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80mm lens not locking

@ Wilko,
I'd prefer alphas of course, they have a larger mass and therefore more tilt potential.

@ Paul,
no, I am sure that Jürgen did not dream up the problem. But I guess he exposed the back to the sun which resulted in tilt sensor overload. I suggest the common NASA conversion, replace the leatherette of the CFV back with bright reflecting aluminum panels.

Of course, you want alphas. Alles nur vom Feinsten :cool: (only the best will do)

Wilko (was that Werner H. spinning in his grave?)
If ever the subject "Off topic" comes up I will try to remember this thread.

Off topic seems a trade mark for Hasselblad Forum.
To begin with this thread was more acurate under lenses.
I do not mind although it will be more complicated for users who try to find an answer to their questions in what has already been posted.

Maybe one of the good things to plan in the new year.
Wilko said: "Of course, you want alphas."

I suspect we mostly want Alpas.

Paul, this forum does not deviate that widely from topic compared to many. Even under the influence of a crate of good red wine.

There was another photo forum I was on for a while, where certain people like to stir the porridge by bringing up guns at regular intervals!? Perplexing and troubling to some who do not come from places where a gun culture is normal (Kandahar included).

Hope this helps with moderating moderately.


Congratulations with your post 100!

Do not worry about guns. They are in save hands with me.
I keep my AK47 within eyesight and happen to have a pair of M16s
in the garage just in case.
I am not kidding. Those guns were on the ship I bought several years ago from a guy who used to dive for treasures in SE Asia.

My idea is to let this happy community enjoy themselves and exchange
information about Hasselblad photography without interference from me.
For some reason I have problems becoming the laziest moderator ever but there will be a new year with new chances.


We want alpha particles for propulsion, and an Alpa as a camera. Very nice indeed.

Hi Just to get back to my original post. Thanks again for comments guys. Will know soon whether as I said I can afford christmas.


I posted here under camera's as the problem to me was at the time a problem with the lens and camera. as I said "Can anyone help as cannot get the lens to lock".

So it was a Camera/extension tube and lens issue.

Everything went off at a tangent later.

I'm english and last time I saw a gun was in the army.
Hi Peter,

You are absolutely right about the start of this thread.

As Nick already stated this forum is not all that bad for going off topic although it seems a nice detour along astronomy to end up with guns.

Fun for posters and readers is more important than narrow threads that may serve as a reference for future users.
There is enough room to post new questions.
Newbees and others will receive answers to their questions regardless of the fact that a question has been answered before.

My guess is the shutter spring of the 80 mm did not survive the locking adventure and needs to be replaced.
I think that will not ruin your Christmas this year.
If the problem turns out to be more serious please let us know.

G'Day Peter:

""Hang"" in there!

Deep down, we're all really nice people who do the best we can to obey Paul's every command, and at times also answer questions with some vague relevance. For ex&le, Jurgen had a back problem once, went to a chiropracter, and they untilted his sensor. He now has better sense. You obviously did not realise that the shutter spring is known as the "Hasselblad extension-ring pioneer-users anomaly".

You'll get the ""hang"" of it. You had the right topic. We had a full panopoly of possible causes and effects.

Bottom line: the 'collective' came up with the right answer. And you still get to enjoy Christmas.



PS This will probably get kicked off by the GruppenFuerher. ;-) Gulp. EDIT:
Colin -

Peter, Just as every great manufacturer's wonderful products have their quirks, this forum has its "quirks"...... like "Col baby" from Oz!!!

He.. Paul never was in the army to start with. And had he been, it would have been the Dutch army. Which, in those days, was a bunch of beer boozing and pot smoking hippies anyway. And who only interrupted their festivities to outgun their professional counterparts of the US and UK Army at Bergen-Hohne during the regular tank shootout exercises. Rumour has it their commanding officers simply promised them some kegs of beer if they won.


G'Day all:

@Paul. Thanks for the cautionary finger wagging. At least it's going sideway and not up and down.

@Simon. Just when we've got this thread back on track, you raise the issue of Quarks - another issue for astronomers and physicists and such. I know you wrote 'quirk', but you ARE prone to misspelling.

@Wilko. Don't get me started on guns. I was in the Infantry (yes, capital I in Infantry) for about a hundred years, and had the pleasure of serving adjacent to a wonderful Dutch unit, long hair and all, outside of Munster, then West Germany, in the 70s. I think it was an Anti Aircraft unit. It was Anti something, anyway. But let me tell you - they had the BEST military commissary store in the world. The prices on Nikon and Leica and such were outstanding. So in my book, they were great professional soldiers, doing their conscripted time. And yes, they had that tank of theirs really tuned up for tank shoots.

@Peter. See how this place deteriorates so quickly. I'll bet He-who-must-be-obeyed will kick SImon and Wilko for 30 minutes over this lot.

PS. Now, would you all go to and sign up to help - by using your home PC to do some scientific research. I've been signed up since 1995, and the only aliens I've found have been on this forum.

Cheers, Colin


Sorry to correct your statement here: I was in the army.
Only my army carreer did not last longer than two days.

One day to get a complete check up that classified me as belonging to the best drafted men the army could get.
Next was another day 5 years later after I had finished my studies.
For some vague reason
the medical examiner decided I was no longer fit to join the army.

During my two day carreer I noticed some strange things there like a small sign adjacent to a fire hose in a building.
It read: Fire hose. Use only to extinguish fire.
That encouraged me to believe my future was not in the army.

Hey you guys out there

Don't believe what Paul and Wilko say .
They have only been in the "TERRA COTTA ARMY" and in fact , they play with their modeltrains just now .
I have had the Aliens in my hands already. For sure you remember that mars meteorite Allan Hills 84001 ? Did not require radio telescopes to get it (unfortunately it was not me who found it, funds for meteorite search in Antarctica were gone when I worked in that field; that was after serving for the German Navy).

Oh, what was the topic? All the best to your 80 mm lens, Peter.


I informed you in confidence that we were in the MM* army.
You are supposed to handle that information with discretion not publicise it.

What is wrong with modeltrains? Not everybody has a backyard large enough like yours to accommodate full scale trains.
Even if my backyard was large enough I could not get the special permit for the CO2 emissions.
BTW how did you get that permit?


When we met at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony last weekend in Stockholm you showed me your decorations from the Swiss Navy.
You did not tell me you also served in the German Navy.

* Mickey Mouse
IMO. It is the opinion of this court that this forum should come with a 'SANITY HAZARD WARNING'

However this also raises is the question of the actual 'SANITY LEVEL STAKES' on the US of A side of the pond vs us Europeans.

Me I am perfectly sane ( well except for the lapse of buggering up my lens.)

Bon Voyage. Peter

Of course the forum respects the decision of the court.
I would like to plead for a retrial and mention two grounds:

1.Persons involved Down Under were not mentioned in the verdict.

2.At the end of the year some of us are not fully responsable for our actions under the influence of festivities and alcohol.

This is a strong case for posters going off topic.
Under the circumstances I plead guilty but humbly ask the Court to declare those involved guilty without punishment.
I recommend a measure that temporarily declares the period from december 10th till december 31th each year to be free to go off topic without penalty whatsoever.

Respectfully, your humble servant,

Ok We accept that plea on grounds of diminished responsibilty.

But must add that due to the fact that I personally dont gain full consciousness untill the 3rd of January.
that the period of the 'Forum' remains in a state of PICKLED flux where:
"OFF on a tangent" means a Bicycle ride. So ....Until the 5th Of January.

Or if we had any sense: "F-4 Infinity". beacause from what I have seen the problem is not just a temporary one.

Are there any sane photographers???? out side of the UK.
