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Questions from a newbie

> And please never say HASSI but name it as it is called : HASSELBLAD What a great name and product .
Ulrik had a good point in writing these names right. Next step would be right pronaunciation according to name's origin.

Kerkko K.
> I've started ebay searches using "Haselblad or Hassselblad" and gets > some good hits (ie low number of bidders) from time to time. It is > worth checking.
> You could also try hazelnut as search argument . Please stop that > jocking now and lets get serious again.
Let's start with "Rolleye".
When ei is used in the german language it is pronounced "I" as in Leica.(Goldstein=Goldstyne)When ie is used it is pronounced "e" (Bronstien - Bronsteen)
Well that's the way I was taught when I learned the language. Ulrik...any comment?