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Phase One P25+

Just dug ot the's not a is an H-25, which works great with any of the 500 series motor testing on the 500 EL/M as we speak...I'll let you know how it works out. I think it is the same basic back (P-25 and H-25)...If I remember right, the P-25 is capable of multiple images, good for focus stacking.
Okay let me know.
To me, the fact that using a Phase One P25 on a Hasselblad 500 EL/M is way slower than any of my APS-C format digital cameras is part of the appeal. :)

I only have a waist level finder for the Hasselblad. For exposure, I can go with sunny f/11 when the sun is out. For trickier light, I use a Samsung NX1100 with18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 as a light meter and image previewer. This slows down the process even more, but such is life. A metering prism might be a good idea...