The chrome 80mm you like is a C series lenses. There were 3 C series, 1. chrome, coated,,,,,2. black, coated,,,,,, and 3. black with T* coating. I doubt you can see any difference with any of them.
For most C series lenses T* came at the same time as the black barrels.
There are some exceptions:
40 mm C lenses were only available as black barrel lenses.
Early 40 mm C lenses do not have T* coating.
The 50 mm silver lens started with early coating.
Before the barrel changed to black small number of silver T* lenses were produced.
IQ of these lenses is the same as black barrel T* lenses.
All silver 60 mm lenses have the early coating meaning all black barrel 60 mm lenses have T*
For 80 mm lenses T* was introduced before the black barrel became available.
A larger number of the 80 mm silver Planar than 50 mm silver C lenses were offered with T* .
Sorry Terry, this means all black 80 mm C lenses have T*.
To make matters even more confusing there are also some black barrel lenses that were not supplied with T* glass.
The 100 mm Planar black barrel started life without T* and some 150 Sonnar lenses were available with black barrels without T*
Even more confusing some non T* lenses were fitted later with T* glass because a front and or rear lens was damaged in use.
After this chaos the question comes up how important is T* coating?
Only under exceptional conditions will T* be a significant improvement.
Extreme back lit scenes may show a difference expecially for images recorded without the use of a suitable pro shade.
To prevent unwanted flare an effective lens shade does more than T*.