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Planet V Hasselbladbs commitment to the V series

As you found out, the number of sensors you can obtain from a given size wafer varies rather drastically when sensor size varies.>

Perhaps you gentleman can define the differences, just yesterday I read about a digital microscope that has a 54meg sensor.


Did we first order a couple of thousands of CFV backs before Hasselblad decided to give us this thing?
I think they are capable of assessing the market opportunities (or should be), and 'take a risk'.>


My point is that if you want it now they need a reason to produce it now. This is a small group even if all the the 3434 members purchased a large sensor V back, it would not be enough to influence any company to make the investment. Currently the masses have moved to the H system and the H system is performing very well. So, without the power to influence we will have to wait and hope that competition will be the compelling factor to produce a large sensor back. BTW-none of us could influence 3000 good friends to pony-up, even if you had them.

Also, if this forum was surveyed about purchasing a $15,000 back, including those that just read-I think the numbers would be drastically less than 3434. My guess would be less than 6% would actually pay-up.

As for the CFV sometimes companies produce a product to find out if they can sustain a product line and show customer loyalty . The CFV has sold as fast as they can produce them, but at the same time they have discontinued numerous V line products.
Yes, we have to remember that the CFV back is for Hasselblad V cameras only. They are not like a 16 meg Phase One back than can be purchased for a number of different camera platforms including V cameras, H cameras, Mamiya cameras, and Contax 645.

"I read about a digital Microscope sensor with 54 megs"

... but what physical size was the sensor itself? For ex&le, the Kodak 22 meg and 39 meg sensors are both the same physical size. Just more pixels packed into the same area. Did it say the microscope sensor was square? And if so what size was it?

I take your point.
But the same reasoning would have applied when considering to produce and market the current CFV.
They apparently thought there was a market, and went with that thought (no 'up front security'. They're entrepreneurs, aren't they?).

The way things progress, value-for-money wise, in the digital field, i don't see why a 48 mm (or even 56 mm) sensor would be a very different proposition. The possible extra costs (if any) will be more than balanced against the greater appeal a "full frame" thingy has.

(The size of this, our group is, of course, of little or no importance. How does it relate to the size of a potential market? Do you know? I certainly don't.)

The CFV was a good device to test the water. If this one indeed proved profitable, it's time to bring on the 'Serious One'.

And ever since the CFV appeared, people have discussed the sensor size, hoping for a bigger one. More "reason" to start selling the 'Bigger One'.


Thanks for the info.
I still can't get past the log-in applet.

All I know that this is from Keyence and I understand they are an industrial company.

[ Quick Guide ]
Learn the Secrets to Successful Application of the Latest Digital

Specific case studies show the benefits of using state-of-the-art 54
million pixel 3CCD mode digital microscopes. Don't delay implementing
the latest technology in your lab - download this informative guide now!

>>> Read More


3 CCD 54 MP.
Sounds like 3 16 MP sensors in a RGB configuration (though it would be 6 MP short of 54 MP).
It is true "the masses" have moved to the H system and I'm sure F&H, Rollei, Sinar and Leaf did a market research before comitting to the Hy6.
This is what I believe:
Hasselblad will come with a bigger sensor CFV. Bigger but far from FF. Something between 42 and 48 square. That will be all. They would not be interested in making the V system more atractive than that. The V system tooling is well paid. The H system tooling most likely is not. If Hasselblad eventually becomes interested in designing a modern 6X6 like the Hy6, it will be after they break even with the H. I think they will first come with a digital Xpan before they think of bigger formats.

The Hy6 is a serious challenge to Hasselblad supremacy and they know it. Most likely when the MF sensor making matures, Mamiya, Hasselblad and The F&H&R&S&L joint enterprise will be more or less profitable.

I foresee a market where F&H&R&S&L will be the king of 6X6, Hasselblad in 645 and Mamiya doing both. The Japanese traditionally had more luck implementing new techniques and applying them with less cost and in less time. This will enable Mamiya to do both sectors of the upper-end digital photography manufacturing.

All speculation of course, but to me a very possible scenario.
The H- and V-Systems (largely) do not appeal to the same people, for the same purpose.
Just like M-Leicas and Nikon F5s appeal(ed) to different people for different reasons/use.

And people having their reasons to remain with the V-System (and not contribute to the paying of H-System tooling) would like a decent digital option too. (Just like Leica M users like their digital option).
So there's money to be earned serving this (potentially huge) market.
No reason to hold back, hoping to push people towards the H-System.

By the way: i think the Hy6 has a lot of promise. But it still very much is a "wait and see" thing. (Unlike the millions of V-System cameras still 'out there') it has yet to find its way on the market, and try to establish itself, grab some market share.

A serious challenge, or even a threat? Possibly. But certainly not yet.
It still can go the same way things like the (earlier) Sinar 'back-carrier' went.