I take your point.
But the same reasoning would have applied when considering to produce and market the current CFV.
They apparently thought there was a market, and went with that thought (no 'up front security'. They're entrepreneurs, aren't they?).
The way things progress, value-for-money wise, in the digital field, i don't see why a 48 mm (or even 56 mm) sensor would be a very different proposition. The possible extra costs (if any) will be more than balanced against the greater appeal a "full frame" thingy has.
(The size of this, our group is, of course, of little or no importance. How does it relate to the size of a potential market? Do you know? I certainly don't.)
The CFV was a good device to test the water. If this one indeed proved profitable, it's time to bring on the 'Serious One'.
And ever since the CFV appeared, people have discussed the sensor size, hoping for a bigger one. More "reason" to start selling the 'Bigger One'.
Thanks for the info.
I still can't get past the log-in applet.