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She has arrived!


Active Member
She has just arrived after a long travel from her previous owner in Gothenburg.

I took some quick&dirty snapshots before Paul took her to meet the tender loving care of Jaap, our local Dutch 1600f/1000f wizard. He wil give her a well deserved service so that I can take her out to expose some film.

Interesting side note: the cassette was still loaded with an exposed Tri-X film. A truly old Tri-X film, with green paper backing. I will soonish put the film in my developing tank to see if there is anything recognisable on it. Paul is hoping for Swedish beauties from the 50-ies ;-)









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Green Tri-X

Like so:

  • FUJIFILM - FinePix F610
  • 7.7 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 160



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CONGRATULATION for your 1000F . I am very pleased to hear that . Great .

The film back is a real curiosity , as from 1950 and the lens seems to be a PANCAKE Tessar .
I am shure , that Pauls magician will put this camera back to a very good working condition .

Welcome .

Best regads Jurgen
New FUC member!

I would like to say a well meant word of welcome for Wilko as the first new FUC member of 2009.

It is a well deserved welcome for Wilko who has already shown he has the right attitude and love for older cameras although they were not Swedish made but Japanese built Pentax cameras from the fifties and sixties.

The 1000F he managed to buy at the last moment is a much above average one with a beautiful pancake Tessar and a shutter that still shows signs of life.
A good CLA will do wonders for this 1000F.

The film back is from the 1600F days which may be an invitation to look for one of those as well........



Wow....this brings back memories (vague memories, but still a hint of reality to them). I don't think any of mine ever had Swedish beauties from the 1950s (or even 1960s) on them however.

Look forward to seeing what you find Wilko! You will be sure to post some images from this roll, won't you?

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
Wow....this brings back memories (vague memories, but still a hint of reality to them). I don't think any of mine ever had Swedish beauties from the 1950s (or even 1960s) on them however.

Look forward to seeing what you find Wilko! You will be sure to post some images from this roll, won't you?

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

Of course posting depends on what Wilko finds as soon as the film is developed.....

I would like to say a well meant word of welcome for Wilko as the first new FUC member of 2009.



I will add my own words of congratulations.....great to see these classic Hassy's still being loved, used and in service. My oldest cameras are a pair of Nikon F2 bodies and assorted non-AI lenses. I'm beginning to feel like I'm not doing my part to keep the Hasselblad legend alive and well. I sense another camera buying opportunity here?

Ouch!! Argh! Ducking and running.....that would be me, dodging the blows and shoes thrown by my lovely wife of many years. :z04_whip2_1:

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska I sense another camera buying opportunity here?

Ouch!! Argh! Ducking and running.....that would be me, dodging the blows and shoes thrown by my lovely wife of many years. :z04_whip2_1:

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

The FUC is there for its members even in times of great distress. These problems are not uncommon.
It pleases me the FUC has developed a scheme that saves the marital status of members concerned and still allows for new investments in cameras from time to time.

Feel free to register and get all information on this special program.

The FUC is there for its members even in times of great distress. These problems are not uncommon.
It pleases me the FUC has developed a scheme that saves the marital status of members concerned and still allows for new investments in cameras from time to time.

Feel free to register and get all information on this special program.


Sign me up and send me the info.....especially on that scheme you have for saving my marriage when a FUC camera investment is contemplated and executed!

Application form

The application form is on its way to you.
Please fill in all sections especially the ones concerning earlier attempts to get away with newly bought camera equipment without being caught.

Although most methods are quite well known the FUC likes to add new ways to solve this often encountered problem.

To start with do not allow your PC/Mac to open the forum pages by itself. That is one of the most common reasons new purchases are found.

More about this as soon as the form is returned.
The application form is on its way to you.
Please fill in all sections especially the ones concerning earlier attempts to get away with newly bought camera equipment without being caught.

Oh, I've tried every trick in the book (known to me, anyways)....but eventually, she always finds out.

Although most methods are quite well known the FUC likes to add new ways to solve this often encountered problem.

I could use some new tactics and strategies!

To start with do not allow your PC/Mac to open the forum pages by itself. That is one of the most common reasons new purchases are found.

Good point....I learned this one the hard way.

More about this as soon as the form is returned.

I'm ready and willing, registration form will be returned ASAP.....assuming my wife isn't already a couple steps ahead of me.....reading these very words as I type them perhaps? :)

Double cost

Finally if all help fails simply add the same amount to the price you are paying for new gear and come to terms with the fact that being married doubles the price of new gear.

Twenty years ago I sold a guy a complete set of new bumpers, grille and other little chrome parts for his classic car.
This heap of shiny chrome was about 18.000 USD then.
No problem with one restriction: never tell my wife what I paid for it!
congratulations to your Hasselblad 1000 F. I am sure it will serve you well after having received some loving care. It requires indeed a specialist to service it. E.g. the common approach to take a set of screwdivers to take these cameras apart is of no help. But a bath in WD40 and some hammer/chisel/blowtorch/iron saw-treatment works wonder. When your camera has reached operational status you can contact me just in case you are looking for a 135 mm Sonnar.

I find it helps that Hasselblad cameras all look very similar. Just make sure that you do not display them all at once. So hiding a 1000 F or 1600 F is not much of a problem. Big troublemakers are these 200 series cameras with their blue stripes and big buttons and these commemorative models in gray, gold, blue etc. Or the zebra edition ...


I am considering painting my new 203FE in nice green camouflage colours.
That way it will not stand out in a crowd or in nature when I do some shooting there.
Jürgen is advised to skip this post. Too late I am afraid.

Wilko will not have a problem mixing the 1000F and his other gear.
He decided to buy all his cameras in nice black paint so the 1000F will be easy to recognise unless of course that one gets a black paint job....
please be more careful. Only because of Jürgen's health I have not yet realized the Tigerenten-Hasselblad with the remaining black 500 EL/M. (Picture by Thomas Kastens)



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please be more careful. Only because of Jürgen's health I have not yet realized the Tigerenten-Hasselblad with the remaining black 500 EL/M.


You should consider the "Razzle-dazzle" camouflage scheme they used on warships in WW2.

Congratulations Wilko - it seems in excellent order.

And I echo Paul's comments - welcome to the FUC. :)