this forum at all . If all gear would work fine , but it does not ! ! ! what would we need a forum for ? ? ?
Frustration goes away , but you stay here .

Regards Jürgen

Annoyed?? Why do you think you annoyed anyone? I, for one, am more than curious on what the outcome of your 'focusing screen ordeal' will be.

Venting off some steam given your experiences sofar is in my opinion pretty normal.

So please hang around and share your experiences with this forum.

regards, Wilko
Hi Marc,

I think you forget one thing: you have the money to burn given your professional use of the system. And you have the privilige to receive nice and professional serice from your suppliers. As it should be I might add.

For a lot of the folks out here this is hobbyist equipment, and that means people do not take it easy to see their hard earned cash go 'poof'. At least, that is my line of thinking.

That said, getting back on topic, read: using the cameras sounds like an altogether good idea to me. For now the weather s*cks here, nothing but grey skies and drizzling rain. Bah :-(

For some positive news: I today received a nice A12 of the latest model (with slide holder). I'm cleaning that one now, looks like there is coal dust (?) in there, it is dirty wow.. Apart from that it looks fine.

Another small victory today is that the 553ELX that I re-assembled today worked in one go. It had suffered a bad case of leaking batteries. Which was sad, as the camera itself looks like new.

If you own a EL* sitting in a cupboard: go and check the batteries, they can create havoc. I will try to post some pictures later to show people what can hit you.


I hope you still feel welcome here.
I looked at your work and am delighted to see you are doing good.
In a little while you will know most of us are friendly characters
who share some frustration from time to time but for the most part are impressed with the results we get from our Hasselblads.

You had an unlucky start with your 500C but nothing is done that cannot be solved.
This is a little community of people who share the same interest
and admiration for some of the finest photographic equipment ever

Some of us may bark a little but we do not bite. Stay with us.


It's not that complaints must not be aired, not that threads have to stay on topic.
But let's face it: there is enough and there is too much.

We (myself included) really have veered off into "too much" too much lately.


What Jürgen and Wilko said.
Wilko, professional use has nothing to do with anything. I am a one man outfit, no one but me to handle issues. And while I may get some pro service from a dealer, I have to screw around with all the details just as much as anyone else here. Once it's out of warranty I'm in the same boat as the rest of you.

I agree Paul, but not totally. A few well placed pieces of info is all that's required to alert folks of a poor service resource. But come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Look how many posts there are in this thread about a simple focusing screen issue (over 80!!!!) ... which is actual a relationship issue between the poster and the service supplier.

In comparison, how many threads are there about making photographs with a Hasselblad V series camera?

Not Antje's fault, he just asked a question and got some decent answers (stick around Antje, it's nothing personal) ... but then it sunk into an endless negative diatribe. I guess people just like to participate in bad news. The whine factor here has increased exponentially, with no relief of a positive kind at all.

How many Tilt Sensor posts does one have to endure? TWO endless threads devoted to a relationship issue, that NO ONE here can solve ... it starts out with informing, problem solving, and commiserating, but ends up thousands of words and endless bandwidth later by doing nothing but creating ill will and a sour experience based on ONE unfortunate experience with the CFV back.

If everyone did this, and that was all this forum offered, it would simply become an unmanned complaint department.

I don't care what some of you do. Bitch all you want, it's your right to do so. Me, I get enough of this on other forums, and this used to be a relief from that. Oh well ....

For your information Antje is a woman.
This name is not familiar for people in the US.
That is not your fault of course.
I am glad she has joined us.

My apologies Antje. Good to have you here, and as I said, nothing personal. This has been going on for awhile, and has nothing to do with you or your problem.

Jurgen, your meaning escapes me. Unbelievable in what way? As in "not true" ... or in that you find it "unbelievable" that someone can become fed up with sarcasm and negative vibes about an internet gathering that is suppose to be fun and informative?

What specifically do you find "unbelievable"?
Marc, well said... its about time someone said something. I've been reading these posts because photography holds my interest. Photography, not whining about gear.

Other amateur forums have been showing a decline in overall knowledge as they increase membership. The pro forums are getting better but since I still use film for initial capture do not share their level of 'enthusiasm' for their situation(s).

This forum at first seemed like a place free from the usual riff-raff but lately has degraded substantially. I am quite surprised that folks such as Marc A. Williams even spend their time here anymore. The only reason I read on... is due to very poor health. I can rarely shoot anymore yet do so every chance I get.

My own participation herein? Rare at best. This forum seems like an exclusive club to just a very few, a few who have similar interests, photography itself not being high on the list. I suspect there are others who visit here and also feel put off by the endless OT diatribe.

Bored as I am in real life it has been very tempting of late to pull the plug on this forum. I reckon another week or so will be all it will take.

Nuf said...
Marc you are right about this forum being a way to communicate about photography.

I have looked at the work a new member of the forum has made available to us and others and like what I see.

I think she deserves to be encouraged in her efforts to improve her work. The move to MF and Hasselblad may just do that.

Can people please take the stuff in this thread that is not related to the subject line "Incompatible focusing screens?" off-list, or change the subject line?
Now we're talking Paul. I'm all about taking photos and sharing anything and everything we all have to contribute in that cause.

I love this Hasselblad gear, not because it's more stuff to own and maintain (yeah, we have to do that), but because of the images it makes ... casual, or serious, commercial or just for fun.

The day I lose my amateur's enthusiasm for photography, is the day I sell all the stuff.

I do snap shots just like anyone else here, and it's a blast to use a MF camera to do it with.
Let's think, young, and Summer, and butterflies ...

Here's a MF "snap" using the CFV, 100/3.5 and applyng a fun new "dream" digital action given to me by the famous wedding photographer Jeff Ascough to test out. No award winner, but man did the mom love this shot which I printed up at 13X13" ...
