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Incompatible focusing screens

The nice challenges then become for ex&le finding the US and the European version of the flash adapter.

On the lens part, you can of course start collecting third-party lenses for the 1x0F series. There were quite a few German lens manufacturers who built lenses for them. Kilfitt was one, I think Astro-Berlin did some, but there are probably more. One learns something new in that area everytime.

Now for a nice trivia question: assuming you can *only* see the focusing screen, how can you tell you have a 1600F and not a 1000F?

I will leave the trivia question to others (I know it of course).

Just wanted to mention that I have a surplus US version flash adapter.

Other lenses with 1000F mount werde made by Piesker in West Berlin, a company I am searching information about as I just recently bought one of their 5,5/180 mm Tele-Votar lenses (wich i would love to test but my 1000F bodies are away for repair). I also have a Carl Zeiss Jena 2,8/120 mm Biometar for 1000F/1600F (not yet used for the same reason.

You won the pie ;-) The ones I have seen all had the 'v'.

Whether it is present or not it is probably dependent on when the camera was built or something like that.
Collecting third party lenses breaks the conveniently closed and 'surveyable' system-to-collect open, and makes it harder to see an end to it. So myself, i like to stick to things Hasselblad sold themselves.

There are several hard to find bits: the cover of the cable release socket; the cable release converter; the 'ping-pong bat', and very ingenious, remote release; the tripod shoe converter (though admittedly something from the post-1957 era); bellow units
to name a few.

Some people collect the original boxes and packing materials.
Try and find that!

Myself, i can't find the leather lens tube for the f/5.6 250 mm Sonnar. I have seen a few sold with a lens in it, but i do not need yet another 250 mm lens...
I bought the Piesker lens as curiosity or interim solution because the 135 Zeiss Sonnar always exceeded my budget when I found it. If it's optics are as good as the mechanical construction I will keep it for sure. The 120 mm Biometar was in a pile of 1000F stuff I got recently.

> Hi everybody, I am reading with interest your opinions of focusing screen problem in 500C, I have this body with spare AM and going to exchange. I am quite fresh in Hasselblad equipment, not going to make any advice but I would like to suggest you some experiment with Hassy copy Kiev 88. Last december I have bought 503CX for my kid - student of photography and 500C and Kiev 88 for me. Belive me, I do not see any differences in picture quality between Hassy and Kiev. I paid a lot of money for Hasselblads and only 200US$ for Kiev 88 with 80mm lens, two backs and metering prism [fits Hassy]. If you decide to have some experience with Kiev contact me and I will try to help to buy camera and lenses for reasonable prices. I hope my poor English is understable.

Best regards from Northern Poland,

Wlodek E-mail: As far as I know Kiev is the copy of 1000F or 1600F. Other lenses for this camera you can buy for about 100US$ or less. Kiev is made by Arsenal/Ukraine.]
those who tried to use Kiev lenses on 1000F bodies reported that they do not really fit, the threads seem to be slightly different.

Dear Wladyslaw,

This may come as a surprise to you but Kiev cameras cannot in any way be compared with Hasselblad cameras.
The built quality is very poor.

Many years ago a Hasselblad specialist visited the company that imported Hasselblad cameras in Russia.

From time to time a Kiev camera was offered for repair.
The person who wrote down the complaints from the owner waited till the owner had left and threw the camera in a large crate standing about 6 meters from where he stood.

This action raised the question from the Hasselbald specialist:
What happens with these cameras?

"We wait till the owners give up inquiring about their camera and throw them away".
Hi Wilco, Jurgen,

> Please tell me about the Ektar lens one should dream of. I know > nothing of it. I love good lens stories.

I have one of these that is mint (well, as mint as they were when new) in box one of these 135mm Ektars. I haven't used it ever, so I have no idea how good or bad it is optically...but it is a pretty cool looking lense. If you want me to take some pictures of it and post them, I can. Or, you can check Nordin's book, which has some pictures of it I'm quite sure.


> [Dear Paul, I have some knowledge of pluses and minuses of Kiev. In January I found on net some opinion of Kiev of US importer, cooperating with Arsenal. It was no so bad. As far as I remember, He told: "30% of Kiev cameras are very good". I took a risk and spent 200US$ hoping my camera is between those 30%. If I am not right, I will let You know in due time. In the meantime, best greetings.]
Dear Wladyslaw,

The guy that repairs Kiev cameras and checks new cameras got a large amount of these cameras bought as a special offer by the importer in Holland.

This repairman is a sort of masochist who tries to get these things going for his efforts he deserves a statue as far as I am concerned.

The problems with these new cameras were so big that he advised the importer to send the lot back and ask for a refund.

The Kiey factory did not offer a refund but send a Russian repairman to Holland.
He stayed two weeks with the Dutch guy.
Together they repaired most of the faulty cameras communicating with a sort of sign language.
One speaking Dutch and English the other only speaking Russian.

They taught each other all sort of solutions they had developed in years of repairing these cameras.


> Paul, First: I am not profesionalist in photography. Second: I am not insist Kiev cameras are very good. I know some people using Kiev from years with very good results. In my opinion Kiev is an alternative for people whose can not afford to spend a lot of money for Hasselblad. Besides that, you can find very good lenses "Made in Russia". A few years ago I tested, in amatuer way, 10 standard lenses [nikon, canon, minolta etc....] for 35 SLR cameras. The best one I found was Jupiter 50mm/1,8. Last week I was testing Sonnar 135/3,5 and Jupiter 80/2. The results are very, very similar. It mean for me, some people can shot good picture not only with Hasselblad and Carl Zeiss lenses. I very like Nikon system, all my family using analog and digital Nikons. As You already know now we testing Hasselblad and Kiev.

Once again best greetings,

Some Russian lenses are quite good I agree with that.
You wrote "according to the USA importer 30% of the cameras are very good".
That sort of succes rate is unacceptable for products in the West.

A little story how Japanese manufacturers look at quality.
A factory in England that was managed by people from Japan ordered boxes to pack the finished product in.
In total they had bought more than 100,000 boxes.

These boxes came from a British supplier.
The sales manager from this supplier was invited to visit the Japan based factory and was shown two boxes that did not meet the quality standards of the client.
No problem he said I will gladly supply two more boxes free of charge.

The Japanese gentleman said: "I am sorry I think you do not understand the problem.
We expect every box we buy from you to be perfect".
That is how people in Japan look at quality.

I have a hand on an EKTAR 135mm with caps and filter rings .
The price is 1300,00$ + 50$ shipping + 7% customs +19% VAT . But therefore it is 98 mint .
Thats what the guy say . I tried to get the price down a bit without success . So this will stay a dream .
Hi Jurgen,

> I have a hand on an EKTAR 135mm with caps and filter rings . The > price is 1300,00$ + 50$ shipping + 7% customs +19% VAT . But > therefore it is 98 mint . Thats what the guy say . I tried to get > the price down a bit without > success . So this will stay a dream .

WITHOUT A BOX he wants $1300 for it? That seems high. The box is worth a few hundred at least, since that will be the hardest thing to in box with caps etc. Oh, and did I happen to mention I have one in box with caps etc? ;-)



I envy you very much . That lens is a dream , its design is beautiful . I never found any on the european market . But thats no wonder . That lens was only sold in the US (as far as i know) .
Take good care of your EKTAR , and if one day , which i doubt this day will ever come , you don't like that lens any more , i am open to hear , that you will sell it to me .
Hi Jurgen,

> if one day , which i doubt this day will ever come , you don't like > that lens any more , i am open to hear, that you will sell it to me.

I still like it, but I am always open to offers ;-) We can discuss this off-list if you like. My email is austin dot franklin at darkroom dot calm. Obviously, it is not dot calm, but you now what it should be.


Hi Jurgen,

That is serious money after all these years. But look at it: compared to what the depreciation will be on electronic gizmos (can you say CFV?) this lens was/is an investment as solid as the Deutsche Bank.
