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WAHOO 203FE back from overseas With CFV ability now

Hello guys!

What a post!...

Anyway, I have now to face the big issue : to have or not to have my 203FE modified for the CFV back? Indeed, a major repair has to be performed on my body (the aperture on FE & CFE lens is not electronically transmitted anymore to the body), that requires a shipment to Hasselblad in Göteborg. So, I wonder if I take this opportunity to get the upgrade as well...

Actually, I do not plan to buy a CFV back unless I get a good deal on it. I also think it could be easier to sell a modified 203FE if I choose to do so someday.

I think it is a shame to lose the E-back ISO setting. But it will be the same way than using an A-back.

What about flash functions after the upgrade? Does it change something?

I am also interested to see a picture of the identification plate set on the side after the upgrade.

You do not plan to get a CFV back, think it a shame to have the modification done, and think that should you want a modified body, you can get one that already is...
So it would very much appear that you don't need, nor want the modification done. Right?
Isn't that an answer to whether or not to take this opportunity to have your 203 modified?
Hey, if any of you guys could use a brand new CFV Focusing Screen V36x36, email me at I got an extra for my CFV and 205. Retail cost to me was $329. I'd let it go for $300, and I prefer PayPal.

Just found a demo CFV back. Can not wait to get it on my non-mod'ed 203FE.
I assume I can shoot C mode until I get the mod done.

Any tips reagrding type and size of battery to get?
Charger? Should be compact, and take 12v auto plug as option.

Any words of advice would be great.

DARN! The "CFV" arrived. Packaged by H'blad.

Guess what was inside? The older V96c with imagebank!
Turned it right around and sent it back.
The wait for my demo CFV continues...

Anyone know where to send my 203FE for upgrade for CFV use?
Which US sites are doing the upgrades?

> [They all have to go back to Sweden. Sean Cranor at Camera West in > Monterey, Calif can handle it for you.]
CFV back arrived! worked great for one day with my UNmodded 203FE.
I shot many pictures in C mode and got great results.

The next morning, the 203FE gave me error code "err 12 4" (the LCD displat also showed the picture of a film back)

When I remove the CFV back the error code goes away and the camera functions fine.

If I COVER the gold contacts on the 203FE (with a slim piece of cellophane tape) and re-attach the CFV back, the combo works fine (again in C mode).

Anyone had this experience?
I plan to send in the 203FE for modification anyway and hopefully this will solve the issue. Any chance it is the CFV back?


I do not know what happens when a CFV back is used with a 203FE that has not been modified to accept the CFV back.
I would not like to risk anything with neither back nor body.

Maybe get a low cost 500 body and send the 203FE in for modification.
The 500 body is only usefull with C, CF etc. lenses of course.

According to the CFV connectivity diagram for the CFV back , you can use an unmodified 203FE body in C-Mode and C-lenses , but you must use the Flash Sync Input Cable .
You will find the connectivity diagram in your CFV Users guide in the "SETTINGS" section .
You must then set your CFV back to flash sync mode in CAMERA MODE , NOT to camera 200 .

Thanks to all - yes, I am shooting in 'flash synch' mode with camera in C mode settings and using a sync cable.
Last night it started working well together.
I DO have a 'cheap' 500c/m on its way from KEH. How could I pass up having a back body for less than $200!

I suspect having the 203FE mod'ed will help.

I was mostly curious if anyone knew what "err 12 4" meant or had seen this error before.

"err 12 4" is described as an electronic system failure in the manual, and a reason to have the camera inpected by a repair center.
They use an electronic diagnostic tool to find what it really means.

It could well be, though, that all it is, is that the camera does not understand the signal it gets from the CFV. The camera, after all, does not know what a CFV is, and is expecting no more than an ISO signal from a film back.
When the CFV is not set properly, it may be sending something down the bus the camera cannot make sense of. So perhaps it's safe to just ignore it.
Yes Q.G.

I just found it as well . Page 80 of the user manual at the bottom .

when this "Err 12 4 " is displayed , do you still get an image with the CFV , and if so , can you offload the 3FR file and transfer it to DNG of TIFF

It seams that a great part of the new CFV's buyers use them with the dicontinued 203FE bodies.
What a waste of a very clever system for filmbacks.

The 203FE is a great camera better built than the 205TCC.
It incorporates an accurate light measurement system.

Unless I would be able to find another clean 203FE I do not consider
modifying this camera for a CFV back.
Hi Paul,

> The 203FE is a great camera better built than the 205TCC.
> It incorporates an accurate light measurement system.

I agree the 203FE is a great camera. Do you have some testing to back up your claim it's better built than a 205TCC? I'll reserve my comments on your statement until after I see that data ;-)

In my experience, having both the 205 (FCC, I had the TCC, had no problems with it, but got a great deal on an FCC, so I sold my TCC) and the 203FE, I find the 205 much better for my needs. I can do anything I can do with the 203 with the 205 and then some because of information gathering...

You seem to be insuating that the 205TCC doesn't have an accurate light measurement system...any testing on that? Or, did I misinterpret your statement? In my experience, all three, the TCC, FCC and 203FE have very accurate light measurement systems.

