You're the king of the shoppers!
I bet you do all the food shopping at your house, and use the saver coupons. 203FE for $1500. H2D kit for a net $11,700. Holy cow, do you get your gasoline for 20c a gallon?
Just messing with you.
I think it's very sound advice about the pre-owned marketplace, and also to the young man wanting a kit and you suggesting Mamiya ZD.
From what I've learnt these past few years since I started a digital darkroom - in his position - I'd now spend $2000 on a nice pre-loved 500/503, a lens and two backs, and $10000 on a scanner and printer, assuming he has a Mac/PC with some horsepower. Amazing things come from these drum scans!
You're right on target. GOOD stuff is always worth the investment. Aside from my 500 and 503, I still use an M3, Nikon F, Rollieflex TLR, Rolleicord TLR, and last weekend, an Agfa Clack 120! The last item I don't put in the GOOD stuff category, but it's classier than the Holga, has never needed service, and shocks the locals. (Especially when I tell them it's a 6x6 digi on field test, with the shutter sound turned up.)
It ain't over till it's over.
Cheers, Colin