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Pro-Shade vs. Lens Hood for 250 CFi


Hi, all - I've just found a new 250 CFi courtesy of Ken Hansen Photo and I have a fixed lens hood in use on my 150 CFi (3040673 for 100mm to 250mm). Is there any specific advantage in using the Pro Shade instead of the fixed length hood? I see that the Pro Shade comes with a specific mask for the 250, so it makes me curious about the fixed hood performance.
Lens hoods are not a very well looked after subject with Hasselblad for lenses from the V series.
For the CF/CFE/CFi series there are three hoods: 38-60 mm, 80 mm and 100-250 mm.
The later 50 mm CFI has 70 mm bay. and has its own shade.

It follows that the 38-60 hood is efficient for the 38 mm and less good for the 50 and 60 mm lenses.
What happens when you use a hood suitable for a 100 mm lens on a 250 lens
I will leave for your imagination.

The best shade is a compendium. For some lenses a mask is necessary to ensure maximum effect.
There are masks for: 120/135/150 mm lenses, another for 250 lenses.
There were also masks for 350 and 500 mm lenses.

This concerns lenses with 60 mm bay.
Older C series lenses suffered from the same problem: to few hoods.
For these lenses the same goes. A compendium if necessary with masks is the best solution.
Thanks, Paul. Can anyone provide some brief comments on their experience using a Hassy Pro Shade on a 501/503?
Thanks for the shade discussion...It just ordered a 100-250...I was surprised that the 100-250 was only about $10 less expensive than the latest pro-shade in similar condition. I would have thought that the pro would be a lot more expensive.


A proshade is the best available solution , but not as handy as wanted .
Whenever I work from a tripod , I use the proshade , but when I have to be fast or need easy use , I just take the appropriate hood .
This , of course is independant of the type of camera .

A proshade is the best available solution , but not as handy as wanted .
Whenever I work from a tripod , I use the proshade , but when I have to be fast or need easy use , I just take the appropriate hood .
This , of course is independant of the type of camera .

I have found that if things are not easy to carry, I don't use them. I still have to "twist my arm" to carry a tripod. When I don't use a tripod, then I get home and look at 100%; then I say "idiot, why didn't you use a tripod".

As a follow-up, what are the differences, if any, between the pro shades 6093 vs 6095 (seems to be the latest version at B&H, Adorama, etc.)?
Thanks for the shade discussion...It just ordered a 100-250...I was surprised that the 100-250 was only about $10 less expensive than the latest pro-shade in similar condition. I would have thought that the pro would be a lot more expensive.


Sorry Steve, I did not edit your post just hit the wrong button.
I have done that before but will spare you what followed....

There are two chances: You are paying too much for the shade or the latest pro- shade was very very cheap.
If you think about a proshade go for the second model.
That has the advatage of a collapsible rail as against the first model that does not fold.
The construction of the second is stronger than the later all plastic one.


first model 40231


second model 40676


third model 6093

There is also a fourth design mainly intended for use with Fuji lenses for the H series.
That is the 6095 model more plastic and a larger opening to accomodate Fuji lenses.


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Nordin lists the 9063T as the last in the 9063 series..said it is improved over the 9063 but doesn't say how..A 9063 in ex condition is listed at KEH for $109, the latest 90656 new is ~$460.

Ah, the beauty of pictures - thanks much for the information, Paul! I found that the 6095 was significantly more expensive new ($431) than the 6093's I've seen.
The 6093 was about 350 USD but is no longer available.
Of course second hand supply is good.

There is a fifth compendium similar to the 40676, the last in the series.
It has part number 40726 and will accept 93 mm lenses.

The improvement of the 9063T over the 9063 was the "T". It must have stood for Tight. The 9063 never stayed extended. It slowly retracted back to the closed position. The 9063T stayed put when extended, a big improvement!
Hi Terry,

Since when have you got your numbers mixed up? :)

The last proshade for the V series was called 6093 T as in from 60 mm CF lenses till 93 mm.

The proshade that came after that one was the 6095 meant for H series lenses.



Three masks, bottom 120/135/150, top left 250, top right 250F/350CF/500CF


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The 6093 was about 350 USD but is no longer available.
Of course second hand supply is good.

There is a fifth compendium similar to the 40676, the last in the series.
It has part number 40726 and will accept 93 mm lenses.

I found a 6093 reasonably priced in LN condition on ebay. I also just bought the lens shade ring for the 6093 to use with my 50mm 2.8 F lens. I got it from Keh and I think they might have one left in new condition. These of course are discontinued and are only going to be available used if you can find them or until they sell out the last of the new stock. The part number for the Ring is 40746. If I remember right the new price I was quoted is $79 dollars.

I also just won Richard Nordin's book and its on the way to me and I hope it will answer many questions for me. I would like to understand more about the use of mask's and the benefits of using them. The guy I bought my 500 C/M body included a LINDAHL shade. It two slots in the front of where the lens mount for drop in filters. How does this shade compare to the 6093?

Hi Terry,

Since when have you got your numbers mixed up? :)

The last proshade for the V series was called 6093 T as in from 60 mm CF lenses till 93 mm.

The proshade that came after that one was the 6095 meant for H series lenses.


View attachment 353

Three masks, bottom 120/135/150, top left 250, top right 250F/350CF/500CF

Paul, maybe I do not understand here. Are you saying the 6093 T should not be used with Bay 50 lenses?

Thanks in advance,

Does the 6093T in fact work on Bay 60 CFi/CFe lenses? Were the bay mounts changed in the transition from CF style? Based on the discussions above, I think this is the last question for me to confirm before purchasing a 6093T. Thanks all for the info!

The proshade 6093T can take the following adapers .
6093/60 (3040741) , 6093/70 (3040744) and 6093/93 3040746) .

The 6093/60 usually came with the proshade , while the other two types had to be bought additionally . The 6093/93 is rather expensive .

I do not know if there are any other cross adatpers , but as soon as your front bajonet is a 60 or 70 (or 93) you can of course attach the 6093T .
Nothing is free with Hasselblad now.

The 6093 (T) came without an adapter.
Sales staff say of course we do not know which adapter you need.....

The old 40231 Proshade came with two adapters for B50 and 67 mm thread,
a set of masks and the angled release adapter.
The days of Victor Hasselblad that supplied these items as a complete kit are long gone.

BTW the plastic B60 adapter costs around 50 euro, the 70 mm is only 100 euro. The metal 93 mm sets you back 130 euro.

Most used Pro Shades are sold with the 60 mm adapter.


Have you seen the price for that flimsy little 50-60 adapter?
