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Hasselblad Vintage Queen 2008


Well-Known Member
Here is the first image of the HASSELBLAD VINTAGE QUEEN 2008 .

This camera , lens , body and film magazin , was sold at the 26.06.1951 to a HASSELBLAD dealer in Goeteborg .
Since then , it has been inthe hands of one and the same owner and it still exists in the same combination .
It is CLA' d and in a fanatstic condition .

More about the history will follow soon .

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Here you can see the serial numbers of the body , lens and filmmagazine .

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The body is CV10993 , the lens is KODAK EKTAR 2,8/80 ET242 and the magazine is CV11221 .

Here follows an excerpt from the HASSELBLAD ledger book .
The 3rd line from the top shows the entry for CV10993 , sold at the 26.6.51 to H-Foto in Göteborg . It is unknown (at least for me) who owned the camera since then .
But the fact , that this camera still exists in the same combination as it was delivered from the HASSELBLAD factory , makes it a very nice camera for collectors .
Ledger book excerpt :

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Hopefully we see more ledger book entries in the revised version of Rick Nordins compendium .

Here a short history of how I could aquire that vintage beauty .

Since quite a long time , I wanted to get an EKTAR 2,8/80 lens .
Paul promised me to help in finding that desired EKTAR lens and one day , he sent me an E-Mail , that he can get a 1600F camera with a very good EKTAR lens . Paul from time to time finds out mysterious sources for wonderful vintage HASSELBLAD gear .
It is like a magician pulls out a rabbit of his hat .

We came to the agreement , that he will keep the 1600F body and that he will let me have the EKTAR lens .

But then , with the help of Ricks ledger books , it was found , that this camera was sold as described above .
So Rick, Paul and me , we decided , that this body , lens and magazine , should not be separated , no , must stay together .

Paul generously let me decide , if I would like to buy that beauty . It took me one night to decide . I wanted that beauty . Many thanks to Paul again .
So I got that camera by a mysterious way , like a virgin gets a baby .

An other image of the 1600F beauty , but with the finest lobster , the EKTAR 3,5/135 lens will follow . But that is an other story .
Hello Jürgen,

It is not unknown who owned that camera since it left the factory Jürgen.
This camera was sold to Mr. Frantzen in Sweden whose son sold the camera to me.
He offered me this camera for sale on behalf of his father.
That camera was much cared for during all the years Mr. Frantzen owned it.
His children were never allowed to touch it.
Even as the camera was offered for sale now Mr. Frantzens son would not release the shutter let alone wind the camera.

With this 1600F you have a documented one owner camera from the early days of Hasselblad cameras.
Your camera holds four from five modifications carried out by Hasselblad in Sweden on 1600F cameras.
The fifth modification was not carried out.
That last modification is one for which purpose no clear explanation exists yet.
It is doubtful whether that fifth upgrade is an improvement.

You must be a lucky guy to have the privilege to own this beauty.

Thank you Paul for this additional information , which I will note down in my list of my historical HASSELBLADs .

And Paul , you can be shure , that I am very proud of having that camera here in my glas cabinet .

From time to time , I talk to that beauty . She likes me and I do love her .


You better get your insurance agent informed .
It is not a line , it is a crack , obviously caused by lousy packing . :)

You are misinformed:
Packing is free of charge and is not part of any agreement.
I could ship a P65 digital back in a shoebox just filled with yesterdays newspaper and not be reponsable for any damage that may come from that.
I advise you to read my AGB carefully.

Besides I only see advantages for a cracked lens.
You get two pictures instead of only one..... :z04_headbanger:

No museum quality, good user quality!

These cameras are still excellent tools to take pictures with.
Kodak and Zeiss lenses are still going strong and benevit from new emulsions.

Even cameras less old like the SWC enjoy a new lease of life with CFV backs.
Except maybe the first generation 1600F cameras all Haselblads are user cameras.
I'm not stating they cannot or should not be used. To the contrary. Use and enjoy them if you like, display them behind glass if you just want to stare at them. You can even talk to them (like Jotloob does), it typically does not hurt 'm either.

I am just saying that the state of the equipment is such it would make a museum envious. :z04_2171:

Looking at that beauty I am very happy about this lucky situation, that we have been able to unearth a couple of these special early Hasselblad cameras and that it has been possible to bring them into service again. I myself just returned from Brussels where I took photos with the 63rd Hasselblad Supreme Wide Angle that was ever made.

Hello Ulrik,

Your SWA is only a few months older than mine. My estimate is about 70 were produced each month in 1954.
Yours would have been made in the first month of production. My oldest SWA is 2 months younger.
There is some discussion whether the Supreme Wide Angle and the Super Wide should be regarded as two different cameras.
They do share the same users manual that calls them Super Wide or Super Weit as the German manual in says.



My oldest Supreme Wide Angle


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I see them as a single model. Mainly because I have to as I do not want to have to buy more of them, they are somewhat costly (the 1600 F had many more internal updates than the SWA/SW had and is considered one model, not about five different ones which I am not going to buy all either).


The first civilian Hasselblad was simply called Hasselblad.
The 1600F designation was used later as the 1000F arrived.
1600F was never an official model name from Hasselblad.
This does not have anything to do with later developments of the first Hasselblad camera.
The 1600F knows five important upgrades.
Four of them concern changes to the mechanism, one concerns the body shell.

The arrival of the later so called 1600F S2 Hasselblad would have been impossible now as new product legislation does not permit selling considerably modified products under the same model name.

In contrast the first Hasselblad camera with a Biogon lens was called Supreme Wide Angle.
Externally this camera differs from the later Super Wide.
For me they are two different cameras that have many things in common.

Between the three of us, you, Jürgen and me, most variations on of both the 1600F and the Super Wides are present.
My early 1600F S2 unmodified, Jürgen has one with four upgrades and you own at least one with five upgrades.
Only missing is a 1600F S1.
Even if one comes available I will not be tempted to buy a S1 1600F.
The S1 is a very delicate construction that should not be used any more.
I like to use my older cameras occasionaly. That is why they are serviced and repaired as necessary.

The vintage queen has a daughter , the VINTAGE PRINCESS .
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I aquired the 1000F body + magazine for just 169,00€ from *bay .
With the great help of Paul and his magicians , this camera has been put back to a very , very good fully working state . (Technically and cosmetically)
Here with the CARL ZEISS SONNAR 3,5/135mm lens .
Very many thanks to Paul and his crew .
There are more family images to come . Top secret , the princess has a child .
Father is VICTOR .
Please note : the cable release adapter (screw at bottom front) is from my own production , because these little screws are very rare . They are originally in brass but I managed finally to get them plated .
Hello Jürgen,

I know it is a nice camera because I had this one in my hands even before you got a chance to see her.
The way you photograph these classic cameras makes them even more beautiful.

The master magician who turned your nice looking 1000F into a beautiful princess wil be delighted to have a print of this camera.

I hope this one helped to overcome the sad news of the "shoebox" SWA camera.

Here are some more details . Have a look to the mint film transport knob and the front bajonet .
Don't believe the nasty guys , who say that this is "K" bajonet .

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Now here are the first images of the VINTAGE PRINCESS's child .
A DNA analysis shows a 100% , that VICTOR is the father .
The sports viewer is very strange and I have trouble using it . But it is a wonderful addition to my little collection . The 500C is from 1960 , but the lens is a "preproduction" lens from 1956 , when the 1000F was still in production .

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An other picture of the 500C .
Please note the little hook , you can see just below the 500C name plate .
This hook was not thought to enable the 500C user to do trout fishing beteween the shootings , but to take up a sync flash cable .
Paul surprised me with that little present and I like it so much .
Thanks Paul .
It seems to be the smallest HASSELBLAD part ever available .
Paul might be abe to explain the function in a bit more detail .

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Have fun . Regards Jürgen