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Pro-Shade vs. Lens Hood for 250 CFi


Early Pro Shade p.n. 40231 wth mask for 250 C/CF lens.

Those were the days.....


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I am happy to announce that I found a lot of good information on lens shades in my copy of the Hasselblad Manual 4th edition starting on page 210. Even though I did not have any clue what I was doing I got lucky when I purchased the 6093T. The one I got is in mint condition and came with the Bay 60 adapter. I did find a Bay 50 adapter ring for it and I have 93mm on the way for the 50 2.8 What I did not get was any masks. I guess with some more reading I will find out if I need them. As I look at the 6093T there is a scale on the metal part that the bellows(ok correct me if I am wrong) slides on with markings for the F, C, and CF lenses These markings are also below the adapter ring so you can line them up with the scale on the slide for the proper focal length you are using.

Ok stupid question time.....

Are the gel type filters that get used with this shade the same type that I might use with my studio lights? If so then I am pretty much set.

BTW I have a converting ring in box that allow to fit 60 filter and hood on 50 bay.

The prize is one year subscription to this forum (on my name) shipping charge included.

Here are 3 current Shade choices I utilize with my Hasselblad lenses:

the standard hood, the Hasselblad Bellows shade, and the Lee Bellows shade.

For casual shooting it's simple to just go with the standard hood and take care when shooting ...

For bellows shade work I vastly prefer the Lee modular solution over the Hasselblad Bellows hood.

Primary reason is the inclusion of open filter slots to use 4" grads which can be slid up and down to fit your compositional requirements. The other reason is that I can use the same Bellows hood on all of my other different cameras by simply changing the adapter ring. Front masks can be added to the Lee like the Hasselblad ... and there is a very effective W/A solution from Lee which includes adapters that reverse back on themselves to help avoid vignetting.

Here are the 3 choices: (sorry for mounting the Hasselblad one upside down ...but I tend to adjust it with my right hand so it was a force of habit : -)


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Thanks, all - I'll follow Marc's advice and try the standard hood initially. Here's a snap of the new 250 CFi on my 501CM with the hood.


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