Many thanks for your kind words Jurgen, Swissblad and Paul.
Jurgen, I am using the latest version on my Mac,, but 4.8.3 on the CFV. I'll stay like that until PHOCUS arrives, methinks.
Swissblad, i haven't had my Blad out for twelve months or so, this is a big change. Had to make quite a sacrifice to purchase this kit myself, so i know how you feel - my beloved Leica MP is on eBay today! I bought this outfit because it substantially adds to my shooting capability and producers digital results that satisfy (I'm hoping!!) an inner need that smaller formats have never covered. That's a statement about me, not gear.
The real surprise of the CFV is the transformation is makes to my SWC. It feels perfect. It's so small it can truly be a snap shooting camera, but the results are going to be like no other snap shooting camera.
Here's a pic, and a conversion that I think was shot using the SWC. I didn't inform the back and the battery failed at this point. All other images were shot on my newly acquired Hasselblad 60-120 FE zoom.
Whilst it's not shooting film in the Hasselblad, all the weight associated with film processing is lifted with this. The shot in the woods is a 3 pic pano. I've never shot a pano with my dslr, but yesterday I was shooting them for fun- see last shot. I suspect it's because of the lens crop, but assisted by the extra foreground that's in the view finder. A big fear that I had was for the lens crop and its effect on wide shots. From my experience just yesterday there's no need to worry - just bang off three frames and bingo. I'm not an expert in panos by any means, but I can see a way forward.
Paul, there has to be a lot more to come to feel justified in owning this.