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Hasselblad CFV Digital Back User report

Hi Marc

one swallow does not a summer make...... Jurgen is having some bad luck which I hope changes soon, but for me I want to hear the good things about using the CFV as well as its quirks, so keep up the good work

best, Nik
I have had no trouble at all with mine. As can be seen by the photo I uploaded that no one commented on

But what I would say though is that getting the adjustment right on the D40 with the 503 I not as easy as the manual would suggest.

Is there a Guinness Record for longest topic thread in Volume, and Time to Scroll to the end. (started July 16, 2006).


I think it is very, very interesting, informative, and necessary for the topic, so I am for the topic etc. but ... do we need just to restart the thread with a forward link to "Hasselblad CFV Digital Back II: User report." and a backward link at the new topic to "Hasselblad CFV Digital Back: User report." That way, nobody present or future should get lost.

Just wondering out aloud. If that's allowed.



That I choose to report trouble free success is perhaps not aligned with the agenda of nay sayers here, and I should just keep my thoughts to myself and let nature take it's course.>


If you did you did not comment on your experience it would in conflict with the basic premise of a forum.

Especially on this topic as it is a very possible that the future of CVF could very well be in jeopardy.


Don't you have high speed scroll?



I wrote a comment a little while ago and then decided to stay out of this and discarded it, but it is time someone asks that we return to some civil discourse and not make personal unfounded allegations. It is always best to stick to the subject matter and not resort to personal attacks as a means to make a point.


Hasselblad cameras are tools, rather good tools but just tools, certainly not worth fighting over.

Judge photographers by their images not their egos.

Sorry for being vague. What I meant was that Marc uses this gear day in and day out and as such I respect his opinions about what works and what doesn't. I think personal attacks should be avoided, and by credentials I meant what gear do you own use on a day to day basis?

I'm a "glass is half full" kind of guy, and when it works for me I do get enthusiastic. I love my work, and the stuff that helps me get it done is important. I'll dump what doesn't work in a heartbeat ... or if something better comes along.

I shot a wedding on Friday ... got caught in the monsoon that hit the midwest and finished the last 4 hours soaked to my shorts. Processed that wedding on Saturday. Then shot an extended family portrait on Sunday... 5 families ... and delivered five 17X22s & ten 8X10s on Monday. Scanned a pile of old negs for a client on Monday night, and shot all day today to deliver 200 location shots to my art director tomorrow AM.

All of it using Hasselblad digital equipment. Three different backs and a 949 scanner.... all of which worked flawlessly.

Is it all perfect? Nope, nothing is. IMO, it gets better and better by telling them what to improve rather than trashing the company wholesale.
For me, people who actually use this gear are a source of information ... good or bad experiences are the source of that information and the basis of a forum like this. The more the actual users report their real experiences, the more information is available for people to make decisions. Those who do not use the gear can only offer opinions based on hear-say. Each person can weight the source. I also offer hear-say from my sources of information. I say who they are (a pro forum) in order to let people weigh the source.

My experiences have been good. Not all good, just good over-all. I trust this gear, especially the CFV. Not blind trust, but enough to do my work with confidence. I would not jeopardize my reputation shooting weddings with the CFV if I did not trust my camera.

I've fully acknowledged that Jurgen has had bad luck. I do not know of another CFV user on this forum that has a similar actual experience. So, I do not know who "they" are when references are made to "people who complain" about Hasselblad or the CFV. As far as I can tell it is mostly non-users with no real experiences that are &lifiying the bad ... so I don't mind counter-pointing that with a positive spin based on actually using the gear under stress and in demanding conditions.

In the end, it's all about taking photographs. I take a lot of photographs, both professionally and personally. The world is chaging rapidly. Professionally it is almost all digital. It's not elitism, it's business. Publish or perish ... and publishing is now all digital.

Hasselblad is, as Keith said, only a tool. Hasselblad digital backs aren't my company's only tool. We also use Mamiya gear equipped with Leaf Aptus digital capture ... and have rented Phase One gear when out of town ... so opinions are based on the real world of photography at it's most demanding.
My CFV BACK is on the way to Copenhagen for service/repair .

Today , I do know , that I am not the only one experiencing various issues with the CFV BACK
I envy all guys , which do not have any problems with their CFV BACK and I do not wish them to have problems as well .
But it is very arrogant to believe , those guys , who have problems , are not experienced enough to use a machine like the CFV . Perhaps because they are no prof's ? ? ?
I can exactly describe , how the current issue came up , and all I did to the CFV is allowed to do .
So , whenever I will run into CFV BACK problems in future , I can assure you , I will present them here , for experience and and might even be for improvement (to HASSELBLAD) .


I live here in a very little city (only 21000 inhabitants) . We have two photographers here , doing weddings and portraits . The one works with digital NIKON equipment and the other one is looking for a successor for his little studio . He does not invest into digital anymore .
So I do not have anyone around here to share any experience with whatever I do .
But I can ashure you , whenever I meet a guy , who has a CFV or H-SYSTEM , I will invite him , to join the community and share his experience with us .

Regards Jürgen

As and educator, I know that there are many professional organizations that limit access to qualified members of their discipline. It has always been of paramount importance to me that I sought out the most knowledgeable sources for information such as the manufactures, text book publishers, professional journals, and organizations.

So, I welcome information from such entities, and I attend professional seminars as often as I can whether or not it is my field of endeavor. I always told my students, learning is fun.

If you allow yourself to be offended by knowing the source of information, then you deny yourself the credibility of that knowledge.

BTW-This forum is not required reading, you can always change the channel!


Marc, thanks for adding some balance to CFV / digital-MF difficulties that have arisen.

Like you said, we all know that Jurgen's problems with 2 CFV backs have been awful and terribly difficult for even him, a very capable, sensible and committed MF photographer to resolve. Gee, I can honestly say that if I were in his shoes the whole world would hear me screaming.

But, for me these threads are valuable learning even though I am sure digital-MF shooting is quite a long way off for me. I hear you sensibly say: "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" - which I am sure all honest people will admit to tending to do when hugely stressed by their large investment failing to perform in some significant way. I admire Jurgen for keeping a very cool head.

Of course, as an "observer" of digital-MF experiences, it is easy to be overly influenced by a relatively small number of bad experiences - while small in number the fault/s can have huge impact on the shooter as well as me the observer.

But even when we might know someone who owns a new BMW or Mercedes that suffers a catastrophic technical failure, we are used to such things happening to complex mechanical devices - our balanced view is "well that is one in xyz'000s or tens of thousands.

In my case the premium brand and its premium product sets high personal expectations of performance. But I know they can fail - that's life. BUT what MATTERS MOST to me is how the manufacturer responds to that - how it stands by its product and customer.

When my wife's BMW suffered a total gearbox failure 1 year out of new car warranty - I lost no sleep over it - BMW called and said it would take 100% responsibility and cost.

When the second new Leica M lens I purchased showed veiling flare when it was not in the sun; my email to Solms got an immediate response - "send it to us and we will rebuild it and make it 100% right. 8 weeks later it arrived with a note - "rectified faulty interior coating".

When my new Canon 1vHS had a shutter mechanism failure after shooting less than 10 rolls, I was so pissed off - but it happens and Canon replaced the shutter with haste and now 5 years later it has my 100% confidence.

While none of my Hasselblad and Zeiss gear has ever failed, I would hope Hasselblad would take a similar line if I had a faulty CFV back.

In the end I judge that back by the high quality images you and others have posted. I just hope that Jurgen has this problem resolved FAST and never has another again so that his faith in the product and the company is not weakened.

So your balancing positive comments were timely for me - put the CFV in perspective.
Gilbert, Simon ... as always the voices of reason and calm.

The purpose of this thread was to provide user experiences with the CFV. Mine have been all quite good, but Jurgen's contributions are of no less importance than any other user's ... mine or any other CFV owner.

Each real world experience, the good, the bad, and the ugly ... is of value to those considering a move to MF digital ... or just observing the development of this relatively young medium of photographic expression.

And yes Gilbert, I do agree that professional sources of information are invaluable. What some seem to forget is that "Pro" forum conduit was the source of the digital back instructional tutorials I painstakingly forwarded to many forum members ( including Jurgen if I recall correctly ). So the discounting of that "Pro" source is, to say the least, perplexing.

Simon, I also completely agree that it's how a company responds to problems with their product's that is their measure. I do think that has become an issue with many photographic entities as the changing landscape has brought fierce pressures to even remain in existence. The future isn't what it used to be. Yesterday, I sent my 50/1.4 ASPH back to Leica again after waiting for 8 weeks to have the focus mechanism fixed (which it wasn't) ... right in the middle of wedding season when I need it most.

For that reason, I have repeatedly advised that when entering the MF digital arena, WHO you buy from is more important than WHAT you buy. When I first got my H2D/22, it seemed possessed. My experiences were that of Jurgen's. Before I could utter a peep of discontent, my dealer went into action. The camera and back was replaced by Hasselblad ( who added a 3 year hot swap warranty at no cost), and my dealer completely tested it in studio BEFORE delivering it. He then spent hours with cautionary instructions on it's use to make sure I wasn't going to experience any user caused problems.

That experience was in direct contrast to problems I had experienced with another earlier back I had purchased from a "Big Box Store photo supplier" ... I was set adrift from the moment I opened the box. Yes, there are ways to deal directly with the companies, but we all know that is no easy task with anything anymore in a world of downsizing for survival.

What I will not tolerate is being subjected to statements at best rude, at worst implicidly slanderous.

So, my last question is ... where the hell are the moderators of this forum?
Marc, considering the nature of some of the statements and allegations that have been made here lately I have say that I tip my hat to your patience and tolerance.

I do not feel guilty for anything at all .
And this is no excuse , by no means .

Yes , Marc , you have never said >> that anyone was not experienced enough to use this back<<
Yes >> you never said or implied that people with an issue with their CFV should keep it for themselves <<

But , sorry to say , you have behaved like that . At least , what my person concerns .

Please go back in the thread and remember when I got my first , so wonderful failing back .
After a lot of postings, you accused me of whining , and you more or less expressed , "shut up with your issue , that one failing BACK is no problem" .
That hurt me very much and my reaction was , I posted "unbelievable" .

At that time , I decided to leave the forum , because I thought , its the wrong place for me .
But I came back some weeks later .

All further postings with you , Marc , were accompanied by a frosty atmosphere , from your side . Thats , how it felt it .
So , Marc , I take our discrepancy , the words of accusment , as a wonderful clearing thunderstorm , neccessary to carry on communicating in respect of each other .

What I have learned , is , we need to have respect of each other . We must not love each other , but if we can't go on together , we should say so . That clears all situations .


Have you noticed that cola competitors always compare their cola to Coca Cola?

Have you wondered why none us have gone to the Cannon site and put down Cannons?

A few reasons why for one, we wouldn't do that, two we don't care what you own, because we welcome anyone here that is interested in medium format photography. Lastly, no one that I know on this forum, is envious of any other camera system on these forums!
One key thing that I have learned here from all of you digital-MF photographers is that the industry overall has been going through enormous challenges and complexities of technical issues never ever seen before. And what's more these seem greatest in the larger format/s.

So Marc's comment: **I have repeatedly advised that when entering the MF digital arena, WHO you buy from is more important than WHAT you buy.** is very good advice.

That is highlighted by Jurgen's experience with the Hasselblad CFV back. Despite his IT skills and his training in the workflow etc. he has had (I think he will agree) rather mediocre support.

What has also struck me is that the IT side of digi-imaging could be as difficult for these companies themselves as it is for their users. Think about it - the companies like Leica and Hasselblad are not really very big; whereas companies like Canon are huge.

So, maybe part of the difficulties some users like Jurgen are having is that the manufacturers themselves are struggling; and likewise their dealers struggle even more.

This emphasises what Marc has said about taking care how and where you buy these high end, complex things - a caution about buying on price. Dealers should add value and when the technical issues arise is where we will get that value. And any self respecting dealer with a business to run profitably, will reject those of us who bought elsewhere (on price).

It was simpler years ago when there was not so much technical mystery involved that a good instruction book couldn't help us sort out.

Jurgen's point: **I am not a participant in this forum , because i want to make holiday pictures , but because i go for "HIGH END RESULTS" ** is a very important one - not about this forum so much, but about why he bought his CFV back. Hasselblad's "awkward" post sale support seems to be forgetting this.

My "negative" view is that while companies like Hasselblad have done all sorts of things such as downsising to survive, they seem to be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy - these cuts may back-fire and cause customer defection!

So, maybe customers' choice of digital-MF equipment may become decided, not just by specifications, but also by what post sale service and support they can expect and hear about "in the trade". Manufacturers' channel partners' (read dealers and distributors) customer support will become increasingly critical.

You might be interested to know that by federal law here in Oz, a dealer/reseller of products is equally liable for the products' performance as the manufacturer. The dealer is responsible for your satisfaction and has the responsibility of sorting out problems with the manufacturer - the dealer must replace a lemon with a fresh product if its performance problem cannot be rectified regardless of what warranty arrangements the manufacturer has in place - law overrides manufacturers' warranty.

For me (and I'm sure many of us here may differ) if a premium product fails to perform like a premium product, I have zero tolerance - replace immediately or repair with priority - no second chances! To me, Jurgen's problems and calls for help are mild and very patient.

I saw at the sledging that Leica copped over the M8's problems. What else could they expect - their pre-sale marketing and M camera nomenclature set a very high expectation. That expectation and the problems were of their own doing.

I am one observer who commented that Leica's responses and delays deserved no tolerance from disappointed customers who paid a huge premium for a promised big premium product. But of course damning the company and the product was harsh and over the top - but fair. Leica needed a kick up the back-side and then responded quite well IMHO. Again, this illustrates how the technologies involved stretches or even over-stretches some of these companies with great legacies.

In the end, now more than ever, we need to take care with whom we select to buy such products from. I am glad I am not a pro because I am sure the challenges that pros like Marc and others have faced while they, their dealers and the manufactures really come to grips with the fast technology and constant change, must have very little hair left on their heads!