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CFV 15 x Lens effect Is it really a problem


What a wonderful little story . Brings me back to my childhood .
You might like this image


This is a gauge 0 model train . A typical bavarian model . Cheers.

Nice little tank engine 0-4-0. I like the cab! Is this from a small branch line from Donaustauf near Regensburg ? Maybe that is where the bridge crosses the Danube? Maybe this is what Marcus Aurelius used in 179 AD? Looks OK for the Roman Emperor.



Yes , you are right . Many of these little steam engine got phantastic names , like EURIDIKE , LEONORE , CLOTHO and later on names of rivers .
Just to make shure , you are not running out of good beer , here is more of good bavarian beer coming


Have a good time . Cheers Colin pal
Running out of beer would make Germany grind to a halt :)

Wilko (enjoying Berlin & German beer right now)

Enjoy your stay in BERLIN . I have been living in that exciting city for about 4 years and enjoyed the beer as much as the BERLIN girls .
Have a nice time . Jürgen .

German Beer, now we are talking, it is some of the things that are missed not living in Germany anymore. The patient wait while the barman keeps clearing the head with a flat stick to top the glass up. Not complaining about the real ale in England though, full of taste but not as strong as a Good German Lager (Beer).

Kieth, may be the photographers that are mentioned did not need a Hasselblad format for their work in the first place thus they find that they only need a Nikon or Cannon.

The photographers I know all used 5 x4 and 10 x8 formats so they find the Hasselblads a useful studio tool with 16MP. This does not mean they do not have or use a studio camera set up with this sort of back. It is also mentioned that the V system has limited upgrade but you must be aware that this can be upgraded with other manufacturers backs.

No doubt over time we will upgrade from a CFV, which meets our requirement at the moment and purchase a 22 or 39 depending on the requirement. If a client needs this sort of work doing at the moment then we will just hire the equipment for a fraction of the cost, using the V system camera.

best wishes, Carl

I do not quite understand "scalextrix" so , sorry , I can not answer your question properly .

I have been to an other roadshow today and saw the new products of ARCASWISS and
the HY6 . As far as I understand the current info , Rollei is a seperate company today and FRANKE & HEIDEKE is the compnay , which developed the HY6 .
The HY6 is a phantastic camera . The model I had in my hands was not fully working yet , but from what I saw , it is just great . That camera fits very well into anybodies hand , the little buttons for aperture and exposure time are very good to handle , the release button is very handy the WLF is a new design and easy to handle , the AF is good and the new lenses are from SCHNEIDER . The film back is motorized and will also be available for 5,6x5,6 in the future . This will not take long . All control buttons on the left side of the camera are recessed , so you can easily put down the camera on that side and no buttons are operated . The overall impression of that camera , I would rate it as superb . Open to sensors up to 5,6 x 5,6 .

But there is an other exciting news i received from two independant representative persons .
There is a 48x48 sensor in the pipe . Definately . The aim is a 60MB sensor . In about a years time .
The current problem is not caused by the sensor size , but by it's cost .
Double sensor size means four times the cost for the sensor . Fullstop .

Room enough for speculations again .
Four times the cost? My God, this stuff is already beyond ridiculous in price.

But if they can get it down to a less insane price, they will do very well I'll wager. As you say, competition is critical to keep things moving forward in the area of Medium Format photography.

4 times the cost for the sensor does not mean 4 times the cost for the back , but the rest of the electronic is peanuts in comparison to the sensor .
Yes Jurgen, I'm aware of that.

At anywhere from $28,000 to $32,000 for a 39 meg 645 sized sensored kit, I wonder where the threshold will be for a 48X48, 60 meg sensored Hy6 kit ? $40,000.? $45,000.?

I also wonder what the total cost for a new Hy6 will add up to considering all the AF lenses are new, so no one has any. Only Rollie users will already have lenses for that camera. So add at least $10,000. to $12,000. for lenses ... just like when the H camera was first launched.

If they bundle the Hy6s with a back at a substantual savings like Hasselblad does with the HD cameras it'll help ... a H3D/39 with 80/2.8 lens and metered prism cost about the same as a CFH/39 back alone.

Whew, this will separate the rich men from the poor boys won't it? Definitely not for the financially faint of heart. Seems like a "Pro Go" all the way ... big stream of income from digital capture seems a must.
At anywhere from $28,000 to $32,000 for a 39 meg 645 sized sensored kit, I wonder where the threshold will be for a 48X48, 60 meg sensored Hy6 kit ? $40,000.? $45,000.? >

That is almost real money! And, just the beginning! Yep, 40 years ago that would by a new upscale home in Southern Ca., now some of them are $1.5. That could make someone leaving school, feel like the are up against Mt. Everest with a wore out pair of tennis shoes!

Is a bag included?


That's why rental houses exist, including the rental of the camera operator, lap top and all.

Put the rental in the bid, and if you get the job, the client pays for the camera. It's a lot less expensive for the client than the cost of film, processing and drum scanning 150 catalog shots @ $50. each.

I get $250. a day digital capture fee, which is a bargain considering what rental houses charge. But 100 jobs later the $25,000. H3D/31 is paid for in the clear. For me that's about 2.5 years ... just in time to go for an upgrade ... which is then paid up in less than a year. It's the first step that's a steep one and a big gamble.