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general thoughts XPan

Hi John,

i will contact annie after i check out this software.

i will also email you some pictures over this weekend and will try to get a website up very soon.

I have both the Mamiya 7 II and the xpan. Although the Mamiya has the pano adaptor, it is not as easy to use as the xpan as a panoramic camera. Proper framing under certain lighting conditions can be challenging on the mamiya 7. It without doubt an excellent 6x7 camera just as the xpan is excellent as a panoramic camera. I am in love with both camera's and i bring both with me on my all travels. i have 3 lenses for the mamiya and 2 for the xpan. Everyting fits in a small bag- crumpler company embarassment bag or in a tamrac velocity 9 sling bag.

i intend to buy an xpan II and the 30mm lens soon- the thought of being able to do multiple exposures on it opens up a lot of exciting possibilities in panoramic mode i.e. different phases of the moon against a nice night city scape or landscape all on a strip of film or just to capture different facial expressions of a child on a strip of film. Exciting isnt it?
Raul, Thanks for the feed back. Looking forward to you images. I asked about the 7 II as there are time when I would really like to have a medium format camera and it seems to be a reasonable choice to investigate. I've lusted after a Hassy but feel the Mamiya might be better suited to what I do... Yes it is all exciting!
John, i have both the hassy and a mamiya 645 afd which are great cameras, but i have used them less and less since i bought the xpan and the mamiya 7-especially when travelling and trekking. the only draw back on the mamiya 7 is its inability to focus close, for this you will need the mamiya 6 close-up adaptor. The upside is that since it is a 6x7, you can crop liberally. Also the large negatives or positives can blow you away. for your use, you may want to check out the littman single 45 camera, which i dream of sometimes. it is a custom made 4x5 camera that is handholdable when needed-cleverly made i must say.

i emailed you a few pictures. hope you get it, it hasnt been easy sending files on the internet lately as they get screened by the servers.
Hi.I am looking for a slide-projector fot the x-pan camera. Can you tell me what are the kind of projectors which are suitalble for this camera?Thank you.Luigi