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New Member
Here is a street shot of a stall owner taken with the X2D-100C and XCD 80/1.9. He was standing under the awning of the stall. I was still getting used to the AF so it is a tiny bit off. The "guy" is a Cob-Nut farmer and yes wrinkly and cranky.

20220918 131915B0000530 -X2D 100CXCD 80 - 80 mm ¹⁄₃₀₀ sec at ƒ - 8.0 ISO 800 ⅓ EV-ProcessedV37...jpg
That looks good!
How is your impression if someone would like to use the Hasselblad X2D 100 as a street or city-travel camera?
The first issue is the size of the files and the size of storage one needs to travel with -- I usually carry a 2021 16"MBP with 8TB and two 8TB rocket drives -- so the file size is not an issue for me.
Second and more important is safety and security -- all my camera gear is very highly insured - new for old and full damage cover +3rd party liability. The bigger problem is some folk have noted it is a visible expensive piece of gear and I am very old. I shoot with it attached to my equally old (its not) leather sun sniper strap and it has a safety wire built in. AND a lens in the pocket of the coat. When I walk about town I do not carry a bag or backpack etc..
A few folk I met up with commented on the "size of the lens" (I was using the 80) - The new XCD V's "look shorter" -- well the are lighter but a 90mm is still a 90mm etc..
I have no plans to head off to the seedier places in London and if I did I would take security or a group of folk for "company".
Obviously using a piece of tape to hide the branding might help -- but.......

WHILE the XCD 4/21 and 1.9/80 are my favourites, when the 3 new lenses arrive I will work out what is a better set to travel with. Almost certainly I would travel with the 4/21. It is then a toss-up between the new 2.5/90V and the 1.9/80 -- and probably one or the 38 or 55 or maybe both - but then I would need to carry them in something.

AND then there is the fact I like tilt/shift -- if I get the HTS 1.5 and XH 0.8 converter I will probably buy an HC 4/28 or 4.8/24 to use with it -- the net wide open aperture and focal length being 5.0/35 and 6.0/30mm respectively -- or 4.0/29mm and 4.8/23mm in 35mm eq -- the 4.8/24 is close to my ideal for landscape/city-scape and some interiors - but I luv the 4/21 for this and so......
...... when traveling it all depends on what project I have set myself and what "work" I have to do.

Anyway -- the direct answer is YES one can and I will use it as a travel camera AND in cities. I might use a disguise/raincover to "reduce" its appeal. We will see.
I took my 907X to Athens and found it useful as a way to connect to people. One lady in a shop asked me if I would take her photo. Handheld at 1/30th ISO 1600 45mm

I think people find it less threatening than a normal camera. The X2D is more of a normal camera though. Anyway, I do not baby or molly coddle my stuff.
  • Hasselblad - CFV II 50C/907X
  • XCD 45P
  • 45.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/30 sec
  • Spot
  • ISO 1600
OK, here is the champ who runs the good "Roach Coach" here in town. Best tacos around, two Al Pastors, two Carne Asadas and a Coke and I am in business. He is a pleasant fellow with corazon. And great tacos. Mexican Comida de la Calle (street food) is just killer good.

