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Hot Promo Deal On H3D-II/31


Active Member
Bundle kit, whole camera with 31 meg back ... $17,995. A huge price drop from the normal price.

Hasselblad is getting aggresive with their pricing against the competition.

This is a KILLER camera, fast as a 35mm DSLR and higher IQ than any DSLR ever made, or probably will ever be made.
Bundle kit, whole camera with 31 meg back ... $17,995. A huge price drop from the normal price.

Hasselblad is getting aggresive with their pricing against the competition.

This is a KILLER camera, fast as a 35mm DSLR and higher IQ than any DSLR ever made, or probably will ever be made.

Hm, interesting development if you ask me. And long overdue too.

We are living in interesting times..


i bought my H3D II (22MP) 6 months ago.
of course at a higher price!!!

(BODY incl. viewfinder and lens 50-110mm)
20.872 Euro + 20% tax =25.046 Euro

(and it had a technical problem from the beginning, i sent it back and got a fixed camera at the end of january). so i have a working camera for about 5 months.

i appreciate a price reduction, but on the other hand i do not want to be fooled by the hasselblad price-strategy.

it hurts, to see prices going down.

think about it.


i bought my H3D II (22MP) 6 months ago.
of course at a higher price!!!

(BODY incl. viewfinder and lens 50-110mm)
20.872 Euro + 20% tax =25.046 Euro

(and it had a technical problem from the beginning, i sent it back and got a fixed camera at the end of january). so i have a working camera for about 5 months.

i appreciate a price reduction, but on the other hand i do not want to be fooled by the hasselblad price-strategy.

it hurts, to see prices going down.

think about it.


Yes, I hate that also. But this is a promo for the 1.3X cropped frame H3D-II/31 ... not the 1.1X frame H3D-II/22 which is still the same price.
The 9X9 micron pixels of the 22 meg back is quite nice, especially if you use it with the CF adapter and Zeiss C lenses. Enjoy your Hasselblad in good health, and make great images ... because there will always be something new coming. The value is in making photographs, not as a financial investment.
Marc, do the 3 H series digi-backs (22, 31, 39mp) have different crop factors? If so, why would they bother?

So, could a x1.1 back of 22mp then have higher image quality than x1.3 back of 31mp? How do varying crop factors with the varying MP resolutions stack up against each other?

As you can see, this is confusing to me.

PS: I agree that the H3/31MP back bundle at $17,500 is hugely attractive... ah... well to Americans at least... :)
Marc, do the 3 H series digi-backs (22, 31, 39mp) have different crop factors? If so, why would they bother?

So, could a x1.1 back of 22mp then have higher image quality than x1.3 back of 31mp? How do varying crop factors with the varying MP resolutions stack up against each other?

As you can see, this is confusing to me.

PS: I agree that the H3/31MP back bundle at $17,500 is hugely attractive... ah... well to Americans at least... :)

Simon, yes the backs are somewhat different.

The different backs feature different sensors from Kodak ... Hasselblad/Imacon and Phase One both use the same set of different sensors.

Leaf and Sinar use Dalsa sensors which come in slightly different sizes.

The Kodak 22meg sensor is basically the same pixel pitch as the CFV ... 9X9 microns, only it's almost a full 645 size (1.1X lens factor.) For all practical purposes it is full frame since the aspect ratio
of these sensors better fits actual print sizes.

The Kodak 39 meg is also the same 1.1X 645 size, but obviously with almost twice the pixel count, each pixel "light well" is smaller ... however, not 1/2 the size. Each is 6.7 X 6.7 microns.
This was accomplished by placing the pixels closer together.

The 31 meg backs have the same sized pixels as the 39 ... 6.7 X 6.7 Microns, but have micro lenses installed to increase the effeciency of light gathering ... which results in better speed of capture and the ability
to squeeze an extra stop of top ISO. Not sure why they are a 1.3X lens crop factor other than maybe it has to do with color shift because of the micro lenses. I do know that the 31 meg sensors are not
recommended for T/S work because of color casts attributed to the micro lenses.

The aspect ratio of the 31 meg backs is also effecient for printing, and the speed of operation and capture makes it a very desirable camera for event, location portrait, fashion etc.

It would not surprise me to see the 31 meg back discontinued in future. This would not, nor did it, stop me from getting a new one. It is my favorite digital camera.
These "killer offers" are now available (in different variations) also in Germany .
I see two reasons for these offers :

The Hy6 system is available now and the "killer offers" shall try to keep potential buyers away from the Hy6 system . Once these potential buyers fly on these offers , they are bound to HASSELBLAD .

The photokina is not far away from today . HASSELBLAD might want to clear their stock , because something very new is in the pipe .

I think , it would be very wise to stay patient and wait to see , where the journey goes , after the photokina has shown us the "near future" .

Other mothers also have beautiful daughters .
These "killer offers" are now available (in different variations) also in Germany .
I see two reasons for these offers :

The Hy6 system is available now and the "killer offers" shall try to keep potential buyers away from the Hy6 system . Once these potential buyers fly on these offers , they are bound to HASSELBLAD .

The photokina is not far away from today . HASSELBLAD might want to clear their stock , because something very new is in the pipe .

I think , it would be very wise to stay patient and wait to see , where the journey goes , after the photokina has shown us the "near future" .

Other mothers also have beautiful daughters .

This is the mentality that keeps us poor in money. Hype that has everyone waiting to finance the next better thing. It's a phenomena of the modern computer age, where enough is never enough, there is always something better just around the corner. It comes at a bitingly high price ... and anything before it drops in price at an astounding rate.

No more for me. I will buy at steep discounts from now on and let other fools (like I used to be) finance technical advancements.

In terms of making photographs, I do not think a Hy6 is any better than anything else that's out there, and have tested it personally. So someone else can spend $50,000. swapping systems ... while someone else can buy a refurb Phase One P45 or a H3D-II for $15,000. and produce just as good photos. It's ALL hype and we are paying dearly for it.

Even in this digital age, Thomas Tusser was right ... " A fool and his money are soon parted" : -)
I must say the I concur with Marc's view - and I've not yet been able to put my toes in the MF water. Maybe I've been "lucky" not having the free cash to jump in boots and all yet!! :)

Yes, the parallel with the computer market is a very accurate one - we see millions of consumer level digi-cams being tossed aside by those who feel they maust have the latest and greatest - not for any real gains but simply to "be there"!

The 35mm manufacturers have quickly learned to bleed dry the current generation of consumers!
Although I am happy to say that Hasselblad in its current state is a strong player in the MF digital market it shows that a bit of competition helps to give us products at a more reasonable price.

The days where a Hasselblad (film) camera presented a lasting standard are long gone, never to return.

Hifi and computers were areas where marketing people found easy victims with simple words like "NEW, Faster, Better".
These words generated an inmense turnover again and again.

The digital storm is beginning to lie down. Many of us have decided to go with the wind as there is no viable alternative.
It shows that the idea of one man to create a camera according to his needs can have a long lasting potential.
The maker of that camera will be remembered for an outstanding contribution to photography.
New products with new technology have found their way to both professional and amateur photographers.
That is one of the things that did not change.
Not sure I agree that the time of the modular Hasselblad camera is quite over.

My 503CW and 203FE cameras keep on delivering. Film or digital. If I had ten 503CWs I could sell them in a heartbeat ... such is the demand for them.

The latest camera on the market (Hy6) is exactly the same idea.

My new H2F is a 645 camera designed in the same modular manner. I had a scattering of spare "modular" parts, and only needed a body to complete a kit.

Both the Hy6 and H2F can take film backs or digital backs ... can take newer AF lenses, or Legacy lenses ... and can take different viewfinders.

If one can get over the "gotta have the latest" syndrome, it's quite possible to to get something like a refurb Phase One P25 for your 500 series camera @ $10,000., or a used CFV for even less, and make excellent photographs with it for years to come.

I think it is a glorious time for photography and photographers ... if we keep our wits about us.


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Hasselblad is selling large quantities of lenses for the V series lenses to second hand dealers.
All 80 mm CFE lenses are gone, all 30 mm Distagons are gone.
It means turnover is so slow that financial reasons dictate the sale of this stock.
It has nothing to do with a small profit margin. On the contrary that margin is quite healthy.
No sales mean even a high profit does not make up for slow or rather no turnover.


Hasselblad is selling large quantities of lenses for the V series lenses to second hand dealers.
All 80 mm CFE lenses are gone, all 30 mm Distagons are gone.
It means turnover is so slow that financial reasons dictate the sale of this stock.
It has nothing to do with a small profit margin. On the contrary that margin is quite healthy.
No sales mean even a high profit does not make up for slow or rather no turnover.


Don't you think this is because the second hand market is so strong?

With the advent of the World Wide Web one can seek out mint copies of almost anything at a nice discount from the new pricing. Hasselblad and Zeiss are victims of their own lack of obsolescence and durable, well built products that still deliver optical excellence.

This is indeed a Global pre-owned market now. I sold a H3D-31 to a fellow in Australia, a DMR/9 to a guy in Germany, a 503CW to a photographer in Cleveland Ohio , and so on. In turn, I've purchased from people all over the globe. This was not the case just a few short years ago.

I now have most all of the C lenses, and the same for the FE optics. The only lenses or bodies I've purchased NEW in recent years came at a huge savings as part of a "bundle" promotion. The 503CWD-CFV-40/IF bundle is a perfect case in point.

These products are built so well, I could never justify buying new when used was just as good.

The second hand market was for a long time the only competition Hasselblad encountered. Of course this is exaggerated to a certain extend.

As you stated quite correctly the second hand market is now a global thing and much better organised than the sales of new Hasselblad cameras.

A prospective buyer wants to know something about prices and systems.
He puts his question at a forum.
I contact him and help him select the stuff that will suit him best.
He bought some things from me and will find the rest at international auctions and traders that operate on the internet.
Hasselblad is nowhere in sight even though this guy considered buying new.

The official Hasselblad dealer close to where I live has a couple of film backs two lenses a focusingscreen and a couple of darkslide for the V system.
Nothing there for the H series.
He sells Rollei Hy6 and Sinar.
Because he is Sinar importer I rely on him for spares and service.

Turnover in Sweden is too low to justify large stocks of lenses so management decides to let those items go at 1/3 of the retail price.
The buyer is the only one who has the 30 mm Distagon now. He bought all 32 of them.

Only the H cameras with digital backs depend more on the existing sales network.
Newcomers to MF digital need more support and will rely on the network that is not seldom centered around former Imacon dealers.

I do not mean to say the V system is dead. It is not dead at all.
The network that used to sell these cameras is largely gone.
That is the situation in Europe. Hasselblad Belgium was closed nearly ten years ago. The Dutch branch followed first of April 2005, France was closed a month later.
Sales were taken over by Imacon dealers who did not understand V cameras and were only trained to sell H series.
No spares no service for V cameras other than a 6-8 week delayline in Sweden.
It is a wonder there is still so much demand for V system lenses and other parts.
V cameras will continue to be used for decades there is no doubt about that.

Buying new is the only way to be abolutely sure your new lens/ body/back is up to standard.
Buying used from a reputable SH dealer is the next best thing.
Buying from un unknown source is a risk. It certainly is not all gold that shines at eBay and other auction sites.
Ask any qualified repair service and they will gladly inform you about bad deals.

The second hand market was for a long time the only competition Hasselblad encountered. Of course this is exaggerated to a certain extend.

As you stated quite correctly the second hand market is now a global thing and much better organised than the sales of new Hasselblad cameras.

A prospective buyer wants to know something about prices and systems.
He puts his question at a forum.
I contact him and help him select the stuff that will suit him best.
He bought some things from me and will find the rest at international auctions and traders that operate on the internet.
Hasselblad is nowhere in sight even though this guy considered buying new.

The official Hasselblad dealer close to where I live has a couple of film backs two lenses a focusingscreen and a couple of darkslide for the V system.
Nothing there for the H series.
He sells Rollei Hy6 and Sinar.
Because he is Sinar importer I rely on him for spares and service.

Turnover in Sweden is too low to justify large stocks of lenses so management decides to let those items go at 1/3 of the retail price.
The buyer is the only one who has the 30 mm Distagon now. He bought all 32 of them.

Only the H cameras with digital backs depend more on the existing sales network.
Newcomers to MF digital need more support and will rely on the network that is not seldom centered around former Imacon dealers.

I do not mean to say the V system is dead. It is not dead at all.
The network that used to sell these cameras is largely gone.
That is the situation in Europe. Hasselblad Belgium was closed nearly ten years ago. The Dutch branch followed first of April 2005, France was closed a month later.
Sales were taken over by Imacon dealers who did not understand V cameras and were only trained to sell H series.
No spares no service for V cameras other than a 6-8 week delayline in Sweden.
It is a wonder there is still so much demand for V system lenses and other parts.
V cameras will continue to be used for decades there is no doubt about that.

Buying new is the only way to be abolutely sure your new lens/ body/back is up to standard.
Buying used from a reputable SH dealer is the next best thing.
Buying from un unknown source is a risk. It certainly is not all gold that shines at eBay and other auction sites.
Ask any qualified repair service and they will gladly inform you about bad deals.

Well, maybe. I have bought many different Hasselblad 500 and 200 cameras in recent years, a couple of new/demo off the dealer's shelf, the remainder used ... but only one that was brand new right from the factory.

That brand new one is the unit I just got with the CFV-II bundle. A couple of weeks later it is back to Hasselblad NJ because it simply will not fire. I went to use it to shoot a wedding last Saturday and "nothing". It works with a CW Winder, and shoots when the mirror is up, but not with the standard manual winder. Now, if that was a used unit from KEH, it would be replaced. Hasselblad would NOT replace the camera, so it goes into the black hole of service just before I was going to take it on vacation with me. I have a really difficult time trusting a camera that fails a week after I got it.

The real rub is that just before I tried the camera before taking it to the wedding, I shipped off my perfectly good, like new 503CW and 40 CFE to a buyer ... who I can assure you is getting an absolutely perfect camera.

The only other "bad" Hasselblad I've ever got was a 203FE demo/refurb direct from Hasselbald. 90 day warranty ... in the 4th month the shutter speed ring froze up ... sent it in and they said it had been dropped or impacted ... which it had not. $700 to fix it.

So much for being absolutely sure.

I'd rather buy used from someone I know. Someone like ME : -)

Any new product has to go through the first 4-8 weeks of use to prove it is a reliable piece of equipment.
After that it will most likely give many years of trouble free service.
That goes for cars, television sets, cameras etc.

What happened to your refurb 203 is bad luck.
It is bad luck twice. Most Hasselblad service centers would have corrected the problem and would not charge the full amount if they did charge you at all.
Those days are long gone. They simply cannot afford anymore to be friendly to a customer that way.

What I was getting at about being sure the body, back, or lens is up to standard are "repairs" by people who do not have the proper training and tools to do a good job.
I will spare you a list of horror stories but I vividly remember a camera I supplied in one piece and had to pick up packed in a couple of boxes and some polybags.
The guy who was responsible for this mess could not even re assemble what he had taken apart.
I had to ask a Hasselblad service center to put it together which they did.
They did not even charge extra for that favour.

Through the years I have come to trust "my" little crew of qualified technicians.
These three people will service any Hasselblad or Carl Zeiss item no matter the problem or its age.
From a 1600F till an H 3D it is all covered.

I seem to recall someone (possibly Marc) saying that the Hot Promo Deal on the H3D/31 was to be extended from the original finish date of 31st August until the end of the year. Can anyone (possibly Marc) confirm this?