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Incompatible focusing screens

Kevin just waits for the big hit.
He has more early Hasselblad gear.
He wants 195 USD for a lens shade for the C type 40 mm lens.
Most of his prices are inflated.
Several items are living on Ebay.
Yes paul

You are right . But he is the only one offering such a great variety of good HASSELBLAD gear .
The cost for my CFV BACK are not compensated yet , so dont worry . In the moment , i can't afford anything additional , except a FUJI ACROS 120 film.
Hm, US$ 195 for that big, hulking piece of rubber is quite a steep price indeed. I assume we are talking a mint-like-new shade?

I like the C40 for its impressive stature, with its shade mounted it looks like something you could stop an armoured vehicle with. From a practical perspective give me the CF40 any day ;-)


There are more professional sellers that have a variety of older Hasselblad gear.

The guys that ask realistic prices sell the stuff.
Kevin and the likes of him do not sell much but hang on to it for the big money.

I just acquired a nice 1600F with Ektar 80 mm in very good condition complete to the smallest detail like the little stop over the cable release. It is to keep my 1000F cameras company.

I will send you a pm with info where you may find some nice things for a friendly price.
No use telling everybody where they can dig up the gold.

Hi all, what with all these problems many seem to experience with service I am getting quite scared about finding someone to service my 503CX. My problem is that the push pin in the interior of the shutter release button is stuck. As a result I am unable to use my cable release. Any ideas anyone? Or better yet perhaps the name of a skilled technician in Sydney would be great. My past experience, although limited, with the local agents has not inspired confidence. Cheers Wolf
So this foam behind the mirror. Is it only on 500C cameras? or also on 500CM and 503CW?

The foam in my F3 has turned into that mushy stuff. Stopped using it until I get it replaced. Poor me if that yucky goo decides to c& in the shutter curtain.

Made some contact sheets today, and two of the films had inaccurate spacing between the frames. This is the first time this has happened since I bought my 500CM in oktober.
Can faulty spacing occur if the film has been loaded wrongly? I was stressed when I did it and may not have been to careful with lining up the "start". Last but not least, it was about -10 Celsius.
Yes, loading correctly is an important part of the spacing mechanism, and doing it 'wrong' can lead to spacing 'problems'.

But how faulty was the spacing?
As long as frames do not touch or overlap, and there's room between the frames to make a cut and leave a bit of unexposed film on both ends, spacing should be considered to be correct. Even when it is uneven.

But isn't it time to start new threads to discuss these different matters?
Hello Wolf,

Is there any other problem with the shutter release? I just looked at the exploded views and the description of the alignment process for the shutter release. It seems to me that it can be a rather elaborate process to get it right.

The actual center pin / release button assembly is rather straightforward, so if it is only the pin that got stuck it is probably a minor operation. Is there any corrosion visible? Maybe the pin and button corroded 'together'?

So, an update... The camera is back and definitely clean and runs nicely. The foam seems to be in good shape too. They replaced the screen with a standard screen and didn't bill me for the standard screen. Here's the bummer: They didn't return the Acute Matte I sent in. Lovely. What a totally unpleasant experience.

Hi Antje,

> Here's the bummer: They didn't return the Acute Matte I sent > in. Lovely.

Did you mention this to them, and if so, what did they say?


Hello Antje,

They probably think the old screen they fitted to the camera is a good
swop for your Acute Matte

They must have forgotten to send it back or did they break that one too?
The old screens are rather robust, so breaking one is an accomplishment in its own right. Not an accomplishment to be proud of though.. :p

A bit of a sad story this.

Paul, I fear that's what they might be thinking. That's the part that makes me feel sick actually. They may be thinking I won't notice anyway.

Austin, I haven't talked to them so far, I got home after they closed shop. I'll contact them on Monday. I'm a bit hesitant to do so because this is too strange to be true - I can't believe this happened.

Wilko, they returned what I believe is the original standard screen in the AM's box. And as far as I can tell, the glass is not broken (which is what they claimed was wrong).

Totally strange. All in all, I can safely say I'll never recommend them again.

Hi Antje,

This sounds more like bad intentions than a mistake. What a sad story :-(

What variation of AM did you send them? Them plain one with the + shaped cross hairs?


Don't get frustrated too fast and don't blame them for beeing nasty as long as you are not shure .
Believe me , i know what i am talking about . See te CFV BACK SECOND TRY thread and you know , what i mean .
Give them a call on Monday and ask for details .
But be prepared , to get your ACUTE MATTE back , but also , that they will charge you for their service .
In any case , it's not correct , just to keep the ACUTE MATTE . They must rectify what service they gave and what they charge you for this , and return your AM . Patience makes you strong .

Regards Jürgen
Yes, that's the plain one. I still have one of that kind, so I'll try again with another repair shop - once I feel ready for it. I'll go and shoot with the Hassy for a while now, though, I missed her too much to let her go anytime soon. Film is already loaded again, and we're ready to go.


I'm a bit confused, I thought they claimed they had broken the original installed screen? And did not want to try to install the AM?

They should then give you back the AM, no matter what. If they broke the installed screen that was OK before they started working on the body: their mistake, can happen, but also their responsibility to fix at no additional cost to you.

It should be pretty obvious to see if a screen is cracked or not. If it looks good to you I imagine it is OK. A plain old 500CM screen I should have lying around, you can have it if need be.

Lets hope and assume this was all an honest mistake. But weird it still sounds.

Jürgen, the nasty things happened on the phone already. That treatment alone meant they will never get my business again. Your CFV thread is really ugly, too, sorry you had to go through all that...

Wilko, that's what confused me, too. My guess is they didn't break the standard screen... I hope this all gets sorted out on Monday. I hope I have the nerve to call them. I'm not good at standing my ground. I'd rather back off.


That does not sound very promising.
Maybe a friendly letter to them will be a better option.
Then you have more time and opportunity to collect your thoughts and express your dissapointment.
Your writing hand is pretty strong so why not.

No reason to act up and work yourself into a fright ("Too often we suffer most sorely, and thereby feel most poorly, from dreaded aches and pains."), just assume it is an oversight, call them, and ask for the Acute Matte.

Dear fellow 'Hasselbladinfonians': with all respect for individual sufferings, let's all not turn every thread into a litany of complaints.