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Shooting CFV for the first time today


The first opportunity for me to take my newly acquired CFV was yesterday. What a great experience ! Really impressed with the simplicity of the back operation.

Here's a few sample shots (nothing spectacular) illustrating how well the highlights are held and how it copes with backlit trees. The colour seems great without any tweaking.

I'm looking forward to the coming months.




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My congratulation for your CFV BACK and thank you for posting your first shots.
What FLEXCOLOR level do you have ? ? ? Please note , that with FLEXCOLOR 4.8.4 , firmware R237 you will get only 0/60 images with a 2GB CF card instead of 0/87 with 4.8.3 and R233 .
I posted HASSELBLAD's answer to this issue in the "CFV BACK USER REPORT continued" thread .

Regards Jürgen
Terrific shots - I'm envious - wish I had a CFV or similar DB as well - it really would help me get out and use my 'Blad again. However, will have to wait for the next bonus - or when the CFV is available for a reasonable price.
What lens(es) were you using - love the B&W trees - great atmosphere.
Thanks for these first shots Gary. I too like the B/W very much.
I have a feeling there is more to come.

Many thanks for your kind words Jurgen, Swissblad and Paul.

Jurgen, I am using the latest version on my Mac,, but 4.8.3 on the CFV. I'll stay like that until PHOCUS arrives, methinks.

Swissblad, i haven't had my Blad out for twelve months or so, this is a big change. Had to make quite a sacrifice to purchase this kit myself, so i know how you feel - my beloved Leica MP is on eBay today! I bought this outfit because it substantially adds to my shooting capability and producers digital results that satisfy (I'm hoping!!) an inner need that smaller formats have never covered. That's a statement about me, not gear.

The real surprise of the CFV is the transformation is makes to my SWC. It feels perfect. It's so small it can truly be a snap shooting camera, but the results are going to be like no other snap shooting camera.

Here's a pic, and a conversion that I think was shot using the SWC. I didn't inform the back and the battery failed at this point. All other images were shot on my newly acquired Hasselblad 60-120 FE zoom.

Whilst it's not shooting film in the Hasselblad, all the weight associated with film processing is lifted with this. The shot in the woods is a 3 pic pano. I've never shot a pano with my dslr, but yesterday I was shooting them for fun- see last shot. I suspect it's because of the lens crop, but assisted by the extra foreground that's in the view finder. A big fear that I had was for the lens crop and its effect on wide shots. From my experience just yesterday there's no need to worry - just bang off three frames and bingo. I'm not an expert in panos by any means, but I can see a way forward. :)

Paul, there has to be a lot more to come to feel justified in owning this.



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Thanks for posting. I'd love to see some 100% crops showing the detail from these files.


I've observed you trying to learn what you can without actually getting your hands on one. Why don't you come up to Manchester and have a play with it? You're welcome to as long as I stay within reach ! Ha.

Be well worth the trip.

Hi Gary,

nice shots you are showing! Concrats for your new toy - i hope you do like it as much as i like mine. ;)

Greetings Andy
I am often asked why MF digital when there is so much nice gear available in 35 mm based digital cameras.
Also moderators from other forums at CI ask me this.
My answer is look at what MF digital images produce.

Nice to know Gary you like the SWC as I do and also use this camera for snap shots. I feel exactly the same about the SWC.

I am often asked why MF digital when there is so much nice gear available in 35 mm based digital cameras.
Also moderators from other forums at CI ask me this.
My answer is look at what MF digital images produce.

Nice to know Gary you like the SWC as I do and also use this camera for snap shots. I feel exactly the same about the SWC.


Here's a another photo from yesterday that helps me understand why I like MF and now MF digital. When small, this is a complicated and confusing image maybe, but as it enlarges the tones and the detail come to life and there's enough information there to crop and bend the light. It may not be a stand alone image, but could easily be part of an exhibit.

I can tell you that I've had a Canon Pro DSLR for 15 months now and respect it as I do, I've only once taken it out for personal shooting. Undoubtedly my loss, but it doesn't feel right to me for quiet composition and leaving on a tripod whilst I stare at the water flowing over a stone. However, you may detect that from my very first day out with new with MF stuff I feel at home. I feel that the results will be worth working with and spending time on (for me). I hope others feel the same.

These are all just day one shots to familiarise myself with the equipment, to see what the zoom performs like, to understand battery life, to fathom the controls on the 203FE (I've yet to even put a CF lens on the body, don't even know what I will have to do. Ha).

My comments about the SWC are only based on playing with the camera in the home, but I have no doubt that the SWC/CFM combination is a winner. It's so simple to use. It seems so unreal to spin the crank and shoot another frame. Love it already and when we get 800 iso !! it may become 'THE' CFV camera in my line-up.



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These are great images Gary. I have a digital pro-slr as well and the images are wonderful. One day I'd love to get a digital back for my Hasselblad. For the time being I will enjoy and savour all the great images on this great forum.
Thanks Matt. Your comments are appreciated. Glad you enjoy your DSLR, they're fantastic pieces of kit, but I'm hoping that the CFV will work on the personal shooting front.

Keith, I've sent a full FFF file to you of the opening picture above. Let me know when you've downloaded it and any thoughts you have.

If a few more members want to see a CFV file, for what it's worth, I'll be happy to oblige. You'll need to download Flexcolor for the privilege of inspecting the image.



How did you send the 3FR file to Keith ? ? ?
I could send Keith a 3FR file as well , because he wanted to see how the gras turns out. Your idea , that he could install FLEXCOLOR and then see the image in full detail is very good .


If you have FLEXCOLOR installed , and still want to see the gras of my HSH (Home Sweet Home) image , just let me know .

Hi Jurgen,

Talking to Gary earlier I explained that for a variety of reasons I didn't particularly want to install Flexcolor for the moment. I believe that Gary is using to mail large files but it would probably be easier to either upload a few tif or jpeg crops at 100% to the forum or mail them direct to me at the address below.


Replace (AT)

Thanks again Jurgen, appreciated.

Is there anybody that doesn't want one of these plaques, one day ?

Resting place of a "Welsh Romany" ...... magic.

and now I'll let the images from my first day out with a CFV rest as well. Thanks for your comments.


ps - please don't make this mess of fixing my plate though. :)


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Thanks for sharing your photos with us, Gary.
Much appreciated. Following your inspiring photos - have been out as well today - with a "mint" Nikon F3 I recently acquired on e-bay. Just love the sound of that shutter!
Best and look forward to the next update.

I told everyone my "charmed" 203FE/CVF and 60-120FE are in "good hands" : -)

Gary, if Keith wants to see a RAW file but doesn't want to load Flexcolor, FTP a DNG file to him. Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW will recognize it.

Paul, the answer is: no mega count DSLR currently on the market will equal the IQ of the lowest meg count MF back now available ... including the CFV.

My Canon 1DsMKIII still could not produce file as good as Gary's CFV ... even with Zeiss and Leica ASPH and APO optics mounted on it. DSLRs are great for other attributes ... horses for courses.
Marc thanks for the suggestion.

I've now received many files from many kind folk and I'm convinced as can be that the CFV is very capable. Perhaps drum scanned Velvia/Astia still has an edge but let's face it there are many disadvantages to using film.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and to say what a wonderfully helpful and friendly group this is.

Best to all