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80mm lens not locking


A sane photographer is a contradictio in terminis.
Do not waste your time trying to find one there are not any.

Recocking the lens takes more than a 180 degree rotation. Watch the shutter open and then click into the lock position. It may take 1 or two rotations.

Justgot my lens back from JD Camtech (london)
Phoned me up and said. "Cant repair your NEW 80mm ."

then the sound of me collapsing and thinking how much I could get for the wife before christmas. Not a bad cook.

But then after a few swear words. He said it cant be repaired because it did not NEED repairing, Just re-cocking.

But as you just said Steve. it needs more of an effort than I dared give it at the time.

However all has ended well and thanks for all your input guys.

Have a Good Holiday,
Hello Peter,

I am glad you do not have to spend Christmas at the Salvation Army this year.
John Dellera is a good tech who should be able to repair a lens.
He is also a trustworthy guy who reports "nothing wrong"
Good for you and Merry Christmas!
G'Day Pete:

WoooooHooooo, that's good news for you. Not so good for me - I wanted that D3 swap for the 80 CFE so bad ...


NOW you can have a VERY Happy Christmas.

